I hope you have voted or will vote on Tuesday. Some of the facebook posts have become toxic; ignore them if you can. Public appearances and written statements have convinced me more than before that David Smith is a better person for the job than Ms. Conroy. And that is what we are voting for...the best person for the job. He simply has a better grasp of the problems and possible solutions. Ms. Conroy has mostly ignored talking about the major problems that face the city and hence has offered little in the way of solutions or the way forward. The caustic Ms. Giacomino just isn't up to it either. She hasn't detailed much about problems either. She also has been the recipient of a complaint about unsanitary conditions in the neighborhood due to her five dogs.
Bisbee vote center has been relocated to the Board of Supervisors Hearing Room, bldg. G, at 1415 Melody Lane.
It was suggested to the Mayor by the iBisbee committee that the Mayor or Mayor elect hold a 'listening' session for businesses. Since Better Bisbee and the Bisbee Chamber folded, there is no business organization that has the authority (or unity) to speak for the business community. And although there are activities by various businesses banding together, there has been no initiative to form a biz org. (Local First has been doing good things and may help that process, but it is not at a point where it is at all representative.). It has become imperative, in my view, that an opportunity be created where city officials listen to the concerns, ideas, and open channels of communication with the business community.
Am still having some difficulty including raw stats so have left them off again with the exception of home sales. If included it makes an email too long and I get a bounce. I can send to you individually if interested.
I've wanted to expand the Wire and have finally begun having someone working on a website, we'll see how long it takes. Hopefully this will get rid of the hassles I have had with gmail and sending the newsletter. This will allow for pics, graphics, and maybe even a regular cartoon. Will keep you posted.
And as usual if you know someone that might be interested in the Wire, please let them know about it. And if you want to stop getting the wild eyed lefty crap and remain in ignorance about the stuff going on in the city...tough you're stuck forever. Oh no! I mean just send me an unsubscribe.
Special session ThursdayAugust 30 5:01 pm
Supes Building G 1415 Melody Lane
background here:
1. Discussion and Possible Approval of a Park, Facility and Right of Way Use Permit for the Use of City Park for the Blues in Bisbee to Benefit Easterseals Blake Foundation on Saturday, September 8, 2018 from 6:00AM to 11:00PM and to have access to the Park on Friday, September 7, 2018 at 5:00PM to park a trailer.
Ashlee Coronado, City Clerk
2. Discussion and Possible Approval of a Special Event Liquor License Application submitted by Easterseals Blake Foundation for an event to be held at City Park, 60 Brewery Ave, Bisbee, AZ on Saturday, September 8, 2018 from 9:00AM to 11:00PM, Dina Scalone; Applicant
Ashlee Coronado, City Clerk
3. Discussion and Possible Approval to purchase a Digital Controller and Protection Boxes for the Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Probes from HATCH, the Manufacturer. Dwayne Wallace, Interim Operations Manager
4. Discussion and Possible Recommendations regarding City Hall Building Options; Discussion to include Fire Insurance Update. Robert Smith, City Manager and David M. Smith, Mayor
31 Beaux abruptly closed their location on Subway St this past weekend and have relocated to the Quarry.
The annual Garden tout hosted by the Bisbee Bloomers features yards in the Spring Canyon/Mason Hill neighborhoods . Tix are $15 available day of the event at Grassy Park/Farmers Market or beforehand at Finder Keepers/High Desert Market/Library. A pop up art show at SamPoe Gallery will have the paintings of the Plein Air folks capturing gardens on the tour and other outdoor spots around town; 6-8 pm. Info for all at 520 462-4232.
Well this was fast...Easter Seals (gad haven't hear of them for years, a brief history is here: http://www.easterseals.com/blakefoundation/who-we-are/history/) stepped up after they heard that some local folks were trying to get some blues thing going with local businesses. So a production company was hired, the pub put out, website up in a very short time. The Bisbee Blues Festival was cancelled due to the turmoil at the Bisbee Radio Project earlier in the year. So Blues is live and well in September.
Here is the PR:Easterseals Blake Foundation is proud to present the 1st Annual Blues in Bisbee Festival! Saturday, September 8th 11am - 10 pm. A $15 tickie gets you all day access to City Park in Old Bisbee, featuring award-winning artisan beers from Old Bisbee Brewing Company, 12 bands and headlining acts including: home town fave Roman Barten-Sherman, Bad News Blues Band, The Jacks Band, Tom Walbank, Craig Green Band, Ruckus, and Diane Van Deurzen-Otey Lisa Van Deurzen-Otey. Go here for information; http://bluesinbisbee.com/...(520) 327-1529...info@bluesinbisbee.com and here for tix www.brownpapertickets.com/event/3597852 or Old Bisbee Brewing.
Sterling and Eva are new partners in, and operators of, the Jonquil Motel. Moving from Seattle where Sterling was an adventure motorcycle filmmaker and Flagstaff where Eva was an event planner, they aim to improve the garden area behind the motel to use for special events (weddings, music, parties, etc.) The historic property has been serving customers since 1936.
ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION Entity Name: PATISSERIE JACQUI LLC 74 Main Street Owner: Jacqueline Ayd Oatman
The print stich building on Arizona st. was bought by Chiricahua and is being remodeled to open to the public as a pharmacy. Not date, but before the end of the year. They are also remodeling offices across the street on Arizona and will at some point do a large remodel of the clinic at Arizona/Ruppe.
(Edited from Dr. Robert Carreira, Chief Economist Center for Economic Research weekly press release. www.CochiseEconomy.com City data from Jen Luria/Viz Center, Joe Ward/building inspector, Housing from Bob Klein)
I've included the stats of the housing market which has continued steady sales through the summer. And although there was only one additional house sold this July, the prices of the houses were about $300k more. I think there may have been a typo in days on the market in July/2017 at 108, that would be an anomaly. The average days listed on market (adl) in July/2018 was about 20-30 days more than past months this year which could indicate higher prices, houses in worse condition, fewer houses in OB, or ???? In any case moving wood continues.
Building permits were just about the same as last summer but the commercial sector was $45K more last than this year. The commercial sector languishes, an anemic 3 permits for a couple of grand. Likely the remodel/upgrade sector will continue to have strong growth as the housing sector remains robust. I suspect that the strong remodel/upgrade sector (hardware, lumber etc) may be concealing weak retail sales from stores in OB. No way to prove that though cept anecdotally.
Mine tours were down about 150 peeps from last July, a continuing trend from the Spring, but Viz Center was up a few. The VIO continues to show monthly increases in visitation.
National Park visitation continues modest growth for Chiricahua. Hopefully will have time to find out what is happening with Coronado which has huge drop in visitation.
And Sales reporting continues to be all over the place. for instance a 176% change in lodging over last year? I believe that the data entered was incorrect cause it makes no sense. According to the state figures (compiled by the Center for Economic Research) there was about $550,000 more taken in this May than last ($867,657 to $313,500). Restaurant/bar sales appear to be not entered correctly because there is a $800k difference ($196,959 to $1,060,472). Strains the brain trying to figure out how all that happened.
Something has to be done about the sales stats, but I know not what. It is the most important month to month indication of economic health and yet we have wild swings in stats comparing months. This began when the State, under Dog Dicey, cut many jobs from ADR and stopped supplying city data to the public. Sales released to the public are only for counties. that has meant that Dr. Carreria has had to call each city and get their sales tax info and that has resulted in a month's delay on top of the two months to tabulate the differences in money spent, money collected. Since tax information for businesses is proprietary information, the city treasurer may only give out lump sums relayed by the State.