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editor: fred miller November 15, 2021 Bisbee Wire/#19November 2021


Add the Convention Center to the five other historic properties for sale. Resilient Bisbee continues to evolve. Rather than the sky falling, as a few peeps seem to think, there are continuing opportunities to build on the past while creating new. Change is inevitable, but how it is handled is key. Sit on the sidelines kvetching and you'll get a sore throat. Ground your dreams in reality, speak your ideas, organize, and you and the city will be better off.

This is a big fockin deal! The infrastructure bill finally passed. It is a large accomplishment because it will go to finally rebuild the crumbling infrastructure that dems and rpubs have neglected for years. Details are below.

Corporations took a muted stance on the bill simply because it was needed, the heavy hitters will make bank, and they didn't have to pay for it. However it was predictable that not one AZ republican congressperson voted for it. The Republicans have become a party of repugnicans; silent on the things that are meaningful and loquacious about conspiracies and violence. They have become the party of loonies; they are against everything, offer nothing. However if they continue with their odious opposition to vaccinations, red will be dead-as noted below.

The coming (hopefully) Build Back Better bill contains many more social net strengtheners that will directly affect working people, retirees, parents, and students. It is an ambitious (but not nearly as first proposed) attempt to close the wealth gap, as it were. Time for KSinema to woman up! As usual not a repugnican in sight. Oh wait! I forgot Ted Cruz's railing against that communist Big Bird. Sigh.

Warning! If you are easily or even moderately offended by football talk and sexual references please do not read this.

Just when you thought it couldn't get weirder...thoughtful quarterback for the Green Bay Packers, Aaron Rogers, (think jeopardy host not Mr. Rogers) lied about being vaccinated. He purposefully skirted a direct question and said he was immunized. Then he got covid and it came out that he was in fact not vaccinated. Then he explained he got medical advice and information from podcaster Joe Rogan. Then he used an MLK quote about objecting to immoral rulesto justify his actions. Then he lost a game when he couldn't play. Then nobody asked him if he is vaccinated now.

Medical adviser, comedian, and libertarian, Rogan recently treated his covid infection with monoclonal antibodies, vitamin drip, and invermectin (see below for the shaky science) that is also used to de-worm horses and other animals-draw your own conclusion about his medical regime.

The bombastic Mr. Rogan, recently shocked his audience (and listners I suspect) by revealing that he could fellate himself! Whoa! In case you didn't get it...In street vernacular, the man said he could suck his own dick! This astounding feat did three things; it raised the hope of women everywhere that it might catch on and relieve them of what is often an ardous and demanded task, second it caused great joy to many of his followers-men wearing backward baseball hats that haven't yet gotten hip to the fact they are no longer boys-because now they could 'do' themselves and no longer had to be scorned by women, and third it gave yoga teachers a great marketing hook to males; "Downward Dog; the yoga challenge for men". Whatta world!

Although they are succeeding at keeping it a secret, the Women's Club seems to be having a chair and art auction this thanksgiving weekend. It may or may not be virtual or in-person. I tried to find out place and time, to no avail. The traditional home tour has been cancelled.

The Bisbee Saturday Market is doing well and growing; A few more produce vendors, a few more craftspeople, more peeps using recycling. The music is excellent and there will be two new picnic tables for your sitting pleasure courtesy of Shannon/Jerry Roberts, and Doug Stanhope. Anita and I pitched in for the paint and public works assembled and painted them. I think they will be ready Saturday. Hope you can make it.


REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday Nov.16, 2021 AT 7:00 PM 915 S. Tovreaville Rd.

Background here: Of interest: #1 How your dough is being spent #1C Partial closure of Brewery Av. in the Gulch for a motorcycle event and street party in March for 'Old Shit Rules', the organizer is from Sierra Vista. All parking and the southern part of the street would be closed on a Saturday. The north part of the street would remain open for one way traffic. #3 If you would like to know what the old high school is being rezoned for, go here for all the detail. #4 He's a poet, did you know it? For $500, he'll show it #5 A short history of Warren, the city beautiful, on a kiosk (Maybe an historic memorial or something more accurate than a kiosk?) in Vista Park is a good thing. (full a board member of the Bisbee Foundation that donated some of the funds for this project, I voted for it. No wonder I'm for it!) #8 It looks as if the city is gifted this vehicle through a grant and the money does not come from the PD operating budget. #9 There are no details about what will be considered in executive session about a Sandra Michel claim. AGENDA INVOCATION: A Moment of Silence






1. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: Subject to availability of funds

  1. Approval of the Consent Agenda

    1. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Session of the Mayor and Council held on October 5, 2021.

  1. Approval of the Resignation of Joan Reichel from the Library Advisory Board.

  2. Approval of a Park, Facility, and Right-of-Way Use Permit for Old Shit Rules for the Use of the Brewery Gulch Area for their Back to Basics Event to be held Starting on Friday, March 18, 2022 at 11:59pm and Ending on Sunday, March 20, 2022 at 11:59am; this includes set-up and break down.

  3. Approval of an Application for an Extension of Premises/Patio Permit submitted by Electric Brewing for an Event to be held at 1326 W. Highway 92 #7, Bisbee, Arizona on Sunday, November 21, 2021; Joseph Charles Fredrickson, Applicant

  4. Approval of an Application for a Special Event License Application submitted by Bisbee Pride Inc. for an Event to be held at Club Kilimanjaro, located at 33 Subway Street, Bisbee, Arizona; Ramon Garcia, Applicant.


3. Discussion and Possible Approval of Ordinance O-21-17; to Rezone APN 103-62-025, 103-62-027 and 103-62-025B; 100 Clawson Avenue owned by Cochise County, From R-1 to CM-2.

Doug Taylor, City Planner


4. Discussion and Possible Approval of the Recommendation from the Bisbee Arts Commission to Fund a Grant Application for Ken Boe in the Amount of $500.00 from the Bisbee Arts Commission Fund.

Leslie Johns, Council Liaison for the Bisbee Arts Commission

5. Discussion and Possible Acceptance of a Donation of an Informational Kiosk from the Bisbee Foundation to the City of Bisbee to be placed in Vista Park.

Ashlee Coronado, City Clerk

6. Discussion and Possible Approval of the Fifth Amendment to the Agreement for the Sale and Purchase of Reclaimed Water between the City of Bisbee and Freeport-McMoRan Corporation.

Stephen J. Pauken, City Manager

7. Discussion and Possible Approval of a Notice of Intent to Adopt Ordinance O-21-19; Authorizing the Recording of a certain Quit Claim Deed to Humberto “Teak” Macedo and Lilliana Macedo to correct the failure to record a deed from 1916.

Joe Estes, City Attorney

8. Discussion and Possible Approval to allow the Bisbee Police Department to purchase fully police package 2021 Chevrolet 1500 Black & White 4x2 Pickup using the awarded grant from the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety in the amount of $55,399.56 from Folsom Chevrolet.

Albert B. Echave, Chief of Police

9. Possible Approval of a motion to go into Executive Session for the following matters:

1. An executive session pursuant to A.R.S.§ 38-431.03(A) (3) for discussion or consultation with the City Attorney to provide legal advice on a Notice of Claim from Sandra Michel.

Joseph Estes, City Attorney

10. City Manager's Report:

  • Other Current events (No Discussion)

COUNCIL COMMENTS OR FUTURE AGENDA ITEM SUGGESTIONS: (Council members may suggest topics for future meeting agendas, but Council will not here discuss, deliberate or take any action on these topics.)


BYE BYE CABLE ONE Effective Dec. 31, 2021, Sparklight will discontinue offering residential email service in your area. As a result, email accounts provided by Sparklight ( will need to be transitioned to a new email provider prior to that date. Customers with an existing Sparklight email address who would like to save their email messages, must select a new email provider and export their contacts and any emails they wish to save from their Sparklight email account no later than Dec. 30, 2021. Any emails left in your Sparklight email account with a email address as of Dec. 31, 2021 will be permanently deleted and unrecoverable. ........... CONVENTION CENTER BUILDING FOR SALE $2,500,000 Add it to the other 5 historic buildings for sale...2 Main Street is the cornerstone building of Old Bisbee. Built in 1938 by Del Webb, it originally housed the retail shops for Phelps Dodge Corporation. Now, it is the center of downtown with 2 anchor restaurants, winetasting, an art gallery, small market, bookstore, radio station, various offices and more. Currently 14 businesses occupy the 31,000+ sq.ft. building (including basement). Property includes 40 parking spaces. see the listing here:

...........RECYCLING NEW HOURS EFFECTIVE 11/15 OB/Sowles (by St. Johns) 7:00-11:00 Monday & Wednesday Warren Vista Park (east side) 7:00-11:00 Tuesday & Thursday Bisbee Saturday Market/Vista Park 8:00-1:00 County Transfer Station in Bisbee 100 S Tovreaville Road Monday - Saturday 7:30 AM - 3:00PM Questions? 520-432-1203 Bisbee Public Works? 520-432-1203 520- 432-6002 .............. CITY JOBS COB RECYCLING COORDINATOR FULL AND PART TIME Go here for info: Bisbee Seniors Association seeks an Executive Director to oversee planning, fundraising, marketing, community outreach, and implementation of programs contact ..............Bisbee Community Chorus singing again! Small Town Christmas Saturday, November 27. 12-2 p.m. Copper Queen Library Balcony. Community Sing Along Saturday, December 4. 5-6 p.m. Presbyterian Annex. (SEATING IS LIMITED). Christmas Concert Saturday, December 18. 5-6 p.m. Presbyterian Annex SEATING IS LIMITED Friends of the Library Reception Copper Queen Library Tuesday, December 21. 4-5 p.m. No charge, donations accepted ............... attention motorists...HWY 90 TRAFFIC RESTRICTIONS FOR ROAD REPAIR Motorists traveling State Route 90 between Village Loop (milepost 290) and Post Ranch Road (milepost 294) in Cochise County should plan for intermittent lane restrictions and delays Monday, Nov. 15, through Friday, Dec. 3, for crack sealing work. Traffic restrictions are scheduled in both directions between 7 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Mondays through Fridays. One lane will remain open at all times and the speed limit will be reduced to 35 mph. No work is scheduled Thursday, Nov. 25 (Thanksgiving Day), and Friday, Nov. 26. ............. REDISTRICTING COMMITTEE TAKES TO THE ROAD; WRANGLING OVER MAPS There is some verbal tussling going on in the redistricting committee. Most does not involve us, although there is some movement to change Bisbee's LD. Read about it here: There are two maps that determine voting districts for state and national offices; one is is the congressional districts (CD) and the second state legislative district (LD).They are somewhat different in their boundries. CD-6 which is composed of northern and eastern Tucson, Cochise County and parts of Graham Greenlee and Pinal Counties is one of the most competitive districts in AZ with it being repped tween repubs and dems ove the three decades.Currently Ann Kirkpatrick-D is the rep, she is retiring and the race to replace her as begun. There are three positions in our legislative district; 2 reps and 1 senator. There is pressure from the Latino Coalition to take Douglas and Bisbee from LD-19 and include them in LD-21, a district stretching west from Tucson west of I-19 to Nogales. So far the that has not happened. But... The final draft maps are done. There will be a 30 day 'listening' tour by the 5 member committee before the maps are finalized. Go here for details: Maps here: ................ TRAINING CENTER PLANNED BY CHIRICAHUA One of the many reasons to get the Build Back Better Bill passed is because it will have funds for a rural health clinic training center in the Warren district. Plans are in place for their pharmacy building on Arizona St. to house a workforce training facility for rural workers.


The preliminary figures for spending allocations in Arizona for the infrastructure bill that was passed earlier in November are below. More detailed information will be available in the coming month. This is a huge benefit to Arizona. For instance the Bisbee airport stands to get as much as $500k. Douglas port of entry will share $500 million with San Luis. The hoped for Hwy 80 Electric Highway Benson/Tombstone/Bisbee/Douglas/ Wilcox could be a reality in the next few years as $76 million is dedicated to a electric charging network throughout AZ. Some of the federal highway money should also be applied here in the county. And Bisbee should be able to get some infrastructure repair money. Arizona’s allocation Over five years:

  • $5 billion federal highway apportioned programs

  • $225 million for bridge repair

  • (Arizona can also compete for the $12.5 billion Bridge Investment Program for economically significant bridges and nearly $16 billion of national funding in the bill dedicated for major projects .)

  • $884 million over five years under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to improve public transportation options across the state.

  • $76 million over five years to support the expansion of an EV charging network in the state. Arizona will also have the opportunity to apply for the $2.5 billion in grant funding dedicated to EV charging in the bill.

  • $100 million to help provide broadband coverage across the state, including providing access to the at least 353,000 Arizonans who currently lack it. Additionally 1,756,000 or 24% of people in Arizona will be eligible for the Affordability Connectivity Benefit,

  • $619 million over five years to improve water infrastructure across the state and ensure clean, safe drinking water

  • $348 million for airport infrastructure development over five years


HOW THE GOV COUNTS COVID DEATHS ............ THE SHODDY SCIENCE OF IVERMECTIN (or is a horse de-wormer the way to create herd immunity?) ............ RED STATES BECOMING DEAD STATES A death gap has emerged due to the Trump virus. The gap is widening as more people have died in 'red' states than in 'blue' states. All kinds of reasons but aniti-vax propaganda, macho posturing, and freedom without responsibility has a lot to do with it. Read about it here: ............THE DISINFORMATION DOZEN These are the main spreaders of lies and baseless science.


TREE WISE MEN (tree service)

PANE IN THE GLASS (replacement service for doors and windows)



BRITISH HAIRWAYS (gents hairdressing salon)

IRON MAIDEN (ironing service)

SEW IT SEAMS (alterations)

CASH 22 (quick financing)

CURL UP AND DYE (hair salon)

ABBRA KEBABRA (kebab restaurant)

THE ROLLING CONES (ice cream truck)

SURELOCK HOMES (locksmith)

LINO RICHIE (flooring)



BIN AND TONIC (garbage pick-up)

SPRUCE SPRINGCLEAN (commercial cleaning)

MELON CAULI (grocerer)

FLORIST GUMP (flowers)

JAMICAN ME HUNGRY (caribe cuisine)

HAIRY POP-INS (pet nannies)

HARRIS ON FORD (ford repair shop)



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