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editor: fred miller December 31, 2021 Wire/#21/2021


Sweet Yaysus this is long. My fingers are tired. Whatsapoorbooytodo? the firehose of information for your end of year reading.

I don't sum up the year, you can do that easy enough, however I did include dave barry below and his take on the year.

A roundup this isn't, but.. to steal this wonderful sentence from whom I can't remember: I have never seen so many people so relentlessly misinformed.

To wit, we are well underway-right out in the open in front of god and everybody-to an actual practicing authoritarian political party taking political power. While not fascist in the historical sense, we truly may be in a protofacscist stage with a fat/old/ugly megalomanic at the head (or maybe the butt might be more accurate), intolerance and intimidation as their base operating routine, ignorance as their policy arm, and violence as an enforcement mechanism. Republican conservatives are no longer. Democrats are no longer dealing with rational people willing to do 'good' for their constituents, but people willing to sabotage democracy for short term power and financial gain.

And then there is the multi delusional anti-vaxxers, not always the same as the above, who seem to wrongly think that personal freedom has no social responsibility. I have now accepted the fact that the pandemic is thinning the US gene pool in a good way...but in the process is killing innocent peeps who just need to get their illnesses and broken bodies repaired but can't because of the monopolization of medical services of the dimwits.

Now let me tell you what I really think....

It is bittersweet nights at the bar as I wrap up 27 years at Cafe Roka. Many peeps have stopped by with sweet sentiments and memories. It has been gratifying to be part of bringing cheer, happiness, amazement, contentment, thankfulness and more, to so many people. Working at Roka has been satisfying not only because there is instant feedback on how I was doing my job, but more importantly it has enable me to to help people; one of the core principles that guide my life.

I've been fortunate that I have had Anita, a partner that has been understanding as well as supportive, fiercely protective as well as compassionate. She has enabled me to be a better person-as quite a few people have pointed out!

See ya in the new year.



MIMOSA MARKET BE GONE ON 1/1/22 From an statement (edited) by Barbara and Ralph... We will be closing January 1, 2022 so that we can take some time off to deeply clean and re-organize the store.There will still be “BREAD IN THE DRIVEWAY” on Saturdays 9AM to Noon even after we are closed. We have no plans to sell the store at this time. (contrary to popular opinion) We may re-open in a different form. We are exploring all of our options. We love living here and there is nowhere else we would rather be if possible. ............... CAN'T GETSUM BURGERS THEY ALREADY BE GONE The owners of the short lived open air burger place stated they wanted to concentrate on their other business and they would have difficulty meeting the city's new mobile food vendor regs in 2022. ............... KBRP STATION DIRECTOR: HE BE GONE TOO This is a edited statement by KBRP Board of Directors "The Board of Directors of Bisbee Radio Project, Inc. has decided to allow Mark Moran’s 6-month contract for administrative, programming and oversight services to expire at the end of December 2021. Moran, proprietor of Moran Productions, established robust connections with the Copper Queen Library and the Herald-Review news organization, among other partners, and instituted regular local news, sports and interview programs for broadcast. Nearly all of Mark’s work for the radio station was accomplished remotely from his home in Mesa, as unforeseen circumstances prevented him from traveling to Bisbee except for occasional visits...." I couldn't tell from the website, but they may be looking for new board members, go here for info: ........... COPPER QUEEN HOTEL NOT BE GONE Apparently past dough owed was paid and the hotel was removed the day before auction. It is remains open for business. This is from several sources, although I was unable to verify with the owner. There is a persistent unconfirmed rumor that the guy buying buildings in Douglas, including the Gadsden Hotel, has been interested. Where o where is the peeps that own the Congress in Tucson????? ............ LOS HERMANOS MEXICAN FOOD: THEY BE COMIN Los Hermanos Mexican Food is opening at 123 Arizona St., the site of the former Beto's across from the demolished city hall. They have house made chorizo and barbacoa in addition to many vegan options. Open Wednesday through Saturday 9-8 pm. In a facebook post they said they will be tweaking the hours as business dictates and for those vegans "...for all of those amazing vegan customers worried about meat and vegan coming out of the kitchen, our goal is to provide food for the entire town, my partner and I are STRICT vegans and any efforts to have absolutely no cross contamination will be maximized" One of the owners was a partner in On The Vedge, the much missed vegan joint in OB. Give'm a try. ................ WARREN RESIDENTS THEY BE COMIN TOGETHER!First meeting JANUARY 13, 6:30 B&G CLUB AT 405 ARIZONA ST. "Warren residents, business and property owners are invited to the inaugural meeting - of what is hoped to become monthly gatherings - to bring neighbors of the historic Warren community together to celebrate our own unique neighborhood, its history & architecture, the talents, strengths and diversity of those who reside here. Let’s dare to dream and share our ideas about what Historic Warren can be with the collective energy of like-minded residents and business owners...." ........... CITIZEN ENGAGEMENT BEYOND VOTING THEY BEEN IN BISBEE Contessa's was the scene for the meet and greet. .

.......... THEY BE LOOKIN FOR DOUGH; OLD HIGH SCHOOL UP FOR SALE Cochise County has listed the 1914 building for sale. The formidable 44,000+ sq. ft, is listed 'as is' condition at $900,000. There is a permanent Historic Preservation Easement to protect the historic exterior of the building. The change in zoning to mixed commerical use CM-2 that allows for multi use may be an added inducement for a sale. ........... CANDID PHOTOS AKA MUG SHOTS...THEY BE IN THE JAIL If you go here on the left side of the page there are hot links to; a list of current inmate, and mug shots of current inmates. ...........

BISBEE BE IN THE PARK CITY UTAH NOOZ It's weird that people who visit Bisbee for a minute draw instant conclusions about what our city is or isn't or could be or could not be. Says more about them than anything bout Bisbee. ........... SKY ISLAND FAUNA FOTO; THEY BE CAUGHT IN THE ACT While not strictly Bisbee, we have a share of some of the same critters that you see here. Check out the cameral network in the mountains to see what's moving in the hood.


Of Interest:

#1 How your money is being spent.

#2 Good way to catch up on what the council has decided on your behalf as the minutes are up for approval. Also up is 3, myself included, are up for approval for the Board of Adjustments. (Someone told me I was applying for the Bored of the Unsatisfied with other board decisions...)

#3 Last chance to comment on new mobile food vendors regs.

#9 AZtraCS, the accident reporting and criminal software used by police agencies in AZ, needs an upgrade. This is no cost to the city. When the police and or a trooper stop you because of gong 80 mph around the pit and tell you why they stopped you and go back to their car to fiddle with something, this is the system they fiddle with and use to see your driving habits and registeration, while you fume in your car muttering I only was doing 72.

#10 This property swap, the city and Bisbee Vogue, is to pave the way ha! ha!, for an electrical vehicle charging stations-put in by APS-in front of BV. Many were people, well 3 or 4, were outraged on facebook-imagine that!-whining about the turn barrier coming onto Tombstone from Clawson. This is the reason. (I suspect within two years, there can truly be marketing about an Hwy 80 being not only an historical highway, but an electric highway running from Benson through T, B, D and up to Wilcox.)

#11 The CM sums it up and reports on ongoing stuff

#12 Possible exec session for legal advice about "the Harris matter." Jeffery Harris is a litigious resident who sued the city for something. This is one of the things he sued about and the council is going to talk about it and do something about it. But they gotta do it behind closed doors cause's legal stuff.


INVOCATION: A Moment of Silence




““During the proper time on the agenda, taxpayers or residents of the city, or their authorized representatives, may address the council on any matter concerning the City’s business or any matter over which the council has control (oral presentations shall not be repetitious and shall be confined to 3 minutes’ maximum duration.)” Ordinance O-91-29. Comments on matters on the agenda are to be made at the time the Council considers the item. The Council may not discuss or take legal action on a matter raised during the call to the public. Council’s response is limited to responding to criticism, asking staff to review a matter commented upon, or asking that a matter be placed on a future agenda if the matter is not already on the agenda. Arizona Revised Statute (“A.R.S.”) § 38-431.01(H).



1. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: Subject to availability of funds

2. Approval of the Consent Agenda

  1. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Session of Mayor and Council held on October 19, 2021.

  2. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Session of Mayor and Council held on November 2, 2021.

  3. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Session of Mayor and Council held on November 16, 2021

  4. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Session of Mayor and Council held on December 7, 2021.

  5. Approval of the Resignation of Peter Von Gundlach from the Board of Adjustment.

  6. Approval of the Appointment of Tyler Bradberry to the Board of Adjustment with a Waiver for Residency Requirement.

  7. Approval of the Appointment of William Higgins to the Board of Adjustment with a Waiver for Number of Commission Memberships currently served.

  8. Approval of the Appointment of Fred Miller to the Board of Adjustment.

  9. Approval of a Special Event Liquor License Application submitted by the Friends of Warren Ballpark for an Event to be held at Warren Ballpark located at 300 Ruppe Avenue, Bisbee, Arizona on Saturday, April 2, 2022 and Sunday, April 3, 2022 from 8:00am to 7:00pm each day, Judy Anderson, Applicant.


3. Discussion and Possible Approval of Ordinance O-21-18; Amending the Zoning Code Article 6, by Establishing a New Section 6.16 Entitled “Mobile Food Vendors”.

Doug Taylor, City Planner/ Planning and Zoning Staff Liaison

4. Discussion and Possible Approval of Ordinance O-21-20; Authorizing the Transfer of Real Property from the City of Bisbee to Ken and Mary Alice Budge.

Joe Estes, City Attorney


5. Discussion and Possible Approval of a request for American Rescue Plan Act, Emergency Assistance Funds for the Friends of Warren Ballpark.

Stephen J. Pauken, City Manager

6. Discussion and Possible Approval to use American Rescue Plan Act Funds to Purchase Sewer Pipe and Fixtures for the Waste Water Collections Department.

Stephen J. Pauken, City Manager

7. Discussion and Possible Approval of Amendment No. 3 to the Jacobs Agreement for Operations Maintenance and Management Services for the City of Bisbee San Jose Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Matthew Gurney, Public Works Director

8. Discussion and Possible Approval to have Accelerated Construction & Excavating “ACE” repair 112’ of retaining wall on Temby Avenue.

Matthew Gurney, Public Works Director

9. Discussion and Possible Approval to allow Mayor & Council to go into an Agreement pursuant to A.R.S. §28-410 between the Arizona. Department of Transportation (ADOT) and the City of Bisbee Police Department requesting Authorization for the use of the software, state standard data entry forms and database.

Albert B. Echave, Chief of Police

10. Discussion and Possible Approval of the Notice of Intent to Adopt Ordinance O-22-01; Authorizing the Exchange and Transfer of Real Property with Bisbee Vogue, Inc. Located near 201 Tombstone Canyon Street, Bisbee, Arizona 85603.

Joseph Estes, City Attorney

11. City Manager's Report:

  • Other Current events (No Discussion)

12. Possible Approval of a motion to go into Executive Session for the following matters:

1. An executive session pursuant to A.R.S.§ 38-431.03(a)(3)(4) for discussion or consultation on the Harris matter.


Bisbee has been moved into a new Congressional District (for federal offices) CD-7 as well as a new Legislative District (for State offices) LD-21. After lots of verbal skirmishing, the redistricting commission has agreed on the Congressional District map for Arizona. Their maIn charge, based on the 2020 census, was to uphold t he concept of one-person, one-vote dictates that districts should be roughly equal in population. Other factors to be considered are the federal Voting Rights Act, district shape, geographical features, respect for communities of interest and potential competitiveness. A heavy mandate indeed. Although there was much give and take among the dems and repubs on the committee, there seem to be little actual rancor-unlike other states where gerrymandering was the rule. (from wikipedia: The term gerrymandering is named after American politician Elbridge Gerry ...who, as Governor of Massachusetts in 1812, signed a bill that created a partisan district in the Boston area that was compared to the shape of a mythological salamander. The term has negative connotations and gerrymandering is almost always considered a corruption of the democratic process)

Bisbee and Douglas are now in CD-7. An irregularly shaped district it extends from Douglas city limits on the East, extending West in a very narrow band south of Double Adobe Rd along the border that includes Bisbee but excludes Sierra Vista, and stretches along the southern border all the way to include Yuma to the West. To the North it includes all the Tohono O'odham nation reservation, Sonoita and Elgin, and continues into Tucson roughly along I-19 excluding Green Valley, but including Saurita. The Tucson border is everything to the West of Alvernon and extending North to about I-8. (Clearly it is best to look at the map.)

So Bisbee is in the company of heavily hispanic Yuma, South Tucson, Tucson, and Douglas, as well as the natives of Tohono O'odham. It should be a shoo-in for a Dem. On the other hand CD-6 that includes all of SV and extends along the NM border and up past Safford will likely see a Repub rep.


Bisbee is now the eastern boundary of LD-21, The southern boundary is the border and the Western is Sasabe. It includes parts of the TO reservation. One northwest finger pokes up to above Buenas Aires national wildlife refugee (hardly any population) and another finger pokes up west of I-19, excluding the Green Valley corridor. Between those two fingers district, 21 goes almost to the border. Kinda weird and it will be interesting for those running for office. WHAT'S THE IMPACT? It is an educated guessing game, but it likely will mean that CD-6, where incumbent Kirpatrick is retiring and lost significant dems who are now in heavily democratic CD-7, is now a plum for repugs. Incumbents reps Griffin, Diaz and sen. Gowan could run in either LD 19 or 21 because those districts include parts of Cochise County. Given the makeup of LD 21 that includes Bisbee is heavily dems, it is likely they will not run in that district. And LD 19 which includes the vast majority of Cochise County and Sierra Vista certainly leans Repugnican. But we'll see. But the main takeaway, redistricting or not, If democrats can't register and crucially, turn out voters, AZ will likely be a safe repugnican state once again. These are the requirements to run for office. For legislature, they do not have to be in the district they are seeking but have to be in the county (s) that the LD includes. Arizona resident for 3 years County of candidacy resident for 1 year US Representative residency requirements are so loose that conceivably someone living is Scottsdale could run to rep Cochise County! (And in fact a QAnon moron is running for CD-1 seat in Arizona after moving to AZ in September.) These are the requirements: US resident for 7 years. Resident of Arizona when elected .................... SEC/STATE AND AZ/AG IN A TUSSLE OVER NEW VOTING GUIDE MANUAL For fans of important, but kind of boring, trench warfare going on about voting... AG Brnovich has deleted about 1/3 of a new manual that SS Hobbs drafted as per her duties every off election year. Brnovich, the ambitious nudnik hankering to be a Senator, ugh! outsourced the review of the draft to an attorney representing the trump groveling, obsequious tv personality Kari Lake who is running for gov. The sections deleted are those that ostensibly deal with the stupid laws the repugnicans passed in last lege making it more difficult to vote. See both here: ....................

JUDGE RULES DRASTIC TAX CUT FOR RICH CAN GO TO VOTERS REPUGNICAN LEGE LOSES ROUND 1. A superior court judge ruled that Il Duce's flat tax cut for the rich can be overridden by voters. She upheld the right of voters, through a petition drive that received enough signatures, to put the tax policy on a future ballot. The Arizona Free Enterprise Club, the exclusive lobbying club for really rich people, will appeal and also attack the petition gathering process. Wow! Rich people fighting to keep more money; how unusual! Talking about the tax that was passed by the lege this From the Capitol Times. " analysis of the package by legislative budget staffers put the savings for someone making between $25,000 and $30,000 a year at $11. That increases to $96 for those in the $50,000 to $75,000 taxable income range. Bigger benefits kick in at higher income levels. Taxpayers with income of between $250,000 and $500,000 would see an average $3,071 reduction in what they owe each year according to the staff analysis. That increases to more than $7,300 annually for those earning from $500,000 to $1 million." .................... ARIZONA STATE SENATOR FANN TO SHILL FOR ALEC Arizona Senate President Karen Fann (R-Prescott) has been named chair of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). The organization is best known for writing legislation that dunderheaded repugnicans in Arizona and other states, adopt as-is and try to foist off as their own. They advocate suppression of voter rights, denial of workers rights, tax reform for corporations, and much more. This is a good place to get acquainted with the odious organization:


CAN YOU TESTIFY? CAN THEY GET A WITNESS? LEMME HEAR YOU! Melinda Iyer developed and will deliver this introductory training to go over the basics, from how committees work to the best ways to make your point in the 2-3 minutes allowed. Come to listen and consider how you can speak up on any subject that matters to you! Our legislators need to hear from everyday Arizonans who care deeply how proposed laws affect them in their communities. Legislators usually hear from lobbyists, so people who take the trouble to come to the Capitol for a committee meeting can get their attention. ONLINE TESTIMONY TRAINING Jan 5, 6:30 pm, pre-register HERE


HOUSE SALES This year has generated more sales and revenue than other years past with one month remaining. November /21 saw 17 houses sold for $3,183,000, the best November in the six years I've been keeping stats. Sold total $$ November/year 17 $3,183,000 Nov 2021 13 $2,9697,000 Nov 2020 10 $1,360,000 Nov 2019 15 $2,916,500 Nov 2018 8 $ 929,700 Nov 2017 6 $1,190,000 Nov 2016 I took a look at the past six year total sales from January through November and was not surprised that this year's total with one month to go was significantly higher than past years; almost double, for 11 months. Until this year, approximately the same number of houses sold, but this year is on pace to best that by 30-40 sales. This is what I recorded.* Sold total $$ year to date 153 $39,001,289 2021 130 $20,052,331 2020 128 $18,295,192 2019 135 $18,846,682 2018 109 $13,440,488 2017 128 $14,320,959 2016 *In July 2020, A new company purchased the existing listing company and instituted a different recording system statewide. Previously, residential, commercial, and land sales were broken out. They are not now. So there are some statistical differences. Not enough to nullify the conclusions about the rise in housing costs. So what's going on? Although there are people moving into Bisbee, there clearly are people moving out. The drop in population, as recorded in the 2020 census, is one indication of why there are more sales. Other factors are that people are dying or relatives getting rid of houses, or investors getting rid of houses or forced sales cause of taxes, or jobs in other places, or, or, or.... Other factors come into play for buying; inflation, people retiring, people sick of big cities, the portability of work, the rise of air b&b-although it is unclear how many new sales are going to be converted into overnight rentals. [I hope to do a thorough study of the air b&b/VRBO rentals in Bisbee in the first quarter/22]

Property List/Sell price

37 SPRING CYN $320,000

407 W. Vista $297,000

54 Cochise Row $260,000

826 Sims Rd #A $266,000

503Å Mayer Av. $259,000/$245,000

221 Brewery JAv. $245,000

118 Mountain View $298,000

303 O’Hara Av $170,000

615 Cole $169,500

107 Hazzard $179,900/$174,900

9 ParkAv $178,300/$166,300

311 Clawson St. $149,000/$150,000

16 Black Knob Vw. $129,500/$127,383

105 Cochise Dr. $129,500/$125,000

473 Santa Cruz Dr. $105,000

207 Tombstone Canyon C $100,000/$90,000

203 C St. $45,000/$49,000 ....................... BUILDING PERMITS Residential Permits were up sharply in November from the previous two months at $489k. (Although about $200k of that was one house) and was a smattering of commercial work, $99k. Building Permits/November # total $$ November/year 24 $489,876 2021 19 $150,609 2020 17 $224,014 2019 24 $145,221 2018 21 $301,335 2017 27 $231,420 2016 Building Permits/Year # total $$ year to date 332 $2,841,560 2021 307 $3,461,316 2020 Incomplete data 2019 240 $2,414,409 2018 219 $2,225,762 2017 241 $2,115,009 2016 Over the six years I've been keeping data (taken from city records) there has been a steady increase in the number of residential building permits-but not always the dollar amount. That would follow from the rise in the number of house sales. Given the housing stock in Bisbee is old, older, and terrible, it is not a big leap to surmise that new owners not only want to remodel, they have to in order to bring houses into contemporary code compliance. Commercial work has been relegated to a few major projects and several minor upkeep jobs over the past several years. There will be some major work coming on the market when some of the existing historic-but out of code-buildings sell. .................. SALES TAX (November reports are for actual spending in September) Over the past months, bed taxes were up about $1.3k, hotel tax was down about $2k, Restaurant bar was up $5k, Retail sales up $2k, Grocery down $5k, internet sales up $1k. Retail sales dropped significantly from summer months when they were running at $100k+. The last two months have been $94k and $96k. It is an unusual to have summer retail be higher than other months. Bed tax have been similar to Spring which is usual. If there are more airb&b units, that may be the reason for increased bed tax. Unclear though. Regular hotel tax have run true to form, increasing from summer months. Restaurant and bar receipts have also been unusual in that they are lower than summer months. At home food consumption taxes have remained relatively stable. I'll do a year end sales report in a couple months when I get the Feb report.

Property List/Sell price

37 SPRING CYN $320,000

407 W. Vista $297,000

54 Cochise Row $260,000

826 Sims Rd #A $266,000

503Å Mayer Av. $259,000/$245,000

221 Brewery JAv. $245,000

118 Mountain View $298,000

303 O’Hara Av $170,000

615 Cole $169,500

107 Hazzard $179,900/$174,900

9 ParkAv $178,300/$166,300

311 Clawson St. $149,000/$150,000

16 Black Knob Vw. $129,500/$127,383

105 Cochise Dr. $129,500/$125,000

473 Santa Cruz Dr. $105,000

207 Tombstone Canyon C $100,000/$90,000

203 C St. $45,000/$49,000

.................. NATIONAL PARKS The national parks in our backyard play a significant role in attracting visitors to S. AZ. The year to date figures below indicate an anomoly; that is Coronado near to Sierra Vista, had a 20% decrease if visitation while Chiricahua, near to nothing, had a 21% increase. WTF Coronado YTD This year Last Year 116,096 148,244 -21.7% Chiricahua YTD 52,559 43,762 +20.1%




Once again the guy comes out of hiding and lays his view of the year on us.

In July "The News Turns Grim… as covid-19, which we thought was almost over — this is like the eighth or ninth time we have thought this — appears to be surging again in certain areas because of the “delta variant,” which gets its name from the fact that it is spread primarily by fraternities. The problem is that many Americans have declined to be vaccinated, despite the efforts of pro-vaccine voices to change the minds of the skeptics by informing them that they are stupid idiots, which is usually a persuasive argument.... "



Scrolling through the tonsofjunk to find stuff to stream or listen to has become a real time consuming and frustrating chore. This list of lists is a good thing cause the wheat is sorted from the chaff, as it were, taken from all kinds of sources that have selected their best tvs, movies, music and books. This is the place to go to find many many lists from 70 sources, known and unknown including rolling stone, the guardian, the statesman, the fader, daze, beats per minute, AP, la times, obama, vulture, and lots more, for the best of 2021.


Joan Didion, the author, died recently, among many articles and books she wrote this paragraph has some truth:

“I’m not telling you to make the world better, because I don’t think that progress is necessarily part of the package,” she once wrote. “I’m just telling you to live in it. Not just to endure it, not just to suffer it, not just to pass through it, but to live in it. To look at it. To try to get the picture. To live recklessly. To take chances. To make your own work and take pride in it. To seize the moment. And if you ask me why you should bother to do that, I could tell you that the grave’s a fine and private place, but none I think do there embrace. Nor do they sing there, or write, or argue, or see the tidal bore on the Amazon, or touch their children. And that’s what there is to do and get it while you can and good luck at it.”


This is a very interesting discussion between Ezra Klein and Anne Murphy Paul. Originally a podcast, here it is transcribed.

This is one of those 'lights go on' discussions. Paul's book illuminates how thinking is also a body function-interoception-and that there is more communication between 'the body' and 'the brain' than we acknowledge. Using a computer as a metaphor for how the mind works, is fundamentally flawed, however much of our built environment mimics this idea. Consequently the 'structures' of our environment do not do what is intended; be productive and think better.

"...productivity paradoxes, these things that look and feel to us like work, like productivity, that the culture tells us are work and productivity but turn out to be the opposite. They turn out to be distractions or they turn out to miss something profound about how we work or how we think or even how we live."

“When fed a chunk of information, a computer processes it in the same way on each occasion, whether it’s been at work for five minutes or five hours, whether it is located in a fluorescent lit office or positioned next to a sunny window, whether it’s near other computers or is the only computer in the room. This is how computers operate.

But the same doesn’t hold for human beings. The way we’re able to think about information is dramatically affected by the state we’re in when we encounter it.”


It seems at every turn our use of devices that have become a required part of our existence, record and transmit every last byte of our personal information while we are using those same devices. That info can then be turned into cold hard cash as it is sold and resold. In turn for 'them' using and selling our data, we get to use our devices for free. Not the best deal. These sites can help you clean up any device you use.

Giving your data away makes money for lots of shady companies....

"Most times, the location data pipeline starts off in your hands, when an app sends a notification asking for permission to access your location data. "


CHANGE FACEBOOK SETTINGS TO DETER TRACKING These few changes can help you preserve your identity online and keep your information private.

..................... ONLINE SECURITY GOOD HOUSEKEEPING ..................... DELETE A FACEBOOK ACCOUNT ..................... REVIEW PRIVACY SETTINGS ON AN IPHONE ..................... GOOGLE; MINORS CAN REMOVE PHOTOS AND ADSThe company will allow minors or their parents to request to have their pictures removed from Google's Image Search feature, Google also said it will block targeted advertising based on the age, gender or interests of people under 18. And it will make 'private' the default for YouTube video uploads.

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