editor: fred miller April 3, 2022 Wire #27/April 22
Dirt. It's the season to diddle around in dirt; dig it up, dig it in, move it, replace it, put more stuff in it, take stuff out; in short get dirty. I've been moving dirt from one part of my yard to another. Prolly moved enuff dirt to have dug and filled several graves by now, although that is not the best measure. I had a bright idea for a raised bed that in reality exceeded my skill level. It's done, but a little bit lopsided. After several hundred dollars lighter and many-like several days worth-hours later, I could say I learned a lot, but mostly what I learned was not to do it that way again.
Some helpful hints for experienced and novice gardeners. Dirt digging, planting, sweeping, raking, shoveling, etc. sucks the moisture out of your hands. Giving strokes of tenderness with cracked desiccated talons is not a good relationship builder. To prevent this get nitrile gloves such as the 8mil orange ones from Gloveworks available on Amazon for about $25https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00MGSGRI/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1. Don't bother with thinner mil such as 4 or 6 mil cause they tear too easily and you will spend more dough. (don't forget to sign up for smile.amazon.com to give a teeny bit of money to your favorite charity.) And then put on these...Costco has 6 pair of leather gloves for about $40 bucks. Well made, with reinforced palms. Split em with your neighbor. They will last a couple of years. Vegan alert! Beware they are genuine cowhide. https://www.costco.com/wells-lamont-men's-leather-work-gloves%2c-6-pair.product.100698771.html
Actual Dirt...Before going to a big box, check out Eads on hwy 92. They have dirt and landscaping materials, brick, flagstone, concrete. try em first. 432-4121. I got 3 cubic feet of topsoil delivered to my house (topsoil in Arizona is nowhere near the lovely loamy earthy topsoil of the midwest!)
One more hint is to sandpaper your wooden tools and put some linseed oil on them. Will last twice as long.
While I'm at it...I'm looking for a few sativa seeds to plant if you have any to spare. Send them to 39 Hazzard St. 85603. Cannabis is such a lovely looking plant and would like to try my hand at legal growing. Many chapters ago in the book of fred, I, along with others did some successful personal use growing in Oregon. I came to appreciate the beauty of the plant. In fact I spent hours just looking at them. To discourage deer we hung dried mountain lion piss on the fence; it worked. And no, I have no idea where to get that product.
After you wash your hands thoroughly from doing all that digging, put your fingers on the keyboard and give em Hell at the lege. Some of the more odious bills are still alive. Info below. It's a long council agenda, check the background for the details. And there was a special session to deal with the public employees pension debt. None of the three alternatives presented for paying off Bisbee's $21 mil debt was palatable. There has got to be a better solution...Like getting rid of the PSPRS plan entirely by folding it into ASRS.
...............BISBEE STUFF................
Fire Restrictions are now in place. The Bisbee Fire Department is suspending all burn permits within the city. No camping fires. Only commercial grills that have a hood are allowed. Any questions call the BFD. You may sign up for AlertSense the emergency alert system run by Cochise County. You will receive advanced warning of severe weather or emergencies that directly impact the area in which you live or work. Go here: https://public.alertsense.com/SignUp/publicUser.aspx?regionid=1341 Old Bisbee Firewise launched their annual fire prevention info campaign on April 1. Though volunteers will only be on the ground in Old Bisbee, Firewise encourages these best practices for living in fire-prone areas such as ours: (Warren and San Jose district need some Firewise volunteers!)
Remove dried plant material within 5 feet of your home’s foundation (continue out to 30’ as you have time).
Clean porches, decks and gutters of dead leaves, pine needles and other plant materials.
Trim branches which overhang or touch any structures.
Trim low branches of trees (up to 4’) to prevent fire from laddering from grasses or shrubs below.
Create an evacuation plan (streets may be blocked, consider an exit route on foot if need be).
Make a list of “go bag” essentials: things not easily replaced (i.e. prescriptions, documents, computers) you would need if you had to evacuate.
Sign up for the Cochise County emergency AlertSense system to get notification about hazardous weather conditions and evacuations in your area. Go to https://public.alertsense.com/SignUp/publicUser.aspx?regionid=1341&msclkid=81df0039b21311ecb199f97386aa69e2 Be sure to sign up for both texts and emails to receive complete information.
For more information, go to https://www.nfpa.org/Public-Education/Fire-causes-and-risks/Wildfire/Firewise-USA?msclkid=bf24dcf0b21411ec8758eb132555dadf Everything you do will make your home safer and will give our firefighters more time to help quell a blaze at your home. The more you do, the safer we’ll all be. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cochise County is asking county residents and businesses to participate in a Broadband Internet Survey to help identify and improve the county’s overall internet broadband capabilities. Go here: • Residential Broadband Survey ( https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/59BNFNZ). Go here for a speed test of your internet service. Do it at different times of the day to get an accurate reading: Speed Test ( https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/5VNVN78) Read the full news story and access resource links at https://bit.ly/3iRfyF5. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<CREATIVE WRITING AT COCHISE Former Bisbee resident Bill Carter will be one of the published writers to present hands-on workshops to aspiring writers from the community. The Cochise Creative Writing Celebration, held April 8,9, brings published writers in several genres, such as poetry, novels, creative nonfiction, juvenile fiction, and screenwriting. Other authors are Leslie Clark, Jessica Powers, and Ahmed Ismail Yusuf. Local author and prof (and long suffering NY Jets Fan) Alex O’Meara is putting it together. Registration deadline is April 1. For more information: https://registration.xenegrade.com/cochise/coursedisplay.cfm?schID=2300&check=1 or contact creativewriting@cochise.edu or call (520) 515-5492. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Central School presents The Photography of Cathy Murphy and Boyd Nicholl From the Dark room to the digital age - work spanning 50 decades Artist Reception Friday April 8, 6:30- 8:30 Show Dates: April 9 – April 24 Saturdays and Sundays 11- 4 pm <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< A fundraiser for AG candidate Kris Mayes will be held Tuesday April 12, 4:30-6:00 at Mile High Ranch, 901 Tombstone. Mayes is a former corporate commish and making a run at the office. The lone democrat in the race, she should have plenty of campaign material from the repubs running in the primary. Go. Those interested in supporting Kris’s campaign are welcome to attend, but must RSVP to the following email address: Savannah@krismayes.com >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alisia Espiriti posted a good idea on Nextdoor; how about asking El Tour de Zona (or as local wag, Floyd Lillard, said Detour de Zona) for a donation or inclusion of Bisbee Bikeways next year? They state they have raised $100 mil for charities. http://www.perimeterbicycling.com/pbevents/ is the non-profit that sponsors several 'tours'. Address: 2609 E Broadway Blvd, Tucson, AZ 85716 Phone: 520-745-2033 Email: info@ElTourdeTucson.org <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<An edited press release from Water Wise http://waterwise.arizona.edu There is a new online portal providing information about the Upper San Pedro Basin in Cochise County. The portal launched in March is accessible at https://uppersanpedrowhip.org . This free website is a trove of information about the San Pedro River Riparian Conservation Area (SPRNCA) that delivers years of data in easily-created custom charts and visualizations. Available tools help visualize data about streams, wet-dry status, water levels, water quality, and more, that can be specified according to date and geographic area and viewed using several map layers. If you've ever wondered about water data specifics in your corner of our basin, this is the tool to use. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< NEW ANIMAL SHELTER IN BISBEE Over $1.1 million in federal funds are going toward a new animal shelter in Bisbee.In coordination with the Humane Society of Southern Arizona (HSSA) and the Bisbee Animal Shelter, the funds will be used to design and remodel a vacant county building into a shelter managed by HSSA. HSSA has been working toward the creation of a full-service shelter in Bisbee to serve pets throughout southeast Arizona. It is going to take some heavy duty fund raising to toward raising money to match the federal funds and get the shelter built as soon as possible. To learn more about how to help HSSA’s current efforts and future plans for a Bisbee shelter, click here or reach out to HSSA’s CEO, Steve Farley, at sfarley@hssaz.org or call 520-327-6088, ext. 183. Or here locally; https://www.facebook.com/BisbeeAnimalShelter/ Retiring congressional representative Kirkpatrick was instrumental in getting the dough.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> COME FLY WITH ME
The US Air Force is asking for additional fly space over Bisbee and much of Cochise County. Shar Porier's article in the HR has details (Might be for subscribers only https://www.myheraldreview.com/news/cochise_county/new-proposals-on-airspace-for-training-causing-community-concern/article) Briefly the USAF wants to expand training boundaries, significantly lower supersonic flight altitude training operations to less than 5000', lower the minimum flare release limits to 2000 feet (used to confuse radar), and use chaff (aluminum coated glass fibers, used to confuse radar) currently prohibited. The preferred USAF plan would disrupt wildlife, human life, release possible toxins in the environment, and likely result in fires from the flares. Gotta comment on this one. More information Read about the proposed changes at: https://www.arizonaregionalairspaceeis.com/. Federal Registry notice: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR–2022–01–18/pdf/2022-00749.pdf. Comments may be submitted through the project website www.ArizonaRegionalAirspaceEIS.com. Mail comments to: Arizona Regional Airspace EIS, c/o Cardno, 501 Butler Farm Road, Suite H, Hampton, VA 23666.Schedule Draft Environmental Impact Statement and Notice of Availability publication, fall 2023 Draft EIS Public Comment Period and Hearing, fall 2023 Final EIS and NOA publication, summer 2024 Record of Decision signature, summer/fall 2024 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BLUES IN BISBEE AT WARREN BALLPARK Saturday September 17
Council Regular Session
Tuesday, April 5, 2022 7PM
Background here: http://www.bisbeeaz.gov/AgendaCenter/ViewFile/Agenda/_04052022-401
(The background for council agenda topics is important and necessary for transparency in city government. The city clerk, Ashley Coronado does a fine job of including the details. These notes reveal details of individual topics such as contracts the city is signing, revised salaries/wages of departments, minutes of past meetings, special event details, monthly expenditures, and much more. In short it is how the city is functioning. It is a good idea to at least look at the background once to see the format and how topics are included. I tend to pick out those items of most interest...to me. You may have different ideas of what is interesting.)
Of Interest:
#1>>How your money is being spent.
#2A,B,C>>minutes of past meetings
#7,8,9>>Bisbee Arts Commission gearing up for a festival of the arts in October
#11>>lotsa asphalt; a precursor to road work
#17>>updated job descriptions and pay for fire and police depts.
INVOCATION: A Moment of Silence
Fair Housing Proclamation
1. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: Subject to availability of funds
2. Approval of the Consent Agenda
Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Session of Mayor and Council held on March 1, 2022.
2. Approval of the Minutes of the Special Session of Mayor and Council held on March 15, 2022.
Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Session of Mayor and Council held on March 15, 2022.
Approval of the Appointment of Councilmember Frank Davis to be the Ex-Officio Member of the Design Review Board.
Approval of the Appointment of David Cobb to the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Approval of Resignation of Denise Whisman from the Police/ Fire Advisory Committee.
Approval of a Park, Facility and Right-of-Way Use Permit for the Easterseals Blake Foundation Blues in Bisbee for the use of Parking Spaces (Ruppe Avenue Closed from West Vista to East Vista) Saturday, September 17, 2022, from 12:00pm (Noon) to 10:00pm.
Approval of an Application for Extension of Premises/Patio Permit submitted by Electric Brewing for and event to be held at 1326 W. Highway 92 #7, on Sunday May 1, 2022; Joseph Charles Frederickson, Applicant.
Approval of an Application for Extension of Premises/Patio Permit submitted by Electric Brewing for and event to be held at 1326 W. Highway 92 #7, on Sunday May 8, 2022; Joseph Charles Frederickson, Applicant.
Approval of an Application for Extension of Premises/Patio Permit submitted by Electric Brewing for and event to be held at 1326 W. Highway 92 #7, on Sunday May 15, 2022; Joseph Charles Frederickson, Applicant.
Approval of an Application for Extension of Premises/Patio Permit submitted by Electric Brewing for and event to be held at 1326 W. Highway 92 #7, on Sunday May 22, 2022; Joseph Charles Frederickson, Applicant.
Approval of an Application for Extension of Premises/Patio Permit submitted by Electric Brewing for and event to be held at 1326 W. Highway 92 #7, on Sunday May 29, 2022; Joseph Charles Frederickson, Applicant.
Approval of a Special Event Liquor License Application submitted by Healthy Bisbee Inc. for an Event to be held at Club Kilimanjahro, 33 Subway Street on Friday, April 22, 2022, from 7:00pm to Midnight, Adele Chernow, Applicant. k
3. Declare prior action as void and redo the Public Auction of Designated Surplus Property Located adjacent to 348 Williams Avenue, a vacant parcel described as a portion of APN 103-60-265C.
Doug Taylor, City Planner
4. Formal Apology to Ms. Bovee regarding Settlement Agreement.
Joseph Estes, City Attorney
5. Discussion and Possible Approval to allow the Queen Mine Tour Manager to purchase a lot of four used Mancha Locomotives in the amount of $42,500.
Doug Graeme, Queen Mine Tour Manager
6. Discussion and Possible Approval of the recommendation from the Bisbee Arts Commission to City Council to fund a grant application from the Copper Queen Library in the amount of $500.00, from the Bisbee Arts Commission Fund.
Leslie Johns, Council Liaison Bisbee Arts Commission
7. Discussion and Possible Approval of a Rental Agreement for the Bisbee Arts Commission to rent the building at 16 Erie Street owned by David Rose for their Exhibition of Final Local Art that will be in conjunction with their Bisbee Festival of the Arts Event; this exhibition will be for a period of five weeks beginning Thursday, October 20, 2022, through Sunday, November 27, 2022; his includes set-up and breakdown.
Leslie Johns, Council Liaison Bisbee Arts Commission
8. Discussion and Possible Approval to allow the Bisbee Arts Commission to request the use of school property from the Bisbee Unified School District#2; Lowell Junior High School Located at 100 Douglas Road for the use of their parking lot for the Bisbee Arts Commission; Festival of the Arts Event.
Leslie Johns, Council Liaison Bisbee Arts Commission
9. Discussion and Possible Approval for the Bisbee Arts Commission to pay STAMBACK Septic Service for rental of Portable Units to be used at their Festival of the Arts Event.
Leslie Johns, Council Liaison Bisbee Arts Commission
10. Discussion and Possible Approval of the Notice of Intent to Adopt Ordinance O-22-04; Authorizing the Sale and Transfer of City Property Located Adjacent to and West of 104D and 144 Locklin Avenue and the Existing Access Road to 140 and 142 Locklin Avenue.
Doug Taylor, City Planner
11. Discussion and Possible Approval to purchase asphalt from KE& G in an amount not to exceed $272,000.
Matthew Gurney, Public Works Director
12. Discussion and Possible Approval to authorize City Manager Stephen Pauken to sign the release for property damage at 229A Tombstone Canyon paid by Travelers Personal Insurance Company in the amount of $84,395.
Matthew Gurney, Public Works Director
13. Discussion and Possible Approval of the Request for Proposal for a replacement wall at 229A Tombstone Canyon.
Matthew Gurney, Public Works Director
14. Discussion and Possible Approval to accept the donation from Bisbee Vogue Inc. of a shade structure and installation at Higgins Park.
Matthew Gurney, Public Works Director
15. Discussion and Possible Approval for a grant agreement between the State of Arizona and the City of Bisbee for Pavement Preservation at the Bisbee Municipal Airport.
Matthew Gurney, Public Works Director
16. Discussion and Possible Approval to allow Bisbee Police Department to purchase an All Band Consolette radio equipment in the amount of $8,520.48.
Albert Echave, Police Chief
17. Discussion and Possible Approval of update to the Job Descriptions for the Fire and Police Departments.
Joelle Landers, Personnel Director
18. Discussion and Possible Approval of the Notice of Intent to adopt Ordinance O-22-06; Accepting the transfer of real property from Southeast Arizona Renovations LLC, located at 105 E Street, Bisbee.
Stephen Pauken, City Manager
19. Discussion and Possible Approval of Ordinance O-22-05; Authorizing the Sale and Transfer of City Property Located Adjacent to Ok Street Pursuant to the Request of Jennifer and Wilton Deets.
Doug Taylor, City Planner
20. Discussion and Possible Approval Resolution R-22-07; a Resolution of the Mayor and Council supporting No Mow May.
Joni Giacomino, Councilmember Ward II
21. City Manager's Report:
...............THE LEGE................
I'm reprinting CEBV's newsletter, it is invaluable for tracking some of the more odious legislation proposed.
From increased scrutiny of ballots to access to elections, restricting elections/electors are still very much alive.
These are bills that Ducey signed.
SB1164, sponsored by Arizona Sen. Nancy Barto, prohibits abortions after 15 weeks of gestation, unless there’s a medical emergency.
HB2492 from Republican Rep. (and banned-from-Twitter troll farmer) Jake Hoffman, voter required to rrpovide proof of citizenship to register to vote.
Sen. Warren Petersen’s SB1138 makes it illegal for doctors to perform “irreversible gender reassignment surgery” on anyone under age 18.
Sen. Nancy Barto’sSB1165 bars trans girls from participating on “girls” sports teams in Arizona schools.
Founded January 2017 • Founding editor: Melinda Merkel Iyer • Distribution partner: Civic Engagement Beyond Voting
We made it past the last deadline! Committees have wrapped for the session. The list of bills that still have a chance to become law has shriveled. The only way a bill can move forward now is by getting a hearing on the House or Senate floor.
So what do we do now? Don’t quit just yet: there’s plenty that still needs our engagement. Scan the “what bills are still alive” section below, and pick a bill to contact your own lawmakers about. Remember, bills are through their chamber of origin and must now be approved by the opposite chamber, so that means you’ll need to reach out to your representatives on a Senate bill (SB), your senator on a House bill (HB).
While you’re at it, talk to your neighbors and friends about what’s happening. It’s our job to get those around us to care as much about the active harm Ducey and majority lawmakers are causing to our community — and to make it as hot a topic of discussion — as that Oscar-night slap.
You may be asking: WHAT CAN I DO?
If you have 10 minutes: Contact your lawmakers on ONE BILL from the “What’s Still Alive” list.
If you have 20 minutes: Also contact your lawmakers on Alert 1.
If you have 30 minutes: Also use Request to Speak on bills in the Rules Committee.
If you have 40 minutes: Also contact your lawmakers on bills in Rules committees, which may head to the floor this week.
If you have 60 minutes: Watch some floor action via live broadcast.
If you have 90 minutes: Join us for a Sunday afternoon RTS Happy Hour now through the end of session. Or watch our 5-minute RTS training video (best on a separate device you can pause as needed).
Alert #1: Lawmakers, Stop Driving Teachers Out of the Classroom
Two months ago, conservative columnist Robert Robb warned majority lawmakers “to pause and ponder the following question: How much more unpleasant, confrontational and burdensome do we want to make the profession of teaching in Arizona?” He specifically called out these bills (all of which are still alive):
SB1211, Barto (R-15), would require teachers to post a list of every single item teachers use or discuss with students.
SB1412, Udall (R-25), would ban racist or “controversial” topics in schools, and penalizes school districts with fines.
HB2161, Kaiser (R-15), would require public schools to give parents access to all their children's records and allow anyone to sue if not "satisfied."
We’ll quote the column directly: “Arizona has a very serious problem recruiting and retaining teachers. Part of the problem is pay. And part of the problem is working conditions. These bills make working conditions worse and shrink the opportunity for teacher enjoyment and job satisfaction. Making the life of teachers even more fraught isn’t the right direction for the state.”
We couldn’t agree more. Contact your representatives to oppose SB1211 and SB1412, and your senator to oppose HB2161.
What Bills are Still Alive? (spoiler: they’re all bad)
Covid Hysteria
SB1346, Rogers (R-6), would ban government and its contractors from sending employees door-to-door to ask about a person's vaccination status.
SB1494, Mesnard (R-17), would ban the state from refusing to pay unemployment to people who refused COVID-19 vaccines.
SB1567, Barto (R-15), would allow employees, including medical workers, to skirt covid vaccine requirements based on “a sincerely held moral or ethical belief.”
HB2086, Osborne (R-13), would preemptively ban schools from requiring covid immunization for attendance.
HB2453, Carter (R-8), would ban government buildings from requiring face masks.
HB2498, Hoffman (R-12), would ban government from requiring anyone to be vaccinated for COVID-19.
HB2616, Chaplik (R-23), would require public schools to get opt-in consent in order to require students to wear masks.
Direct Democracy
SB1094, Mesnard (R-17), would require petition circulators to read the descriptions on initiative and referendum petitions aloud to signers.
SB1255, Mesnard (R-17), sets rules for the position of lieutenant governor, conditional on voter approval of SCR1024.
SCR1024, Mesnard (R-17), would ask voters to approve a lieutenant governor position for Arizona.
Discrimination Hysteria
SB1182, Gowan (R-14), would ban financial institutions from "discriminating" against someone based on their political affiliation or social or environmental values.
HB2473, Carroll (R-22), would ban banks that refuse to do business with the firearms industry from contracting with public entities like state agencies and public schools.
HB2507, Toma (R-22), would ban government and its employees from “discriminating” against religious organizations, especially regarding closures, and grants broad rights to sue.
HB2637 would ban financial institutions from "discriminating" against someone based on their political affiliation or social or environmental values. Identical to SB1182.
SB1211, Barto (R-15), would require teachers to post a list of every single item teachers use or discuss with students.
SB1269, Udall (R-25), rigs the school funding formula to widen the funding gulf between wealthy and impoverished schools, and cuts teacher pay by $120 million or more.
SB1412, Udall (R-25), would ban racist or “controversial” topics in schools, and penalizes school districts with fines.
SB1657, Boyer (R-20), is the largest proposed ESA voucher expansion in Arizona history.
HB2008, Nguyen (R-1), would force students to study an ideologically slanted curriculum on the “brutality” of communism before they can graduate, in an effort to instill fear.
HB2161, Kaiser (R-15), would require public schools to give parents access to all their children's records and allow anyone to sue if not "satisfied."
HB2278 would expand even further the amount of tax money being funneled into School Tuition Organization (STO) vouchers.
HB2439, Pingerelli (R-21), would get Arizona into the book-banning business by requiring school boards to approve every single book purchase in advance.
HB2448, Nguyen (R-1), would require public schools to provide students with firearms training.
HB2495, Hoffman (R-12), would ban public schools from using sexually explicit materials, which rules out everything from Shakespeare and Steinbeck to the Tudor monarchy and 1960s history.
HCR2001, Kaiser (R-15), would ask voters to amend the Arizona Constitution to ban accurate teaching of history in the name of “stopping critical race theory.”
Gun (Non)Sense
HB2166, Kaiser (R-15), would exempt guns, ammo and "firearm safety equipment" from sales tax.
HB2316, Kavanagh (R-23), would allow concealed weapons in most public places, an idea so extreme even former Gov. Brewer vetoed it.
HB2414, Parker (R-16), would allow loaded, unlocked weapons in school parking lots.
Immigration Hysteria
SB1718, Gowan (R-14), allocates $1.1 million and 14.5 full-time positions to the Border Security Fund, which would include spending on a border wall.
HB2317, Kavanagh (R-23), would appropriate $150 million from the state general fund to construct a physical border fence.
HB2326, Kavanagh (R-23), would publish details of every undocumented immigrant convicted of a felony or misdemeanor on the internet.
HCR2031, Cobb (R-5), would ask voters to amend the Arizona Constitution to ban cities and towns from regulating wages, negating the city of Flagstaff’s higher minimum wage.
Public “Safety”
HB2255, Biasiucci (R-5), would allow consumer fireworks during the Hindu festival of Diwali. The bill is tainted by conflicts of interest, and the Hindu community isn’t asking for the change.
HB2319, Kavanagh (R-23), would ban filming police from closer than 8 feet while officers are engaged in “law enforcement activity.” Blatantly unconstitutional.
HB2595, Parker (R-16), would allow a change of judge on grounds of unsubstantiated allegations of bias or prejudice.
HB2721, Kavanagh (R-23), claps back at the City of Phoenix's new Office of Accountability and Transparency, making it harder to conduct independent review of potential officer misconduct.
Tax Carve-Outs
HB2204, Weninger (R-17), would exempt the current craze of virtual currency, NFTs and trading fees from income tax.
HB2646, Grantham (R-12), would give private aircraft owners a $2 million tax break every year (plus an extra $2 million for the retroactive credit).
Voting Rights
HB2236, Hoffman (R-12), would ban government and its employees from registering anyone to vote unless the person affirmatively requests it.
HB2237, Hoffman (R-12), would outlaw same-day voter registration, which already doesn’t happen in Arizona.
HB2238, Hoffman (R-12), would ban ballot drop boxes.
HB2241, Hoffman (R-12), would require ID to drop off an early ballot.
HB2243, Hoffman (R-12), would require voter registration forms to say registrations will be canceled if people permanently move to another state, but doesn’t define “permanent,” which could affect college students and seasonal workers.
HB2289, Fillmore (R-16), would limit voting to election day only, end most absentee and mail-in voting, and require hand counting of all ballots within 24 hours of an election. Unlikely to pass due to opposition from Speaker Rusty Bowers (R-25), among others.
HB2602, Bolick (R-20), would ban emergency voting centers in most cases.
HB2780, Kavanagh (R-23), would require county recorders to publish lists of eligible voters, images of all ballots, and a sortable cast-vote record.
HB2786, Hoffman (R-12), would make it harder to register people to vote by restricting registration drives to only political parties and election officials.
RTS: Bills in Rules Committees
Rules meets only to determine whether bills are constitutional and in the proper format. It's another opportunity to get your name on record in support or opposition, but don't bother with comments – the lawmakers won't read them. Positions must be entered before 8 AM Monday.
These bills could be headed for a vote of the full House or Senate as soon as this week.
HB2119, sponsored by Steve Kaiser (R-15), would ease the automatic restoration of firearm possession rights after people get out of prison. Making this process automatic or limiting judicial discretion decreases public safety and in too many cases has led directly to reoffense. An analysis of automatic restoration in Washington State shows that 13% of those who regain their gun rights go on to commit new crimes. We should not put guns back in the hands of people who have committed serious crimes without any kind of review. Scheduled for Senate Rules Committee, Monday. OPPOSE.
SB1211, sponsored by Nancy Barto (R-15), would require public schools to post a list of every single item teachers use or discuss with students, organized "at a minimum" by subject area, grade and teacher. The burden this places on already overworked, underpaid Arizona teachers cannot be overstated. After filing a written complaint, if the school board or administration fails to address the issue to a parent's satisfaction, the parent (or any other entity) could sue. Private schools and microschools are exempt. Backed by the Goldwater Institute, lawmakers in at least 17 states are pushing similar bills. Scheduled for House Rules Committee, Monday. OPPOSE.
SB1412 is now subject to a striker reviving HB2112, which would ban racist or “controversial” topics in schools, and penalizes school districts with fines. Educators say the measure is an unnecessary wedge between teachers and parents that would threaten engagement with students, deprive kids of crucial knowledge about their identities, and force teachers out of the profession as restrictive practices mount. Conservative columnist Bob Robb says the bill "inevitably will chill productive classroom engagement and put well-intentioned teachers in an unfair and ambiguous legal trap." In addition, the bill will directly harm student advancement, as the Advanced Placement program will not recognize schools that ban certain concepts. Scheduled for House Rules Committee, Monday. OPPOSE.
You made it to the end! Well done! Keep using Arizona's Request to Speak system and contacting your legislators. Reps always say they listen more to individual citizens than lobbyists, so we must work to keep up the pressure until the legislative session ends.
If you value the Weekly and want to support it, please consider donating. 100% of your donations will go toward the research, development and publication of this resource.
Compiled by Melinda Merkel Iyer. © Civic Engagement Beyond Voting 2022. All rights reserved. E-mail your comments.
There’s nothing sadder
Than writing a haiku and
Getting writer’s block.
Talk about the show for years.
Shoot the show for months.
Binge it in a day.
—Bob Odenkirk
I chew on my ice To let people know, if pushed, I’d do this to bones. ―Jo Firestone and Mike DiCenzo Accidentally FaceTimed my doctor’s office. The call was declined. ―Aparna Nancherla “Sorry, just saw this!” He says, and I believe him Because I want to. ―Karen Chee
Lizzy Borden was the first hacker