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Editor: fred miller April 17, 2022 Wire #29/4/22


So soon we meet again...

It's either a commentary on how well peeps think their council person is doing or apathy. I'm talking about all council members are running unopposed. See below.

Also for a complete many page explanation of Bisbee role in the Public Service Personnel Retirement System, PSPRS, look in the background to the special session council minutes.

Short Term Rentals (STR...sounds like a socially transmitted disease) is being talked about in the lege. Some moves afoot to give communities more mechanisms in order to deal with problems that have emerged in the past several years with STRs. In 2016 Ducey made a deal, not public of course and it was more obfuscated than I'm stating, that in exchange for Air B&B's to pay TPTaxes, legislation would be passed that tied city's hands to deal with the burgeoning market of STRs. (The legislation was basically written by the American Legislative Exchange Council ALEC!) You know the 'free market' approach.

Well, that has turned out to suck big time for many cities. Major problems of party houses, cannibalization of neighborhoods, parking, noise, and lost long term rentals have emerged. So that is why legislators are kicking around giving cities more tools to deal with problems. We' see what actually gets passed. Although when the Scottsdale, Sedona, and Paradise Valley elites get their panties in a wad...

A reader took me to task, gently, on, for vilifying republicans. His comment, which I appreciate, was basically there are some non-trump republicans in Bisbee, and they might be more open to what is in the Wire if they didn't think I was a democratic mouthpiece. This is how I responded. "The dems have their serious problems, but they are of the 'lost their way' variety. Rpubs, because they are in power (in AZ and often in counties) tend to be much more dangerous and that is why I harp about them. Until Rpub of the nontrump variety start speaking up and opposing the more outlandish legislation being pushed, the others are the ugly face of the rpub party."

As it is now, republicans in Arizona believe, through the legislation their representatives propose and the way they talk, that they are in favor of authoritarian regulations that strips residents of local control, restricts voting, curtails personal freedom, and favors rich people. That is not a caricature; it is what republicans now represent.

If the democrats hadn't lost their way, local control, personal freedom, ease of voting, and economic equality would be the pillars of every candidate race.


...............BISBEE STUFF................

Last issue I made a few mistakes-imagine that!...Fortunately a loyal reader corrected me. Thank you for that. (I do appreciate and would like corrections if I make a mistake.). They pointed out that it is the commercial real estate for sale, not the business currently occupying the building.

  • 81 Main is not up for sale again! It sold for $480,000. Current owner has it listed for rent.

  • Robert Maloney is the listing agent for the Oliver house.

  • The Bisbee Inn/Hotel Lamore is currently under contract.

  • 79 Main Street did not sell for a 135,000! 79C did. 2 very different properties.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<< The Copper Queen Library has been nominated for the 2022 National Medal for Museum and Library Service. The National Medal is the nation’s highest honor given to museums and libraries that demonstrate excellence in service to their communities. Usually larger libraries are nominated. You can help out here....Throughout April and May, IMLS will showcase the excellent community work of these institutions through its Share Your Story social media campaign. Anyone whose life has been touched by these museums or libraries is encouraged to share their memories and pictures and tag IMLS on Facebook and Twitter by using the hashtags #ShareYourStory and #IMLSmedal And you can still submit your haiku here: And see poems already submitted. To get their newsletter go here: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> COMING EVENTS Bisbee Community Chorus concert, the first in a couple years, is Saturday April 23 @ 5:00 pm and Sunday April 24 @ 3:00 pm. Covenant Presbyterian Church annex. (by the Y) $10/students free. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Earth Day at the Bisbee Saturday Market April 23. A Solar Oven Cook Off with actual judges and a trophy for the winner!! free! free! pine saplings given away courtesy of CQ Library and the Bisbee Bloomers/Arbor Day...AND A PARADE-you can wear costumes -for earth day. The BSM is doing great, a good 50 vendors or more each Saturday, lotsa food, with outstanding music from local groups. Vendors are able to accept SNAP, Double up, WIC FMNP and SR FMNP-If you haven't been or haven't been in awhile, check it out! Also coming on April 30, dance around the Maypole-a kids favorite-and make Mother's Day cards. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>MARIPOSA ART SHOW at POCO The muy fabuloso Gretchen Baer hosts the Studio Mariposa Painting Show Sunday April 24th, 4-6 PM $10 tickets gets you in and includes some Poco treats-15 Main. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Saturday, April 30th, A Garden Talk at Calumet & Arizona Guest House – 608 Powell St.4-5:30, Bless the Bees, Birds & Butterflies - Historic Warren Community hosts a sip, snack & socialize with your Warren neighbors & visitors as the Bisbee Bloomers teach us how we can create a wildlife habitat garden in our own yards.Explore the garden and the fabulous Mission Revival designed in 1906 by noted Southwest architect Henry C. Trost. Seating is limited.Reserve your seat at .


Of Interest:

#1 How your money is spent

#2A Included in these minutes are a close look at Bisbee's public pension debt. It is explained in detail; frankly some of it was over my head. It's huge (about $21,400,000 in unfunded liabilities, that is, debt.) and the solutions outlines are not pretty nor do they give much relief: 1) do nothing 2) put more dollars toward unfunded liability-refinance debt, 3) (paid for it by raising taxes). (These are truncated summaries, read the report)

Bisbee is seriously screwed in the coming years. Bisbee and other cities have a serious problem and legislators, the only ones that can make changes, show no inclination to deal with it.

Of course merging it with ASRS and ending PSPRS is a solution.....

#2,3. A fundraiser for the Friends of the Bisbee Animal Shelter. Yea. May 15.

#5 Asking ok for a new Design Review Board packet to give committee members a more complete idea of what applicants are asking for.

#7 a new policy to cover the general fund

#11 background has architectural plans for the new CH which contractors will be bidding on.

#13 Rescinding an ordinance previously authorizing exchange of property with Bisbee Vogue. Likely this is related to the proposal that qualified for the primary ballot objecting to the city trading land for a parking spot to BV. AGENDA


  1. Approval of the Minutes of the Special Session of Mayor and Council held on March 29, 2022.

  2. Approval of a Park, Facility and Right-of-Way Use Permit for the Bisbee Saturday Market for the use of Lower Vista every Saturday from September 17, 2022, through September 16, 2023, from 7:00am to 2:30pm; this includes set-up and breakdown.

  3. Approval of a Special Event Liquor License Application submitted by Friends of Bisbee Animal Shelter for an event to be held at the Bisbee Dog Park on Sunday, May 15, 2022, from 3:00pm to 7:00pm; Kelly Galligan, Applicant.


3. Discussion and Possible Approval of Ordinance O-22-04; Authorizing the Sale and Transfer of City Property Located Adjacent to and West of 104D and 144 Locklin Avenue and the Existing Access Road to 140 and 142 Locklin Avenue.

Doug Taylor, City Planner

4. Discussion and Possible Approval of Ordinance O-22-06; Accepting the transfer of real property from Southeast Arizona Renovations LLC, located at 105 E Street, Bisbee.

Stephen Pauken, City Manager


5. Discussion and Possible Approval of the Updated Design Review Board Application Packet.

Doug Taylor, City Planner

6. Discussion and Possible Approval of the Notice of Intent to adopt Ordinance O-22-08; Authorizing the sale and transfer of city property located primarily south of and across the right of way from 125 Star Avenue; a vacant parcel described as the north half of APN 103-60-249, Lots 19 and 20.

Doug Taylor, City Planner

7. Discussion and Possible Approval of the General Fund Reserve Policy.

Keri Bagley, Finance Director

8. Discussion and Possible Approval to purchase three (3) Portable AED Defibrillator’s and a Lifepak CR2 trainer for the City of Bisbee to be placed in different departments from AED One-Stop Shop using American Rescue Plan Act Funds.

Jim Richardson, Acting Fire Chief

9. Discussion and Possible Approval of the request for proposal to replace the Senior Center roof at 300 Collins Road.

Matthew Gurney, Public Works Director

10. Discussion and Possible Approval of Ordinance O-22-07; Authorizing the Sale and Transfer of certain property located at 300 Campbell St.

Stephen Pauken, City Manager

11. Discussion and Possible Approval to advertise for bids for a contractor for City Hall.

Stephen Pauken, City Manager

12. Discussion and Possible Approval of a Subscriber Agreement between the City of Bisbee and SEACOM for Regional 911 Communications.

Stephen Pauken, City Manager

13. Discussion and Possible action to rescind Ordinance O-22-01; Authorizing the Exchange and transfer of real property with Bisbee Vogue Inc. locates near 21 Tombstone Canyon St. Bisbee, AZ 85603.

Ken Budge, Mayor

14. City Manager's Report:

  • Copper Queen Library a finalist for the National Medal for Museum and Library Services

  • Other Current events (No Discussion)

...............THE LEGE................

This is a reprint of .....


Founded January 2017 • Founding editor: Melinda Merkel IyerCivic Engagement Beyond Voting

At this time of year, it’s tough to watch the legislature. What are they even doing? Does this just go on forever? And what are we supposed to be doing? Here are answers to the most common questions you've asked CEBV recently.

Q: What’s going on?

A: This point in legislative session is where things start to get murky. The number of bills still alive is low. Lawmakers spent most of last week adjourned, and most of the previous week too.

Q: Why haven’t they been doing anything?

A: They have, but their discussions are happening in private, behind closed doors. The governor and majority leadership are pressuring rank-and-file lawmakers to come to agreement on a budget. However, partisan splits are so narrow that, if they want to pass something completely partisan (and they do), they need to have unanimous support from every Republican (and they don’t).

Q: What’s the holdup?

A: The state is rolling in a $5.3 billion surplus. That’s more than 40% of last year’s budget — literally more money than they know what to do with. Lawmakers can’t agree on how to spend it (investment in public schools, paying down debt, more tax cuts for the elite, a voucher expansion, or all of the above), and frustrations are boiling over. Last Monday, House majority leadership tried to force things along by signaling late introduction of budget bills. This, of course, failed to magically produce an agreement, so they adjourned in a huff to regroup.

Q: What should we expect next?

A: Their next idea is to pass a “skinny” or “baseline” budget (a pared-down slate of bills which simply continues current funding levels into next year), along with all the long-stalled contentious bills they’ve been holding onto for the end of session, then to adjourn so lawmakers can campaign (many have contested primaries). However, it’s clear that this proposal also lacks the votes to pass.

Q: When will this be over?

A: Nobody knows. Legislative session is "suggested" to last 100 days, but it goes until lawmakers are done. The only thing they're constitutionally required to do is pass a budget by the end of this fiscal year, June 30 — which means they could be in session into July.

Q: And then what?

A: As the saying goes, no one is safe while the legislature is in session — but our work doesn't stop once they adjourn. Candidates and sitting lawmakers alike are becoming more and more radicalized, which presents a clear danger to our democracy. The work of helping people understand who their state lawmakers are and what a huge effect that has on all our lives is just beginning.

You may be asking: WHAT CAN I DO?

  • If you have 10 minutes: Contact your lawmakers and remind them that voters don’t want more massive tax cuts for the elite (or more new vouchers, either). Ask them to use our tax dollars responsibly, to provide for our state’s many needs.

  • If you have 30 minutes: Also contact your lawmakers on bills headed to the floor (below). Anything on our watch list could also move this week (check that here).

  • If you have 60 minutes: Watch some floor action via live broadcast.

  • If you have 90 minutes: Join Save Our Schools Arizona via Zoom on Thursday night for a phone bank to friendly voters, then mark your calendar for our next RTS Happy Hour on April 24.

Bills on the floor — contact your lawmakers!

These bills have passed through all committees and are scheduled for a floor vote. Request to Speak is not available. Senator David Gowan (602) 926-5154 Representative Gail Griffin (602) 926-5895 Representative Lupe Diaz (602) 926-4852

SB1211, sponsored by Nancy Barto (R-15), would require public schools to post a list of every single item teachers use or discuss with students. The burden this places on already overworked, underpaid Arizona teachers cannot be overstated. After filing a written complaint, if the school board or administration fails to address the issue to a parent's “satisfaction,” the parent (or any other entity) could sue — a recipe for baseless litigation. Private schools and microschools are exempt. Backed by the Goldwater Institute, lawmakers in at least 17 states are pushing similar bills. Scheduled for a House floor vote, Monday. Contact your representatives to OPPOSE.

HB2161, sponsored by Steve Kaiser (R-15), would require public schools to give parents access to all their children's records unless the information is subject to abuse reporting law. The bill language is disturbingly broad; any parent would be allowed to sue if an issue was not resolved to their "satisfaction." This is part of a host of partisan attacks from national conservative think tanks on K-12 schools, intended to breed conflict between parents and teachers and fuel baseless lawsuits. Written by the far-right Center for Arizona Policy. Scheduled for Senate 3rd read, 4/11, but held. Scheduled once again for a Senate floor vote, Monday. Contact your senator to OPPOSE.

HB2237, sponsored by Jake Hoffman (R-12), would outlaw same-day voter registration. This is the opposite of what Arizona should be doing. Same-day registration increases voter turnout, helps keep voter rolls updated, and boosts election security by creating a cleaner administrative process. Part of a flotilla of anti-democracy legislation designed to make it harder to vote. Hoffman is one of several legislators in Arizona who routinely spreads election falsehoods. Scheduled for a Senate floor vote, Monday. Contact your senator to OPPOSE.

HB2439, sponsored by Beverly Pingerelli (R-21), would get Arizona into the book-banning business by requiring school boards to approve every single book purchase in advance. Cookie-cutter attempts to ban books in schools are being proposed nationwide. As one columnist points out, the push is politically motivated, based on “​​a nightmare vision of schools as filtered through focus groups and political messaging tests… None of this is really about improving education, of course — it’s about political power.” Scheduled for a Senate floor vote, Monday. Contact your senator to OPPOSE.

HB2498, sponsored by Jake Hoffman (R-12), would ban state and local governments from requiring anyone to be vaccinated for COVID-19. Appears aimed at Pima County, which requires the vaccine for employees working with vulnerable populations (and recently reported a 92% vaccination rate). Unvaccinated Arizonans are 31 times more likely to die of COVID-19 than their vaccinated counterparts. Passed on party lines with an amendment to exempt government-run healthcare institutions. Scheduled for a Senate floor vote, Monday. Contact your senator to OPPOSE.

HB2595, sponsored by Jacqueline Parker (R-16), would allow a change of judge on grounds of unsubstantiated allegations of bias or prejudice. This bill is a bad idea for the same reason the juror bill is; it allows trial lawyers to request a new judge even for arbitrary or ill-defined reasons, effectively playing “judge roulette” to see if they can get one more to their liking. Scheduled for a Senate floor vote, Monday. Contact your senator to OPPOSE.

HB2616, sponsored by Joseph Chaplik (R-23), would require public district and charter schools to obtain opt-in consent for each student in order to require mask usage. This Koch-funded push is not only an untenable burden on public health, but a local issue best left to public health experts and school boards, not the state legislature. One expert describes it as “the kind of bill you would want to pass if you didn’t care whether kids missed school or not.” Scheduled for a Senate floor vote, Monday. Contact your senator to OPPOSE.

You made it to the end! Well done! Keep using Arizona's Request to Speak system and contacting your legislators. Reps always say they listen more to individual citizens than lobbyists, so we must work to keep up the pressure until the legislative session ends.

If you value the Weekly and want to support it, please consider donating. 100% of your donations will go toward the research, development and publication of this resource.

...............PRIMARY ELECTIONS................

Primary Election August 2 Cochise County registered voters can expect to receive a new Cochise County voter identification card in the mail this month. The new voter ID cards will reflect the recent changes to the Legislative and Congressional districts and county Precincts.

  • Last day to register to vote July 5, 2022 at midnight (16-120)

  • Early Voting begins July 6, 2022 (16-542)

  • Ballots mailed to registered voters on July 6, 2022

  • Early Voting ends July 29, 2022

  • Last day to request an early ballot by mail July 22, 2022

Senators, Governors, Sec of State, AG, Treasurer, Supe of Ed, Corp Commishs, are elected Statewide. All others are in districts. Redrawn congressional (federal) and legislative (state) districts, (CD & LD) have put Bisbee and Douglas in heavily democratic districts along the border, about 69% democratic. Conversely republicans are almost a 2/3 majority in all the rest of Cochise County and into Graham County. Sometime before early voting starts, I'll publish a cheat sheet to blatantly influence your vote or offer convenience for the absent minded. BISBEE All candidates are incumbents and running unopposed. There is no candidate for Ward 3 2 year term. There would have to be a write-in. If no write-in, the council will pick someone as they did last month. Mayor: Ken Budge Ward 1: Leslie Johns- 4 year term Ward 2: Joni Giacomino- 4 year term Mel Sowid- 2 year term Ward 3: Anna Cline- 4 year term open-2 year term One item on the ballot of prime importance is passing the Home Rule option.(Home rule is a provision that, essentially, allows a city to spend the money it collects from taxes and other sources. It lets the City Council, rather than a nearly 40-year-old state spending formula, decide what local services the community needs.) If it would not pass, Bisbee could only spend a couple million in a budget of seven million plus; basically funding a few departments and that is it. More on that another time. Since this comes up every four years, there are always a few malcontents whining about living within the city's means-a mischaracterization of what home rule is- which are so wrong and misguided that you should pay no mind if you happen on them. Another proposition on the ballot would block the city from a land swap with Bisbee Vogue. (Since the council is rescinding the deal, this council meeting might make this moot.) These are candidates in Primary races STATEWIDE Senator Dem/Mark Kelly Rpub/Mark Brnovich Rpub/Jim Lamon Rpub/Blake Masters Rpub/Mick McGuire Rpub/Justin Olson LBT/Marc Victor Governor Dem/Katie Hobbs Dem/Aaron Lieberman, Dem/Marco Lopez Rpub/Steve Gaynor, Rpub/Kari Lake Rpub/Matt Salmon Rpub/Karrin Taylor Robson Rpub/Scott Neeley Rpub/Paola Tulliani-Zen Secretary of State Dem/Reginald Bolding Dem/Adrian Fontes Rpub/Shawnna Bolick Rpub/Mark Finchem Rpub/Beau Lane Rpub/Michelle Ugenti-Rita Attorney General Dem/Kris Mayes unopposed Rpub/Lacy Cooper Rpub/Rodney Glassman Rpub/Andrew Gould Rpub/Dawn Grove Rpub/Abe Hamadeh Rpub/Tiffany Shedd Treasurer Rpub/Bob Lettieri Rpub/Jeff Weninger Rpub/Kimberly Yee Dem/Martin Quezada Superintendent of Public Instruction Rpub/Tom Horne Rpub/Shiry Sapir Rpub/Michelle Udall Dem/Kathy Hoffman Corporation Commisioner Dem/Sandra Kennedy Dem/Lauren Kuby Rpub/Paul Marsh Rpub/Nick Meyers Rpub/Kim Owens Rpub/Kevin Thompson The boundries of CD-7 excludes most of Cochise County and includes almost all border cities; Douglas, Bisbee, All along the border to include Yuma and north along I-19, South Tucson and West of Tucson. Representative CD -7 Dem/Raul Grijalva CD-7 Rpub/Nina Becker CD-7 Rpub/Luis Pozzolo The boundries of LD-21 loosely follow CD-7 Senate LD-21 Dem Rosanna Gabaldon unopposed Representative LD-21 Dem/Consuelo Hernandez LD-21 Dem/Oye Oyegbola LD-21 Dem/Stephanie Stahl Hamilton Of interest, but no longer our districts The boundries of CD6 include most of Cochise County; Sierra Vista, Benson, Tombstone, Wilcox, and up to Safford. Representative CD-6/Dem Avery Anderson CD-6/Dem Kirsten Engel CD-6/Dem Daniel Hernandez CD-6/Rpub Juan Ciscomani CD-6/Rpub Lucretia Free CD-6/RpubBrandon Martin CD-6/Rpub Young Mayberry CD-6/RpubKathleen Winn LD 19 loosely follows CD6 boundries Senate LD-19/Rpub David Gowan unopposed Representative LD-19 Dem/Sandra Clark LD-19 Rpub Lupe Diaz LD-19 Rpub Gail Griffin

...............THE WORD............... Warning! Seriously, please do not read this if you are offended by sacrilegious words. This poem is not for you! But for the rest of you...this is my favorite Easter poem. Sometime During Eternity . . .

Sometime during eternity some guys show up and one of them who shows up real late is a kind of carpenter from some square-type place like Galilee and he starts wailing and claiming he is hip to who made heaven and earth and that the cat who really laid it on us is his Dad And moreover he adds It’s all writ down on some scroll-type parchments which some henchmen leave lying around the Dead Sea somewheres a long time ago and which you won’t even find for a coupla thousand years or so or at least for nineteen hundred and fortyseven of them to be exact and even then nobody really believes them or me for that matter You’re hot they tell him And they cool him They stretch him on the Tree to cool And everybody after thatis always making models of this Tree with Him hung up and always crooning His name and calling Him to come down and sit in on their combo as if he is the king cat who’s got to blow or they can’t quite make it Only he don’t come down from His Tree Him just hang there on His Tree looking real Petered out and real cool and also according to a roundup of late world news from the usual unreliable sources real dead Lawrence Ferlinghetti, “Sometime During Eternity...” from Coney Island of the Mind. >>>>>>>>>>> Punny Thanks to SM 1. The fattest knight at King Arthur's round table was Sir Cumference. He acquired his size from too much pi. 2. I thought I saw an eye doctor on an Alaskan island, but it turned out to be an optical Aleutian . 3. She was only a whiskey maker, but he loved her still. 4. A rubber band pistol was confiscated from algebra class, because it was a weapon of math disruption. 5. No matter how much you push the envelope, it'll still be stationery. 6. A dog gave birth to puppies near the road and was cited for littering. 7. A grenade thrown into a kitchen in France would result in Linoleum Blownapart 8. Two silk worms had a race. They ended up in a tie. 9. A hole has been found in the nudist camp wall. The police are looking into it.


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