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editor: fred miller May 2, 2022 Wire #31/May/22


Just as the snowbirds leave, the dough birds even numbered years. Yes ma'am it is political season if you can't tell by your inbox, your text messages, your snail mail, your TV, your radio, your computer, your roadway, your neighborhood. Left, right, middle, it makes no difference. There is no place to hide from the voracious political machines that have picked you to absolutely have to support the only person standing between civilization and contributing-depending on the desperation of the pitch, $5, $10, $100, $1000.

The lege is still in session so wreaking havoc is still possible. The draft budget, developed and talked about behind closed doors among republicans only, is not being disclosed. If they follow past patterns, when they finally produce a budget, they will have it up for a couple hours then vote on it. It is among the most important documents produced by the lege and it is the most secret, least transparent process.

I was driving around OB last week and was amazed at how many house owners had done so little to protect their property from fire. Dry brush right next to foundations, piles of flammable junk stacked near houses, sheds and garages with dry grass creeping up to the wood. You would think that a couple of fires would get their attention, but even that hasn't seemed to.

Since we live on a perimeter street in Warren, I've been making plans to plant cactus and maybe putting some gravel across the street to replace scrub weeds and widen a fire break between Black Knob and our house.(Ummm notice the making plans, but not yet done) Something that anyone living on any perimeter street (boundary between wild vegetation and buildings) in any Bisbee district, should take a look at making a fire break where possible.

Get your what-to-do info here Bisbee Firewise here: /

The Bisbee Saturday Market continues to grow and thrive. The May Pole last week was fun for the kids as was the mini-MAKE. If you haven't been, give it a look. Not only meat, veggies, sweets, crafts,and people, but some of the best music in Bisbee as well as info from area organizations. Go here for info:



Tuesday, May 3, 2022 at 5:30PM 915 S. TOVREAVILLE ROAD SPECIAL SESSION Viewing in person or at the City YOUTUBE channel:

Agenda Item:

Approving the Sale, ExecutionandDelivery of Pledged Revenue Obligations

Background here:

Purpose: This item will grant authority to the CM and Finance Director to prepare to sell a bond issue to refinance the PSPRS unfunded liability.

Of Interest:

I really wish there was a summary of how much this will cost the city over the course of how many years at what interest rate. It seems they are seeking a bond to pay off the unfunded liability. However all that may be in the 50+ pages of contracts and amendments spelling out the obligations of both parties, securing a trustee, and much other legalese. However, I could not find it. Perhaps because my eyes glazed over.

REGULAR SESSION Tuesday, May 3, 2022 at 7PM.

Background here: background for council agenda topics is important and necessary for transparency in city government. The city clerks, Ashley Coronado and Nina Williams, post agendas, generally the Thursday before meetings. You may request to get on the mail list from them. The notes reveal details of individual topics such as contracts the city is signing, revised salaries/wages of departments, minutes of past meetings, special event details, monthly expenditures, and much more. In short it is how the city is functioning. It is a good idea to at least look at the background once to see the format and how topics are included. I tend to pick out those items of most me. You may have different ideas of what is interesting.) Of Interest: #1 This is how your money is spent #2 Electric brewing permits for events in May #6 Hmmm. This is for the $27k purchase of an open air 14 person 'tram' that will apparently run between wards in Bisbee for resident and tourist use. The city is trying to relieve traffic congestion and run this transportation on Thur-Sunday. #7 Adoption of the tentative budget which is included in its' 107 page entirety. The general fund is proposed to be $10,276,249. If you have comments this will be the last best chance to make them. There is a pro forma item in June for the public to comment, but the deed has been done by then. #9 A bid for on-call engineering services for the City. Likely backup for issues that are beyond the technical capability of Public Works. We'll see what the costs for the on-call after bids are received. #11 job descriptions for the mine tour. This is part of the continuing effort by the personnel director Joelle Landers to bring descriptions and salaries of all departments up to date. #12 The healthcare benefit agreement for city personnel is spelled out. #13 What's with Eleanor Vaughn and the City? No details available. #14 The city manager report generally is a sum of things happening not noted in the meeting. AGENDA INVOCATION: A Moment of Silence PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MAYOR’S PROCLAMATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS:

  • Letter Carriers’ Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive Day Proclamation

CALL TO THE PUBLIC GENERAL BUSINESS: 1. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: Subject to availability of funds 2. Approval of the Consent Agenda

  1. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Session of Mayor and Council held on April 5, 2022.

  2. Approval of a Park, Facility and Right-of-Way Use Permit for BRATS for the use of Main Street from the Iron Man to the Post Office, Saturday, October 22, 2022, from 4:00pm to 4:45pm.

  3. Approval of an Application for Extension of Premises/Patio Permit submitted by Electric Brewing for and event to be held at 1326 W. Highway 92 #7, on Saturday May 7, 2022; Joseph Charles Frederickson, Applicant.

  4. Approval of an Application for Extension of Premises/Patio Permit submitted by Electric Brewing for and event to be held at 1326 W. Highway 92 #7, on Saturday May 14, 2022; Joseph Charles Frederickson, Applicant.

  5. Approval of an Application for Extension of Premises/Patio Permit submitted by Electric Brewing for and event to be held at 1326 W. Highway 92 #7, on Saturday May 21, 2022; Joseph Charles Frederickson, Applicant.

  6. Approval of an Application for Extension of Premises/Patio Permit submitted by Electric Brewing for and event to be held at 1326 W. Highway 92 #7, on Saturday May 28, 2022; Joseph Charles Frederickson, Applicant.

OLD BUSINESS 3. Discussion and Possible Approval of Ordinance O-22-08; Authorizing the sale and transfer of city property located primarily south of and across the right of way from 125 Star Avenue; a vacant parcel described as the north half of APN 103-60-249, Lots 19 and 20. Doug Taylor, City Planner NEW BUSINESS 4. Discussion and Possible Approval of a Public Auction for the Transfer of Certain City Property Located primarily south of Commerce Street and east of the City Parking Lot on Main Street; an unaddressed, vacant parcel described as APN 103-62-435, and the Establishment of a Minimum Bid Price. Doug Taylor, City Planner 5. Public Auction of Designated Surplus Property Located primarily south of Commerce Street and east of the City Parking lot on Main Street; an unaddressed, vacant parcel described as APN 103-62-435. Doug Taylor, City Planner 6. Discussion and Possible Approval to allow Community Development to purchase a used 2000 GMC Savana white open air 14 passenger tour bus using funds from ARPA / Transient Room Tax in the amount of $27,000 from Trolley Brokers LLC. Doug Taylor, City Planner 7. Discussion and Possible Approval of Resolution R-22-08: Adopting the Tentative Budget for the City of Bisbee for FY 22-23 as well as give notice of the time for public hearing to taxpayers for adoption of the budget. Stephen Pauken, City Manager 8. Discussion and Possible Approval of the Notice of Intent to Adopt Ordinance O-22-09, Accepting the Transfer of Real Property from Southeast Arizona Renovations LLC, Located at 601 W Melody Lane, Bisbee. Stephen Pauken, City Manager 9. Discussion and Possible Approval to go out to bid for On Call Engineering Services to include, but not limited to Structural, Mechanical, Environmental, Highway and Civil. Matthew Gurney, Public Works Director 10. Discussion and Possible Approval to purchase a Landa Pressure Washer in the amount of $7,462.00 to be used by all Public Works Departments. Matthew Gurney, Public Works Director 11. Discussion and Possible Approval of updates to the Job Descriptions for the Copper Queen Mine Tour. Joelle Landers, Personnel Director 12. Discussion and Possible Approval of the Fiscal Year 2023 Blue Cross/Blue Shield Health Insurance, Delta Dental Insurance, and ancillary lines renewal agreements. Joelle Landers, Personnel Director 13. Discussion and Possible Approval of a Motion to go into Executive Session for the following matter:

  1. An executive session pursuant to A.R.S.§ 38-431.03(a)(4) discussion or consultation with the attorney of the public body in order to consider its position and instruct its attorneys regarding the public body's position regarding contracts that are the subject of negotiations, in pending or contemplated litigation or in settlement discussions conducted in order to avoid or resolve litigation on the Eleanor Vaughn matter

14. City Manager's Report:

  • Other Current events (No Discussion)

...............BISBEE & COUNTY STUFF................

Tuesday May 3 at 5:00 A free concert featuring Jason West, a modern day troubadour, will be at tLowell Middle School Auditorium, which is located at 100 Old Douglas Road in Bisbee. Sponsored by the Copper Queen Library... those folks are doing a great job of providing a variety of resources for our community. Give em a raise CM! Check out the haiku wall; . Or this reading to toddlers vid; The library annex at 519 Melody Lance is going strong with a new patio in the rear, classes, books, science stuff, sky gazing, a garden-with actual names of plants! It is an inviting event space and in fact an ice cream social on Friday May 13th noon-2. With only your library card, you can stream movies! They put out an informative weekly newsletter too. Whew! BID SOLICITATION NOW OPEN FOR CONSTRUCTION OF NEW CITY HALL All bid documents/construction and contract documents are available online at “box” website, log-in is not required to download files. Link: Bids are due June 1 with a public bid opening at 4:30. ................ NEW TOURISM DIRECTOR Heather Loken has been hired for the Visitor Center position. In reality it is a tourism director who will be responsible for marketing, advertising, statistic keeping, and overseeing the visitor center. (For years the person in the position has functioned like a tourism director, but for some unknown reason there is a refusal to name the position that.) All of the marketing will now be done in-house rather than contracted as it has been the past 3 years.

................ A PEOPLE'S HISTORY OF BISBEE on KBRP!The audio series"A People's History of Bisbee" by Bisbee's own Susan Wille will be broadcast Thursdays at 1PM on KBRP. Catch up with the last episode at! This is a wonderful introduction to the place you have chosen to live, by people who have lived/are living here. Particularly for newer people recently moved here, but also those that have been here awhile. ............. Bisbee Alternative Therapies Clinic Free Clinic is Saturday May 7th, from 10 to 12, at the Presbyterian Annex, 24 Howell Avenue. Masks are required. All sessions require an appointment, except Reiki. The clinic is always free, however we gladly accept donations to help us keep the doors open. ............. SHRED IT/SHED IT Saturday May 14th, 9-noon Ace Hardware Yes! You can do it! Your semi-annual Catharsis! Get that ole tingle back and feel the righteous orgasmic feeling of not having that stuff you no longer need or want. Get rid of your old paper records, unwanted personal care stuff, out of date men, useless eyeglasses, incriminating nude photos with the neighbors, old medicines, busybody women, ugly dolls, destroyed dog toys, conspiracy theories of the John Birch Society, tax records from 1990 to 2016, check stubs from your teenage job, photos of despised in-laws three marriages ago, donation receipts to loser politicians. Mo info at: Bring a bit of dough cause it is a Bisbee Community Chorus fundraiser. ............. FRIENDS OF THE BISBEE ANIMAL SHELTER Sunday, May 15th -- Las Calakas Cumbia fushion fundraiser hosted by Kristine Levine! Come out to have a great time and support the shelter! Tickets available on Eventbrite, or at Poco (15 Main Street) ................ LOCAL FIRST WORK OPPORTUNITIES

...............EVERYTHING ELSE................

NOAM CHOMSKY ON UKRAINE AND MORE .............. IF YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT PUTIN ............. WATER; Past, Present, Future This is the first of three extensive articles about Arizona water. The journalist Keith Schneider extensively chronicles water shortages, waste, growth, and more. He joins local reporter Shar Poirer/Herald Reveiw-one of the most knowledgeable people about Cochise County water issues-and Tony Davis/AZ Star examining the lifeblood of our state. Circle of Blue: The second of three focusing on Sulphur Springs... The third of the series talks about a water-less future


DESIGN IS THE ENERGY PROBLEM (One of the most aggravating problems of modern life is poor design. As technology has advanced, it seems as if a majority of things/processes are not designed by people that use them and have never had any relation to them. And when it is further removed and designed by people who design the algorithms and the artificial intelligence that create the products or software, it gets worse. As the article points out, there is little of a whole systems approach.) An interview with Amory Lovins ..............

LIVABILITY INDEX AARP’s Public Policy Institute recently redesigned its Livability Index to make the search for a home a little easier

...............THE WORD............... thanks to RC I told my wife she should embrace her mistakes... so she hugged me. At my funeral, take the bouquet off my coffin and throw it into the crowd to see who is next. I thought growing old would take longer. I came, I saw, I forgot what I was doing. Retraced my steps, got lost on the way back, now I have no idea what's going on. The officer said, "You drinking?" I said, "You buying?" We just laughed and laughed.... I need bail money. I think the reason we are born with two hands is so we can pet two dogs at once. Day 12 without chocolate. Lost hearing in my left eye. Scientists say the universe is made up of protons, neutrons and electrons. They forgot to mention morons. A dog accepts you as the boss... a cat wants to see your resume. Oops.... did I roll my eyes out loud? Life is too short to waste time matching socks. Wi-fi went down for five minutes, so I had to talk to my family. They seem like nice people. If you see me talking to myself, just move along. I'm self-employed; we're having a staff meeting. I won't be impressed with technology until I can download food. My doctor asked if anyone in my family suffers from mental illness. I said, "No, we all seem to enjoy it." I really don't mind getting old, but my body is having a major fit. Camping: where you spend a small fortune to live like a homeless person. I told my wife I wanted to be cremated. She made me an appointment for Tuesday. Measure once, cuss twice My dream job would be driving the karma bus. THINK! (It's not illegal.... YET) I don't care who dies in a movie, as long as the dog lives. Love is how excited your dog gets when you come home I've reached the age where my train of thought often leaves the station without me If you're happy and you know it, it's your meds

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