editor: fred miller July 4, 2022 Wire #34/July 2022
So soon we meet again...
There is a council meet, voting registration ends tomorrow for the primary and early voting starts soon, and some econ stats came in, hence another Wire. And I've cleaned out the stash a bit at the end with some unrelated but interesting articles.
If you are feeling like you would like to do something to answer the deluge of misinformation but haven't found an outlet for your frustration Vote Forward is an effective way to get involved encouraging others to vote in elections.
Vote Forward
This is one of the most effective ways to passively participate while All from your home.Basically when you sign up with Vote Forward you write letters to registered voters, people you don't know, in many states encouraging them to vote. You are sent addresses by the Vote Forward team and letters are then mailed at a pre determined date. You pay postage. The date is researched to create maximum impact on elections. Sometimes you can write letters and not mail them for several months. There are suggested letters, but it's up to you to write the message. VF has good research and impressive stats as to the effectiveness of this kind of activism. And you can do as much or as little as you want. Go here for more info: https://votefwd.org/program-overview and to sign up.
We went to the parade today and I'll be damned if I could figure out what some 'floats' were representing cause of no sgns. But all in all ,a good home town turnout. Thanks to all who did the route down Bisbee Road and Arizona street as well as those that turned out to admire their efforts. About some political candidates; 'He was more tense than Herschel Walker on Father's Day.' fred
..........BISBEE STUFF........
CORRECTION...The name of the Cochise County Chairman is Robert W. Montgomery, not David. Sometimes I get blinded cause my eye tooth can't see what I'm writing.
Best of in the Herald Review. is now live. Got a fave biz to recommend? To nominate (by 7/7). Want to vote (begin 7/10) for the best? Restaurants, Recreation, home life, health and beauty,shopping, work and education, good deeds. Go here: http://myheraldreview.secondstreetapp.com/Best-Of-Bisbee-2022/
The state’s Rural Development Council (AZRDC), Local First Arizona (LFA) is hosting the 2022 Rural Policy Forum in Winslow, Arizona on Wednesday, August 3 – Friday, August 5. The forum connects rural economic development professionals, community leaders, business owners, nonprofits, and other rural stakeholders and advocates who are interested in sustaining rural communities. If interested in attending, you must register at this link, Rural Policy Forum Sponsor Registration Form, and select Freeport-McMoRan as your registration sponsor to register without charge (travel and lodging not included).The deadline to register without charge is Friday, July 22.
Lotsa stuff happening at the Lab; open labs, tinkering, science Fridays, back yard building, summer camp, astronomy monthlies. And you can learn to be a certified NaturaIist! Sign up for their Informative newsletter to check it all out. https://www.bisbeesciencelab.org
Last year, Arizona began allowing people to be trained and hired by home health agencies as licensed health aides to care for family members under 21 who qualify for long-term, around-the-clock care. The program is here: https://des.az.gov/services/older-adults/family-caregiver-support was launched with the goal of easing burdens on the families who need the most support.Parents are trained in the lower acuity parts of their child’s specific care plan, including things like G-tube feedings, medication administration, and tracheostomy care. More info here:
We were fortunate to join eight others for a pre-opening dinner at The Copper Pig, Chris and Heather's place on Arizona St. near Mornings, in Warren. (Heather runs the coffee concession at the Saturday Market) It was really really good from apps and salad to chicken scallopini with pasta and dessert. It will be a good addition to the food scene in Bisbee. They hope to open late July, early August. Stay tuned.
Pertinent information for the coming primary, or go here https://www.azcleanelections.gov/ Independents can vote in primaries if they choose what ballot they want. For a good rundown of most state & fed candidates includes individual campaign finance reports, go here: https://ballotpedia.org Schedule July 5 voter registration deadline July 6 Early voting begins July 22 last day to request ballot by mail July 26 last day to return ballot by mail July 29 last day to vote early in person August 2, election day Registration... If you register democrat you will get a democratic primary ballot If you register republican you will get a republican primary ballot If you register independent, you will have to ask for a specific ballot in order to vote in any primary To check if you are registered, go here: https://www.azcleanelections.gov/verify-my-voter-registration To register; go to servicearizona.com You will need a valid drivers license, you will be mailed a confirmation. You can also go to the clean elections site Elections... For information: 520 432-8979 or elections@cochise.az.gov Ballots... To get a ballot sent to you call the county recorder: https://www.cochise.az.gov/498/Recorder 520-432-8358 or voterreg@cochise.az.gov Vote Center....Early Vote in person or drop off ballots here: 1415 Melody Lane, Bldg B The democratic party is seeking more poll observers and hand count volunteers, go here; https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdCVhhYu1_Nzj526Ym2YezfSM-o4FLIUFf-6Q1ZTaSkvzxC-Q/viewform or email: CountyChair@CochiseCoDems.org On the Ballot for Bisbee: Vote YES Alternative expenditure Limit (aka Home Rule Option) This does not raise taxes. It was passed in 2018. Please do not screw around with this and listen to some of the 'agin ems about everything' out there. Put simply if this does not pass, the state will severely limit what Bisbee government can spend for citizen services by about half of what is needed. The limit is based on 1980 budgets and in no way conforms to current revenue and expenditures. VOTING CHEAT SHEET My blatant attempt to sway your vote. (this is for dems only unless noted) BISBEE Vote YES Alternative expenditure Limit (aka Home Rule Option) FED U.S. Senator...Mark Kelly U.S. Representative. Congressional District CD-7... Raul Grijalva STATE Gov...Katie Hobbs Sec. of State....Adrian Fontes Attorney General....Kris Mayes Supe of Public Instruction...Kathy Hoffman Corporation Commish....Sandra Kennedy, Lauren Kuby Representative LD-21.... elects a senator and two reps .... Senator Rosanna Gabaldon Rep Stephanie Stahl Hamilton, Rep Consuelo Hernandez Justice of the Peace P-1...Jannus Poppe Superior Court Judge Division 1...Joel Larson Bisbee City Council (no one got enough signatures to run in Ward 3. Write ins allowed. All other council seats are not contested.) Mayor (2yr) 1 Budge, Ken Ward 1 Council Member (4yr) 1 Johns, Leslie Ward 2 Council Member (4yr) 1 Giacomino, Joni Ward 2 Council Member (2yr) 1 Sowid, Mel Ward 3 Council Member (4yr) 1 Cline, Anna Ward 3 Council Member (2yr) 1 No Candidate Filed, Claire Chafee is an official write in candidate.
Background here: http://www.bisbeeaz.gov/AgendaCenter/ViewFile/Agenda/_07052022-409
(The background for council agenda topics is important and necessary for transparency in city government. The city clerks, Ashley Coronado and Nina Williams, post agendas, generally the Thursday before meetings. You may request to get on the mail list from them for meeting announcements. The notes reveal details of individual topics such as contracts the city is signing, revised salaries/wages of departments, minutes of past meetings, special event details, monthly expenditures, and much more. In short it is how the city is functioning. It is a good idea to at least look at the background once to see the format and how topics are included. I tend to pick out those items of most interest...to me. You may have different ideas of what is interesting.)
Of interest...
#1 How your money is being spent.
#7 a $500 grant retroactively awarded for an event in June
#9 Installation of a catch basin at the entrance to busy bee parking lot. $34k
#10 six year lease agreements for three trucks for public works. Total is $34,000 @ 7.1% interest
#11 a second amendment to the Hillcrest building sale. This would extend the feasibility date of the buyer so they can apply for 2023 tax credits. The city would be able to market the property for sale up till Nov. 30. (Hillcrest Housing LLC was turned down for tax credits this year.)
#12 Authorization for a Continuation of a One Percent (1.0%) Transaction Privilege Tax. Some of this dough, if approved, I think will go towards paying the difference in the PSPRS bond payment the remainder of what is owed to the pension fund.
#13 Details on second round of funding for ARPA (America Rescue Plan Act) awards. The city was awarded $1.75 million to be spent in two years on vaguely worded projects. This is announcing the new FY funding cycle for the city.
INVOCATION: A Moment of Silence
Retirement Announcement
1. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: Subject to availability of funds
Approval of the Consent Agenda
A. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Session of Mayor and Council held on June 21, 2022.
B. Approval of a liquor license special event, Bisbee Coalition for the Homeless. Warren ballpark November 5, 2022.
C. Possible Approval of a Park, Facility and Right-of-Way Use permit for the use of Erie Street in Lowell for the Bisbee Arts Commission Festival of Arts to be held on Saturday, October 22 and Sunday, October 23, 2022, to include a waiver of fees.
3. Discussion and Possible Approval of an Application for an Extension of Premises/Patio Permit submitted by Electric Brewing for an event to be held at 1326 W. Highway 92 #7, Bisbee, Arizona on Sunday, July 10, 2022; Natalie Fredrickson, Applicant.
Ashlee Coronado, City Clerk
4. Discussion and Possible Approval of an Application for an Extension of Premises/Patio Permit submitted by Electric Brewing for an event to be held at 1326 W. Highway 92 #7, Bisbee, Arizona on Sunday, July 17, 2022; Natalie Fredrickson, Applicant.
Ashlee Coronado, City Clerk
5. Discussion and Possible Approval of an Application for an Extension of Premises/Patio Permit submitted by Electric Brewing for an event to be held at 1326 W. Highway 92 #7, Bisbee, Arizona on Sunday, July 24, 2022; Natalie Fredrickson, Applicant.
Ashlee Coronado, City Clerk
6. Discussion and Possible Approval of an Application for an Extension of Premises/Patio Permit submitted by Electric Brewing for an event to be held at 1326 W. Highway 92 #7, Bisbee, Arizona on Sunday, July 31, 2022; Natalie Fredrickson, Applicant.
Ashlee Coronado, City Clerk
7. Discussion and Possible Approval of the recommendation from the Bisbee Arts Commission to City Council to fund a grant application from Dan di Monium / Milo Mietzner in the amount of $500.00, from the Bisbee Arts Commission Fund.
Leslie Johns, council Liaison Bisbee Arts Commission
8. Discussion and Possible Approval of Amendment #1 to the Agreement to provide Animal Care Services between the City of Bisbee and the Friends of the Bisbee Animal Shelter.
Steve Pauken, City Manager
9. Discussion and Possible Approval to award a contract to KE&G to install a catch basin on Tombstone Canyon near the entrance of the Busy B parking lot.
Matthew Gurney, Public Works Director
10. Discussion and Possible Approval of three lease agreement from GM Financial Commercial Vehicle Lending for three 2022 Chevrolet Silverado trucks.
Matthew Gurney, Public Works Director
11. Discussion and Possible Approval of the Second Amendment to the Agreement for Purchase and Sale of Real Property for the Hillcrest Building.
Stephen Pauken, City Manager
12. Discussion and Possible Approval of Resolution R-22-13; a Resolution of the Mayor and Council of the City of Bisbee, County of Cochise, State of Arizona, submitting to the Electors at the General Election to be held on November 8, 2022, a Proposition Authorizing a Continuation of a One Percent (1.0%) Transaction Privilege Tax.
Steve Pauken, City Manager
13. City Manager's Report:
2nd round of ARPA Funding for Non-Profits and the deadline to submit applications.
Other Current events (No Discussion)
............BISBEE ECONOMY............
The housing market continues double digit sales. In fact in June 21 houses for changed hands for a sales total of $4,505,500; in May 16 houses sold for $3,457,073.
The first half of 2022, housing sales were $21,930,673. Compared with $10,843,750 the first half of 2021, and $8,852,308 in the first half of 2020.
address asking/sold
103 D $55K/$50k
317 Park $59k
7 Cochise Row $99k/$80k
473 Park Pl. $108k
209 A st. $117,500/$110k
202 Brewery $175k
3460 S/ Desert Dr/ $205k/$184k
317 16th terrace $195k
65 Shearer $219k
1020 W Hwy 92 $250k
518 Ruppe $255k/$275k
204 Brewery $299k
513 Bisbee Rd $298k
2267 W. Mile Pass $325k
600 Olive Circle $359,998
1250 Packard Rd $435k
106A $35k
114 Cochise Dr. $118k/$89k
131 F. Huachua Ln $100k
211 OK st. $100k/$110k
5463 Willys Run $129k
203 Park Av. $150k
104 Campbell $169k
508 Alegre Pl $178,500/$165k
134 Tombstone $178k/$168k
311 Mill Rd. $195k
727 Tombstone $235k/$218k
309 15th terrace $229k/$222k
58 Black Knob View $239k/$234,500
1515 Hidden Valley Rd $285k
506 Douglas $255k
602 Hoatson $239k/$256k
307 Shattuck $275k
501C Laundry Hill $319k/$300k
210 Hazzard $325k
644A Tombstone $415k/$350k
102 Tombstone $549k/$540k
There were 42 residential permits issued in May for $465,602. Remodeling and maintenance continues strong, following housing sales. Residential work was roofs, plumbing, electric, and the like. There were also 11 permits for $243,100 worth of commercial work on St. Pats, Good to Go, and several other structures. There were no new building permits. Building permits for the first five months total $2,1811,61. That's roughly $1million more than the first five months of 2021 and 2019.
(reported for May it is the actual sales from March. Reporting always is two months behind. And sometimes events, sales, or late reporting skews the monthly report resulting in greater or lesser reporting in a single month.)
While March is usually the best month for visitation, this year it brought in far more than ever before. When it is combined, the 5% bed tax ($59,975) and the regular tax ($40,919), brought in $100,894! The 5% bed tax is adding beaucoup bucks to the city treasury.
Bed tax monies are used to fund tourism related services, they do not go into the general fund. Although the budget line item is ‘Visitor Center’, that has long been a misnomer for the range of tourism activities that are funded by the bed tax. Often the bed tax is not enough to fund the whole budget item so other monies subsidize it.
And the bed tax is not broken out by short term rental-air b&b etc.- and traditional rentals, it is lumped together.
The majority of retail sales taxes are not generated in OB as is sometimes thought, but from Ace , B&D, and Safeway. I don’t know what is the precise breakdown because that is confidential information not released by the treasurer, but I think the percent is substantial. Retail for March was $107k down $2k from February, but up substantially from the end/start of 2022.
This is the one stat that I can’t figure. If lodging is booming then there are more people in town, one would think that restaurant/bar sales would reflect that. March taxes were $53+k, which is up certainly up from a year ago, and up from the end/start of 2022 except it still doesn’t seem to track with lodging this reporting month. Last month February sales, lodging was about half at $50k, but r/b sales were $30k more at $84k. I dunno. Am open to explanations.
Internet taxes are in the mid $20k range which is up a bit, but these taxes have fluctuated from $16k to $26k over the past year and a half.
Grocery/ food taxes brought in $43,508. These have also fluctuated the past year from $32k to $48k.
Bitchin' Pickles Bisbee LLC
34 Brewery
Sarah Prochnau
Taqueria Outlaw LLC
78 Main St.
Michael Clements
...........EVERYTHING ELSE...........
The ruling leaves a recent awarded 5 year $280 million per year contract with NaphCare undecided. NaphCare has been accused of overcharging other prisons for health care. The decision emphatically calls into question Arizona's privatized prison health care system.
https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/arizona/2022/06/30/federal-court-rules-arizona-prison-health-care-system-unconstitutional/7505909001/?utm_source=azcentral-AZBriefing&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=baseline_greeting&utm_term=list_article_thumb&utm_content=PPHX-1531AR-E-NLETTER02 +++++++++++ 2000 MULES & CINEMARK I'm unsure whether Cinemark, showed 2000 Mules — a debunked "documentary" promoting the Big Lie— in Sierra Vista. It was in at least 169 of their other theaters. The chairman and founder of Cinemark, Lee Roy Mitchell, is a major financial backer of Trump and right-wing misinformation platforms. +++++++++++ SUNSCREEN GUIDE From environmental working group, this report tells you which sunscreens are most effective. https://www.ewg.org/sunscreen/about-the-sunscreens/?category=beach+%26+sport+sunscreen +++++++++++ The Indivisible Truth Brigade is a nation-leading initiative led by Indivisible staff in partnership with independent disinformation research teams. Truth Brigade volunteers, trained to effectively disrupt disinformation online and offline, regularly personalize and share strategic counter-message campaigns. More than 5,000 people from every state have joined the Truth Brigade, and #TruthBrigade online messages have achieved more than 300 million measurable impressions. Join us! +++++++++++
APPLE OFFERS IT TRAINING You too can fix apple things... https://www.cnet.com/tech/services-and-software/apple-now-offers-training-to-become-an-it-professional/?ftag=CAD4dc88c8 +++++++++++ SURPLUS INVENTORYMajor retailers have a glut of all the wrong stuff in their inventories, as delayed shipments finally arrive. Many are just going to hold on to the excess inventory, waiting for the moment when it’s advantageous to hawk fleeces again. Walmart’s inventories are up 33 percent in the first quarter, and about 20 percent of it is stuff the company doesn’t actually want. Gap inventories are up 34 percent year over year, American Eagle inventory is up 46 percent, Urban Outfitters up 32 percent, and Kohl’s is up 40 percent. Anyway, if anyone wants a bunch of Christmas-themed pajamas that finally got off a boat, America’s retailers are ready to oblige you. +++++++++++ BREAD INGREDIENT NOT SO TASTY Potassium bromate is legal in the US but banned in other countries because multiple studies have suggested that this chemical increases the incidence of cancer in the kidneys, thyroid and other organs. If you would like to break the store bread habit try locally made bread. Ralph at Mimosa market turns out tasty offerings, 2 or 3 vendors at the Vista Saturday Market bake a variety of breads, and although not local, some of the best bread in the state- Barrio Bread is available at Pocos. +++++++++++ HOW A BOOK IS MADE From word processor to store shelve, a journey... https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/02/19/books/how-a-book-is-made.html?action=click&pgtype=Article&state=default&module=styln-books-general&variant=show®ion=BELOW_MAIN_CONTENT&block=storyline_flex_guide_recirc +++++++++++
FOOD PORN A collection of egg recipes from the NYT with closeup photos https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/09/dining/egg-recipes.html?campaign_id=190&emc=edit_ufn_20220511&instance_id=60969&nl=updates-from-the-newsroom®i_id=61005435&segment_id=91885&te=1&user_id=a6554dadaad9c455c1d11820a9266cd5 +++++++++++
BEISBALL BE BERY BERY GOOD IN GEORGIA https://www.azcentral.com/story/sports/mlb/2022/07/03/savannah-bananas-putting-show-mlb-would-smart-watch/7717906001/?utm_source=azcentral-AZBriefing&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=baseline_greeting&utm_term=list_article_thumb&utm_content=PPHX-1531AR-E-NLETTER02 +++++++++++ AWWWWW! SOOOO CUTE A rabbit hole for you.... A page from around the world. Colours Of Life and the amazing things that surround us. https://www.facebook.com/Colours.oof.Life/
.............. WORD...............
Thanks to RC...
“The only mystery in life is why the kamikaze pilots wore helmets.” – Al McGuire
“The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.” – Albert Einstein
“War is God’s way of teaching Americans geography.” – Ambrose Bierce
“It would be nice to spend billions on schools and roads, but right now that money is desperately needed for political ads.” – Andy Borowitz
“At every party there are two kinds of people – those who want to go home and those who don’t. The trouble is, they are usually married to each other.” – Ann Landers
“My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I’m right.” – Ashleigh Brilliant
“Have you noticed that all the people in favor of birth control are already born?” – Benny Hill
“The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us.” – Bill Watterson
“As a child my family’s menu consisted of two choices: take it or leave it.” – Buddy Hackett
“My favorite machine at the gym is the vending machine.” – Caroline Rhea
“All right everyone, line up alphabetically according to your height.” – Casey Stengel
“Never under any circumstances take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.” – Dave Barry
“How many people here have telekinetic powers? Raise my hand.” – Emo Philips
“If you live to be one hundred, you’ve got it made. Very few people die past that age.” – George Burns