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BISBEE WIRE #37/Short term rentals/council agenda/Bisbee events/reliable sources for news

editor: fred miller September 20, 2022 #37/Sept 22


As summer slides into fall, and the monsoon sputters to a close with one final week of welcome water, I feel my pace quickening as the cool mornings and slowly warming days energize me to complete many outdoor tasks before the cold comes.

So too, events seem to come at us at a proliferating pace; the garden tour, the blues fest, gallery openings, lotsa informative meetings, and coming in October the 1000, and the really big Art weekend featuring the range of Bisbee artists and the BRATS rolling on Main street.

The last dash of candidates has also begun marked by the sheer number of crappy commercials. More on that next issue, but suffice to say that some of the nominees-mostly republican- are the most incompetent people ever running in Arizona...and you know that is saying something.

The Bisbee music scene is thriving. The best way to find what is happening is to check out the many events listed on the valuable weekly calendar on Steve Moramarco's facebook page;

The work session tonight will be talking about new regs for short term rentals. Catch it if you can. As before, I advocate for hiring a part time person solely to compile a data base on SRTs for the city, in order to have a tracking system that can be referred to if residents have problems in their neighborhood.

I've put a shameless plug for myself in the KRRP press release below. Initially, I'll have a bi-monthly segment of the Weekly Magazine on Friday mornings 9:30-11:30 hosted by Mike Thornton. Check it out the inaugural issue Friday.


............BISBEE STUFF.............

REGISTER TO VOTE BY OCTOBER 11! You can register to vote online, by mail or in person. If you have your Arizona driver's license or state identification card, you can register online via the Service Arizona portal. Otherwise, you'll need to print a voter registration form and return it once completed. Remember to include proof of citizenship. .................. WATER MEETING IN DOUGLAS (This affects Old Bisbee and Saginaw, but not the rest of Bisbee.) Arizona Water Defenders is holding an educational water meeting to provide information about our water supply. YMCA Plaza Esmeralda on 1000 Pan American Avenue in Douglas on Tuesday, September 27 from 5:30-7:30 PM. Kristine Uhlman, RG will be presenting on the hydrogeology of our aquifer and our groundwater supply and questions will be taken by water policy expert Dr. Susanna Eden, of the Water Resources Research Center. Bring your questions. (Apropos of this meeting, you may have gotten a mailer from the Farm Bureau with some figures that highlighted the impact of agriculture in our County. Turns out those figures were greatly exaggerated. They were caught out for using inflated statistics and admitted their mistake on their website, but only after it was pointed out to them. The Farm Bureau does not support AMA's.) .............. ARTEMSIA OPENING French photographer JR will be featured in an exhibition at Artemsia Annex Gallery, 24 Main. Friday, September 30 5-8 pm, is the opening. ................. WARD 2 MEETING 10/1/2022 10 AM Bisbee Boys& Girls Club 405 Arizona St, Warren (Corner of Congdon & Arizona Streets) Ward 2 Representatives Mel Sowid and Joni Giacomino, along with Bisbee Mayor Ken Budge, will talk about upcoming items on the November ballot and other information of interest............. WARREN-WIDE YARD SALE Historic Warren Community-wide Yard Sale Start clearing the clutter and preparing to turn your gently-used treasures into holiday shopping cash! Saturday October 8. HWC will advertise the event, create a map of participating homes and arrange to have any unsold donations picked up and hauled away afterwards. Tell all your friends! If you want to participate and be placed on the map, send an email to ( or text 520-356-1083.

.............THE BIG ART WEEKEND Lotsa art! And Music too! Lowell and OB. Bisbee artists main exhibition opener Friday/21 @ 6-9, 16 Erie St. BRATS be rollin on Saturday/22, music and art in Lowell and OB. Sunday/23, outdoor festival in Lowell


WORK SESSION Tuesday September 20, 2022 5:30 915 S. TOVREAVILLE ROAD (Work sessions are informative no votes are taken)

Of Interest:

...Extensive revision of the Light code

...New regs entirely for Short Term Rentals.

This came about because the legislature finally was moved to act (after many wealthy people in Scottsdale, Paradise Valley, Sedonna complained bitterly about the negative effect on their million dollar peace and property devaluation). The regs are designed to give communities more tools to deal with the basically unregulated short term rental market. Legit owners should have no probs with these, but even so there is going to be a lot of whining from those who have been sliding for years.

They include:

Penalties, Emergency Contact, neighborhood notification, advertising requirements, posting on property, insurance, background checks, safety inspections, and more.


  1. Discussion and Possible Direction to Staff regarding Amending the City Code, Article 7.10, Light Pollution and the Bisbee Zoning Code, Article 3, 6, 7, and 9.

Stephen Pauken, City Manager

  1. Discussion and Possible Direction to Staff regarding Repealing and Replacing the City Code Article 8.9 Vacation Rentals and Short-Term Rentals.

Stephen Pauken, City Manager

REGULAR SESSION Tuesday September 20, 2022 7:00 915 S. TOVREAVILLE ROAD

Background here: Of Interest: #2, 4, 9 Some property exchanges #5, 6 adopting guidelines for an colonia application and application for a block grant (this is the kind of stuff that takes a lot of time to wade through for city employees) #7 Moving the Xmas celebration from OB to Warren to be Christmas on the Vista. #8 USPO rental #10 Getting rid of asbestos at Hillcrest apts-through a grant-will make it more salable. #11 Tearing down the remnants of the old city hall that apparently will make it easier to get a bid on a new building that does not have to incorporate the old entrance. Agenda INVOCATION: A Moment of Silence PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MAYOR’S PROCLAMATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: CALL TO THE PUBLIC THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WILL BE DISCUSSED, CONSIDERED AND/OR DECIDED UPON AT THIS MEETING: GENERAL BUSINESS: 1. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: Subject to availability of funds

  1. Approval of the Consent Agenda

  2. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Session of Mayor and Council held on September 6, 2022.

  3. Approval of a Park, Facility and Right of Way Use Permit for the use of Howell Avenue in front of the Copper Queen Hotel for a Halloween Street Party on Saturday, October 29, 2022, from 6PM to 1AM.

  4. Approval of a Special Event Liquor License Application submitted by Bisbee Pride Inc. for an event to be held at 401 Cole Ave, Bisbee, AZ on Saturday, November 26, 2022, from 4:00pm to 11:00pm.

OLD BUSINESS 3. Discussion and Possible Approval of Ordinance O-22-12, accepting the transfer of real property from Southeast Arizona Renovations LLC, located at 103 D Street, Bisbee. Stephen Pauken, City Manager 4. Discussion and Possible Approval of a Notice of Intent to Adopt Ordinance O-22-13, Authorizing a utility easement to Arizona Public Services Company located near 118 Walsh Avenue. Matthew Gurney, Public Works Director NEW BUSINESS 5. Discussion and Possible Approval of Resolution R-22-15, Authorizing the Adoption of Owner-Occupied Housing Rehabilitation Guidelines in relation to an application for Colonias CDBG Set-Aside Funds. Stephen Pauken, City Manager Melissa Hartman, City Planner 6. Public Hearing and Discussion and Possible Approval of Resolution R-22-16, Authorizing the submission of an application for FY 2021/2022 State Community Development Block Grant Colonias Set-Aside Funds, certifying that said application meets the community's previously identified housing and community development needs and the requirements of the state CDBG program, and authorizing all actions necessary to implement and complete the activities outlined in said application. Stephen Pauken, City Manager Melissa Hartman, City Planner 7. Discussion and Possible Direction to staff on Christmas on the Vista event. Leslie Johns, Councilmember Ward I Joni Giacomino, Councilmember Ward II 8. Discussion and Possible Approval of Resolution R-22-05, Approving a 5 Year Lease with the United States Postal Service for the Facility in Old Bisbee at a rent of $59,815 per year, effective January 1, 2023. Stephen Pauken, City Manager 9. Discussion and Possible Approval the Notice of Intent to adopt Ordinance O-22-14; an ordinance of the Mayor and Council of the City of Bisbee, County of Cochise, State of Arizona, authorizing the sale and transfer of certain property located at 105 E Street, City of Bisbee, County of Cochise, State of Arizona under the city’s workforce housing initiative; authorizing the taking of all other actions necessary for the consummation of the transaction contemplated by this ordinance. Stephen Pauken, City Manager 10. Discussion and Possible Approval of an EPA Clean-Up Grant Application for Hillcrest Apartment Building. Stephen Pauken, City Manager 11. Discussion and Possible Approval to Award KE&G Construction Inc. the Demolition and Earthwork project for the New City Hall for the City of Bisbee and Authorize the Mayor to enter into a contract with KE&G Inc. Stephen Pauken, City Manager 12. City Manager's Report


KBRP ADDS TWO MORNING TALK SHOWS KBRP, Bisbee’s community radio station, has added two new shows to their weekly lineup. The two-hour KBRP Weekly Magazine airing on Friday mornings will be hosted by Mike Thornton, a veteran of community radio and public affairs programming. Dr. Cindy Anderson, a naturopathic medicine practitioner, will be the anchor of Doc Talk on Monday mornings. The KBRP Weekly Magazine will air live 9:30-11:30 AM on Fridays with a mix of music, news, views, public affairs, and interviews with a variety of guests addressing issues of significance to the people who live in Bisbee and Cochise County. In coming weeks there will be aural articles on grassroots efforts to protect local water resources, the economics of tourism, short term vacation rental impacts, city and county government updates, border issues, homelessness, healthcare, and more. Fred Miller, editor of the Bisbee Wire, will be a regular contributor focusing on economic issues affecting Bisbee. The magazine plans to be reflective of the needs and desires of the community and a place that amplifies the voices we often don’t hear. The program is scheduled for rebroadcast on Tuesdays 8-10 am. Doc Talk will air Monday mornings at 9:00 a.m. Dr. Cindy Anderson, a specialist in naturopathic medicine and a mid-wife, has extensive experience in public radio in Connecticut. Her program about naturopathic medicine will cover many medical topics. If you have questions or a topic you'd like addressed, email her at The program will be rebroadcast on Fridays at 11:30. All broadcast programs are available to stream 24/7. Go to Both of these shows were developed in response to community input, through surveys and comments, about what residents would like to hear on their local station. However, it takes much effort and time for keep community radio stations on the air. KBRP is sustained by members of the community through financial contributions, memberships, and volunteer time. If you want a vigorous, eclectic auditory outlet that reflects our community then please make it happen through your donations of money and time. This goes both ways too! Send us programming ideas, comments on shows, issues you would like to see covered, music we don’t play, and your ideas for the future of community radio. You can do any of the above through our website


Newspapers are in trouble just about everywhere. More than 1,800 local papers have closed since 2004 as print advertising revenue plummeted and reader habits shifted to online sources. The shuttering of those papers, along with the shrinking of other local news sources, is having profound negative effects on society because there is less scrutiny of governmental decisions and corporate malfeasance.

NEWS SOURCES for the WIRE I've put together a list of what I read to get the info that goes into the Wire. Since the 'media landscape' has become so fragmented, there are fewer national, state, and county sources of general news and many more single sources that have a narrow focus, often online only. Although we are fortunate in Bisbee to have two papers that cover our town, many other cities and counties have a news desert. The flip side of this is that there is more findable information available than ever before. However that has also given rise to scads of misinformation which has led to verification sites to sort out what is solid and what is fecal matter. Some sites that fact check are: Newsguard is very good. PolitiFact FactCheck Snopes There are several others listed here: MAINSTREAM NEWSPAPERS All of these have frequent subscription sales/deals for digital, check the sites. ARIZONA Arizona Capitol Times (paid) Arizona Star, (paid) Arizona Republic, (paid) Bisbee Observer (paid) Herald Review, (paid) NATION/WORLD The Guardian (free/paid), Huff Post (free), New York Times (paid) Washington Post (paid), The Daily Mail (free)

NEWSLETTERS In addition to the above are many other sources, some are news aggregators and a few covering specific issues only such as climate change or the food industry. Of the free ones, most exist on patronage/donations for their information so if you subscribe or read frequently, send them some dough. (These first three sources are all about Arizona politics. The two newsletters are written by former reporters for AZ republic and AZ Capitol Times and have decades of experience. Lotsa insider stuff here.) Arizona Agenda (free/paid) Very useful...their goal is simple: Help Arizonans better understand the state’s political scene and how the government works so they can make informed decisions and hold their leaders to account. We focus on the effects of political decisions and the people behind them. Arizona Mirror (free) The Arizona Mirror is an independent, nonprofit news organization that is focused on connecting public policy with the people it affects with coverage of the state’s biggest issues. The Legislature Weekly (free) (while in session) Melinda Merkel Iyer's invaluable weekly guide to bills being considered in the Arizona legislature (published from approximately December to May, covering the legislative session, and periodically when current events or issues affecting Arizona voters arise. and to sign up BIG (free, paid) A newsletter on the politics of monopoly power CNET daily news (free) Mostly tech oriented but also product reviews The New Lede (free) This newsletter is from EWG (Environmental Working Group) focusing on environmental reporting to uncover pollution, pesticides, politics and power. First Draft (free) Disinformation and How to stop it. "...our mission is to protect communities from harmful misinformation. We work to empower society with the knowledge, understanding, and tools needed to outsmart false and misleading information." FiveThirtyEight (free) Data driven synthesizer of polls with emphasis on Politics and secondarily, sports , a very good source of info. Heated (free) A newsletter about effects of climate change The Intercept (free) They publish in-depth investigations and analysis focusing on politics, war, surveillance, corruption, the environment, technology, criminal justice, the media, and more. Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (free) This is the place to go for sound economic analysis. One of the most informative and best sources for state and national economic news/policy/tax/budget issues. ITEP is a non-profit, non-partisan tax policy organization conducting rigorous analyses of tax and economic proposals They provide data-driven recommendations on how to shape equitable and sustainable tax systems. They reveal how taxes affect both public revenues and people of various levels of income and wealth. Go here for an example of what they do: The Markup (free) The Markup is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates how powerful institutions are using technology to change our society. Medium (paid) For writers of all kinds, lotsa opinions about many things you don't want to know about, but also some gems. New Scientist Newsletter (free) Numlock News (paid) Interesting odd tidbits of news from wildly diverse sources The Onion (free) Often juvenile satire but occasionally goodies Open Secrets (free, paid) The premier research group tracking money in U.S. politics and its effect on elections and public policy. Organic Bytes (free) lotsa fringie crap This newsletter and organization began as a useful outlet promoting organic and sustainable farming. Although still useful with some agriculture and pesticide info, unfortunately they have gone off the rails as trump virus conspiracies, anti-vaccination promotion, and Gates hate now is about half the content. Popular Information (paid) Politics/corporate donations/ of the most informative newsletters. Route Fifty (free) Route Fifty connects the people and ideas advancing state, county and municipal government across the United States. Informative particularly in taxation issues. Scrap Facts (free) Written by a science reporter that adds these bits uncovered while she is doing long form reporting. Quite interesting. Science based. Tucson Weekly (free) An alternative weekly all about tucson politics and culture. Really useful for planning overnights. The Wire (free/paid) Mostly technology, popular and geek, MAGAZINES Bloomberg Businessweek (paid) High Country News (free/paid) Issues relevant to the West are the focus of this excellent mag. Water, land, natives, places. Mother Jones Daily (free/paid) In depth research, a mag born in the sixties still going with solid research. Print mag also. The Nation (paid) The oldest leftie publication still going The New Yorker (free(paid) AND... There are a slew, slough? of rightwing and extremist sites that I occasionally monitor, but I gotta tell you there are some cesspools on the net. No sense in citing them.

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