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editor: fred miller March 1, 2021 # 4 March/2021


Given what is currently happening with lateral sewer lines, public stair ownership, questionable truck purchases and prior activities involving animal control, farmer's market, and springing items on the council, it looks like City Manager Theresa Coleman has been whackin and pokin a bee hive and the bees be buzzin in increasing numbers. (wish I could draw a cartoon showing that).

She is trying to be a good steward of taxpayer's money by privatizing sewer lines, stairs, and retaining walls; what has historically been considered public property and historically been costly repairs for the City. Additionally she has taken on the laudable task of updating city code and fees. Her efforts, commendable as they are, has been done in an ahistorical and abrupt manner with poor communication and haste that has led to consternation, dissension, lawsuits, and grumblings about her possible tenuous future.

I, along with many others, have had a wait and see attitude about the affable Ms. Coleman. But after a year+ it is becoming clearer that she just doesn't understand Bisbee, with it's old and problem-prone infrastructure, balky codes, and oft peevish citizenry. To be fair it is a difficult 'get', many have noted.

So what to do? In my view she deserves more time maybe 6 months or so. I think Ms Coleman needs a crash course in 'getting' Bisbee...If I could mandate one thing, which I obviously can't, I would assign homework to Ms. Coleman to go around and talk for an hour or two to some of the elders, and not so elders, of the city; these people come to mind; Tom Wheeler, Stan Stern, Snoody Boroweic, Sylvia Anable, Jack Earnest, John McKinnon, Joy Timbers, and maybe another 10 or so other peeps. The aim would be to integrate historical knowledge of Bisbee problems and solutions into current practices.

The second thing I would mandate, which again I can't, is to have better communications with Bisbee residents. She just can't keep springing stuff on us poor peeps. This is quickly doable. One person that would be the PR person as well as the go to for rumor control. Ms. Coleman is the latest in a long line of administration and mayor/council members not communicating well with residents, (although there is a public hour, through the library, with the CM). With the exception of former mayor Smith's daily facebook posting on the trump virus last year, there hasn't been systematic, weekly or otherwise, communication efforts. A part time communications person (formerly called a PR flack) would be helpful to get the word out on whatever is going on.

The third thing I would mandate is a vetted process before bringing items before the council. I dunno how that would work though, maybe a kitchen cabinet or utilizing several people as sounding boards, or something like a citizens advisory committee that meets with the CM to go over possible changes before going to the council. Although this could be fraught with problems too.

But for those that advocate firing Ms. Coleman, and the din is getting louder, I suggest weighing the financial impact of that decision. How much will it cost? Words be easy, de dough comes hard. The process of firing and obtaining services of a new city manager (it would be the 5th in almost as many years) is very expensive in money, staff time, and resident time. Although difficult to estimate, the city has spent at least a couple hundred thousand dollars hiring and firing CM's. Another consideration is that Bisbee with its low pay (yes, $100k is low when it comes to CM's) can attract roughly two kinds of candidates; youthful on the way up and older on the way out. Not a decision to frivolously advocate.



Due to Covid 19 this meeting will be conducted electronically by Zoom and Facebook. The public can join, listen and view the meeting as follows:

  • City’s Facebook page ( A Facebook account is not necessary.

  • Zoom by calling in at 1-346-248-7799 or by the following link the meeting/webinar ID is 884 5674 7223.

  • The public can submit comments that will be read at the dais by a staff member to All comments shall be submitted by no later than Tuesday at noon. Citizens can also be recognized to speak during the meeting only if they sign up ahead of time at the email address above. Please indicate if you are signing up to speak under Call to the Public or a specific item number.

Background here: (March 2) Of Interest: #1 How the city is spending your money #2 If you want to know how a councilperson voted in past meetings or the gist of an agenda item discussion, go here. #3 An important item financially affecting many households in Bisbee... A consideration of a petition signed by more than 100 people asking the city to reconfirm responsibility of lateral sewer lines serving more than one household. This petition was in response to the current administration shifting the repair burden onto citizens by classifying lateral lines as private sewer lines. Although most prevalent in OB, Warren and SJ are also affected. This reclassification by the CM places the financial burden of repairs on lateral sewer lines on home owners. The practice of many years has been that the city repairs problems with lateral sewer lines. In fact the ADEQ mandates the city has this responsibility as the petition indicates. The solution suggested by the petition is for the council to specifically include city ownership of lateral sewer lines that serve two or more households under 13.1 of the city code. #5 & 6 The library is asking to significantly upgrade their internet connection speeds utilizing a federal program. The result will be much fast hookups at a reduce rate. Yea! #8 PW and the CM apparently purchased two trucks without council approval saying that they were covered in under a master equity lease that took effect in January. Five cars for the police were purchased. Two trucks, although budgeted for were not included at the time. These are now being added after the fact of the purchase. # 9 & 10 This is the result of a dispute settlement reached between a property owner, Annie Robbins, and the city about who had responsibility for a failed retaining wall that resulted in property damage. The city will purchase the property for $149,000. All claims are resolved with the property purchase. AGENDA INVOCATION: A Moment of Silence PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MAYOR’S PROCLAMATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: CALL TO THE PUBLIC THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WILL BE DISCUSSED, CONSIDERED AND/OR DECIDED UPON AT THIS MEETING: GENERAL BUSINESS: 1. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: Subject to availability of funds 2. Approval of the Consent Agenda

  1. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Session of the Mayor and Council held on February 16, 2021.

  2. Approval of the Minutes of the Special Session of the Mayor and Council held on February 10, 2021.

  3. Approval of the Appointment of Anthony Underwood to the Board of Adjustment.

  4. Approval of the Appointment of Mel Sowid to the Board of Adjustment.

  5. Approval of the Appointment of Cynthia Conroy to the Police and Fire Advisory Committee with a waiver for number of commission memberships currently served.

  6. Approval of the Resignation of Kathleen Sandoval from the Transit Advisory Committee.

  7. Approval of the Special Event Liquor License Application submitted by Backcountry Discovery Routes for an event to be held at The Jonquil Motel on Thursday, April 1, 2021 from 12:00pm (noon) to 11:00pm, Friday, April 2, 2021 and Saturday, April 3, 2021 from 10:00am to 11:00pm; Inna S. Thorn, Applicant.

NEW BUSINESS 3. Discussion and Possible Direction on the petition received from Donna Burke on the repair and maintenance of sewer lines that serve more than a single residence or building. Ken Budge, Mayor 4. Discussion and Possible Approval to have Hodges Glass Co., Inc. Replace the Garage Door at Fire Station #82 located at 645 Tombstone Canyon. Jim Richardson, Fire Marshal George Castillo, Fire Chief 5. Discussion and Possible Approval to enter into a professional services agreement with CamNet to provide high-speed internet equipment and installation to the Copper Queen Library. Jason Macoviak, Library Manager 6. Discussion and Possible Approval to enter into a professional services agreement with Sparklight to provide high-speed internet services to the Copper Queen Library starting July 1, 2021. Jason Macoviak, Library Manger 7. Discussion and Possible Approval of the Right of Way Use Permit submitted by Copper Queen Hospital for the use of Bisbee Road, Cole Ave and Vista for Covid Vaccine Clinics with a waiver of fees. Jesus Haro, Public Works Director 8. Discussion and Possible Approval of Enterprise Fleet Management Agreements for Equity and Walkaway Leases for two Public Works Trucks. Theresa Coleman, City Manager 9. Discussion and Possible Approval of the Settlement Agreement and Release between the City of Bisbee and Annie Robbins. Theresa Coleman, City Manager 10. Discussion and Possible Approval of the Notice of Intent to Adopt Ordinance O-21-06; Authorizing the Acquisition of Real Property from Annie Robbins located at 75C Ok Street. Theresa Coleman, City Manager 11. City Manager's Report:

  • Other Current events (No Discussion)

COUNCIL COMMENTS OR FUTURE AGENDA ITEM SUGGESTIONS: (Council members may suggest topics for future meeting agendas, but Council will not here discuss, deliberate or take any action on these topics.):

  • Councilmember Cline would like to suggest a future Council retreat/ Strategic Planning session.



You have City Council representatives that make decisions on your behalf. If you have a concern, let them know.

Mayor Ken Budge 432-0553

Ward 1 Leslie Johns 432-456-6786 (old bisbee +)

Ward 1 Frank Davis 227-7672 (old bisbee +)

Ward 2 Joan Hansen 249-7624 (Warren +)

Ward 2 Joni Giacomino jgiacomino@bisbeeaz.govv 678-5164 (Warren +)

Ward 3 Anna Cline 432-6012 (San Jose +)

Louis Pawlik 255-1832 (San Jose +)

County Supervisor District 2 Ann English 432-9200



Take Care of Your Bod At Anita's urging as part of my recovery from cervical spine surgery I have done Quigong (Chee Gong) exercises. They have been easy on my bod, 5 to 18 minutes in length, and have been very helpful in my successful healing (I can drive! I can turn my head!I can throw charlieparker a ball!). The routines have also helped me build strength. We discovered a series on (not youtube TV) that focuses on different parts of the body and it has been very beneficial for both of us. Whether recovering from an op or just as a way to get your mental and physical yayas going, try it out. If interested, she also has a website, but check out her youtube channel here: Ksney youtube channel listing of all vids ... Some of the many specific vids... Morning Routine 18 minutes Lower Back and Spine 20 minutes: Lower Back: Deep Stretch:

City Recycling Beginning Monday, March 1, 2021, the City of Bisbee will expand recycling services by instituting a Hub-and-Spoke Program. City of Bisbee residents and those that have purchased a recycling voucher will be able to take recycling to the following sites: Recycling Station's Schedule Old Bisbee Soule Station: Monday & Wednesday 7AM -2PM Warren Station: Tuesday & Thursday 7AM-2PM (Located on Powell Street behind the Skate Park & Speedway gas station) Recycling Center: Monday through Saturday 7AM -3PM These stations are drop off stations and accept all our recyclables. Recycling vouchers for non-residents can be purchased at the City of Bisbee City Hall, 76 Erie Street. ...........

Print and Stitch Ceases Operations The Premier Alliance owned business, Print and Stitch, announced they were suspending all operations as of March 2021.They will be accept orders from current customers, for existing artwork only, until Friday, March 5th or until their work schedule is filled, whichever comes first. All orders require payment in advance.Design files will be made available at no cost until July 1st, 2021. Please email ( for more details. .............. Keeping the Skies Dark and the Fires out. Old Bisbee Firewise and Dark Skies Zoom! Water Wise March 3 noon brown bag Here is a link to this zoom webinar: You do not need to register. Please note however, you do need to SIGN IN with a Zoom account to enter the event. We start the webinars around fifteen minutes beforehand. Click here: March 3, 2021 event, for more information about this event. <><><><<><><>


Half of the more than 1000 bills submitted have been tossed out, that leaves scads of horrible bills in position to be voted on. The legislators have somehow gotten it in their heads that they need not pay any attention to citizens at all. They have proposed more than 20 bills aiming at voter suppression in various forms. They have flagrantly thumbed their nose at opposition to expanded voucher programs. And whether it be guns, sex education, extreme abortion restrictions, fireworks, or other issues, repugnicans have promoted drek. Senator Gowan and Representative Griffin have each filed more than 50 bills. I mean they rep Cochise County there that many issues that need the state government's attention? Naw you know it's about who they are carrying water for. TAKE A LOOK HERE... This week support and oppose some of these things at Right to Speak ttps:// BILL GIVES CITIES MORE TOOLS TO CONTROL AIR B&B'S. <><><><><><><><>


Quick check to see who using your data from the website you just visitedSearch any site you use to see how it is using your data. ........... STREAMING COMPARISONS


NEW FEATURES FOR THE IPHONE Haysus!can there be no let-up? Apparently not, sigh...



Check your Internet Speed


Check your router




This is one of the best article about aging. Written by Kareem Abdul Jabbar, an elite athlete, about quarterback Tom Brady, there are words of wisdom that applies to many of us. What kind of person are you? ........... SCIENCE (This was in a NABUR discussion ( It was a response to someone who was touting doctors that believe the Hydroxychloroquine protocol is effective as a deterrent to the trump virus.) The world wide medical community has stringent protocols to assemble data, perform trials, double blind studies, peer reviewed articles, etc., all of which ensure precious lives are enhanced, prolonged or saved. This also ensures special interests do not alter the outcome of the above. Fortunately for us, we live in an advanced society that embraces the power of proven studies/documented outcomes according to science principles not anecdotal information. There will always be a few outliers but the real question is what is their motive for fighting the entire world medical establishment? ............. UNION DRIVE AT AMAZON IN ALABAMA ..............

FOOD Food timeline is just that. A compendium of when specific foods were introduced to/by humans throughout history. A sample from "Pistachio, 7000 BC Pistacia vera, a small tree native to parts of West Asia and the Levant between Turkey and Afghanistan, bears nuts which have for long been highly prized. The earliest traces of pistachios being eaten in Turkey and the Middle East date back to about 7000BC; and the species has been cultivated and improved during severral millenia...Pistachio trees were introduced from Asia to Europe in the 1st century AD, by the Romans." ..................... By the end of 2020, Covid-19 had led to approximately 110,000 permanent restaurant closures in the USA—17 percent of all restaurants in the country—according to the National Restaurant Association. ..............

................. FAST FOOD MONEY Paycheck Protection Program loans were designed for small businesses with fewer than 500 employees, and $660 billion were disbursed of which $30 billion went to 255,050 restaurants. However, lots of those restaurants weren’t the independent ones you have in mind, but rather franchisees of popular chains — in some cases with hundreds of locations, in other cases through subsidiaries — that nevertheless qualified for the program. An examination of 378 PPP loans over $3 million in the fast food and fast casual sector turned up Taco Bells, Wendy’s, Pizza Huts, McDonald’s and more, with franchisees of large, well-capitalized chains getting over $1 billion of the money. Indeed, of those 255,050 restaurants that participated, 1 percent of the recipients got 24.5 percent of the money.


Satire from the Onion photo of the week: This could have been the celebration at CPAC this past weekend...

....... One text leads to a whole conversation....

Sighing and shaking her head as speech bubbles rapidly popped up on her messaging app, 32-year-old Clarissa Johnston told reporters Monday that a happy birthday text to her mother had spiraled into a whole conversation. “All I wanted was to tell her to have a great day, but now it’s snowballed out of control with all this ‘Hi, how are you?,’ and ‘What are you doing?’” said Johnson, adding that she never would have initiated if she’d known a simple text would have exploded into a five-message chain, several heart emojis, and a promise to catch up sometime soon over the phone. “Yeesh. Just a simple ‘thank you’ would have been perfect, but now this whole ‘being in communication with my family thing’ has taken on a life of its own. Looking back, I should have known this was a disaster waiting to happen based on how excited she was to hear from me on Christmas.” Johnston added that she wouldn’t make this mistake again, and promised that when it was her birthday, she would simply get in, get out, and not make talking with her mother a whole “thing.” (from the Onion)


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