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BISBEE WIRE#71/Lotta bisbeeee/elections update/bisbee economy/county/the lege/tucson viz/word/eating

editor: fred miller         May 4,2024              #71/May24


The political scene locally, countywide, state and national has begun to smolder. Look for the spotfires in late June right before early Primary ballots go out the first part of July. And then...wildfires before November.

The contremps of the nomination signatures of mayor candidate Gretchen Bonaduce and ward 1 candidate Shay Sanders has led to misunderstanding what transpired. Read the details below.

Five of us made the hour trip to Los Milics Vineyard in Elgin this week to sample Bisbee chef Anna Borrajo's offerings (Ana's Kitchen, Cafe Cornucopia). It was a relaxed and enjoyable getaway, and most def, not Bisbee.

Approaching the winery, three dozen huge weathered industrial panels emerged like sentinels keeping watch over the vineyard. Up a curving walk and between two rows of the dominating slabs was the dining and tasting room, comfortable without being stark, huge windows looking over 20 acres of grape vines, and a large dog friendly patio with several tables.

Yum fuckin Yum! Ana does it right. Her flavorful food menu paired well with the wine tasting menu, both with reasonable prices. Burrata salad, Patatas, Smoked Salmon Pate, Piquillo Peppers, Beet Salad, Croque Monsieur, and a nosh plate were all ample and appealing plated. To finish, a silky panna cotta and a rich dark chocolate pudding.

Five-2 oz wine flights  accompanied our lunch; a white, rosé and 3 reds featured their estate grown Malvasia Bianca, Tempranillo, and Grenache. Non-al sparkling water, and various sodas were available also.

Casitas are being built on the property for guests, ready late summer. We took a peek through the construction debris and they look to be spacious and appealing. View some pics of how the ongoing construction took place here.

Local good guy and erratic  golfer Jim Mullen, has begun cleaning up and recycling some of the columns he used to write as a syndicated humor columnist. Check it out here for his short riff about the efficiences of  business and government .

After the special April 1 edition came out we have been besieged with requests (well maybe 8 peeps) asking about when Ask Anita will appear (see the edition here). It'll be coming but she does need some questions so she can share her hard won wisdom and experience. Fire away and send queries to bisbeewire@gmail with Ask Anita in the subject line.


................​AROUND TOWN................


The Bisbee Library will be at the ice cream social and literacy fair and will be touting reading (duh!) on Friday May 10 from noon-2 at the library annex, 519 Melody Lane. Mike Montoya's Fatigo will be providing music and a batch of organizations will be present. An excellent event that is for kids and adults.

At 11:30-12:30 discussion about bringing broadband to communities will be held.

Other Library Events call 520 432-4232 for more info...

--Device Advice on Monday May 6, tech help for computers, phone, and other electronic devices. First Monday of the every month 5-6:30

--Historic highway 80 talk by historian Mike Anderson on Tuesday May 7 @ 5:30

--Vintage signs May 14, 5:30

Our wonderful library has more stuff than books: tools, DVDs, CDs, interlibrary loans, computer use, seeds. And the are a finalist for the National Medal for libraries!)



Saturday May 11 9-noon, Ace Hardware parking lot. The Community Chorus wants you to clean out your closet/shed/basement/attic! and bring the stuff to get recycled. Get rid of the stack of 1960's New York Times, uncashed checks, IRS records from 20 years ago, United Health Care notices from five years ago, the grade school drawings that have been moving with you for years, photos of people you don't know, and whatever else that is paper. They no longer take electronics, out of date medications, husbands, or wives. 



Singer/songwriter Dana Lyons (Cows with Guns) playing at Portal Cafe Sunday, May 12 at 1:00p Call (520) 558-2223 to reserve a table



Best Place

Money Mag says Bisbee a best place to live (Over the years Bisbee has been a 'best place to live' in more than 10 magazines.)


Saturday Market


Rural towns after pandemic




Festivals and how to  pronounce Arizona names



If the pool is going to open and have decent hours, there has to be lifeguards. Particularly adult guards who do not have to return to school in August. There is a shortage of applicants of non-students. Applicants may apply online at or pick up an application packet at Bisbee City Hall, located at 76 Erie Street. fmi; Joelle Landers, 520 432-6000, 76 Erie St.



Go here for pics of the the concrete pad being laid Friday

...............BISBEE ECONOMY................


background info here:

Of interest:

1. How your money is being spent

2. Consent agenda has several event permits including closing Howell Ave on June 15 for a street dance from 5 pm to 1 am.

5 & 6 Code changes

7 Adoption of the 24-25 budget. The entire budget is in this background. A bee in my bonnet is that in the revenue pie chart, there are percentages noted for where the revenue comes from. However in the expenditures pie chart, there are not percentages of where the money is being spent. Unfortunately this has been the case for several years. It is a disservice to those that want to see what percentage of expenditures are in a 'snapshot'. Nor are there budget projected dollar figures attached to the percentages of revenues or expenditures either.

By far the largest expenditures are to be spent for public safety-fire and police, 61% of general fund revenues-$6,185,106 combined.Of those expenditures 40% is for public safety pensions.

The general fund budget is $10,879,671. The overall total budget is much larger because they have to account for possible grants if they are awarded as well as special funds such as wastewater and visitor center that are revenue generators on their own.  The council met for 4 days to go over revenue projections (best guesses)  and likely will be the final document. If you have thoughts on where the city should be spending money you better belly up to the podium and hold forth.

11 pool report



INVOCATION:  A Moment of Silence                                                 



        Letter Carriers Food Drive Day Proclamation




1.       ACCOUNTS PAYABLE:  Subject to availability of funds.

2.       Approval of the Consent Agenda

  1. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Session of Mayor and Council held on Tuesday, April 16, 2024

  2. Approval of the Minutes of the Special Session of Mayor and Council held on Tuesday, April 16, 2024.

  3. Approval of the Minutes of the Special Session of Mayor and Council held on Monday, April 22, 2024.

  4. Approval of the Minutes of the Work Session of Mayor and Council held on Monday, April 22, 2024.

  5. Approval of the Minutes of the Work Session of Mayor and Council held on Tuesday, April 23, 2024.

  6. Approval of the Minutes of the Work Session of Mayor and Council held on Tuesday, April 24, 2024.

  7. Approval of the Appointment of Matthew A. Cook to the Library Advisory Board.

  8. Acceptance of the Resignation of Angela Rockefeller from the Bisbee Arts Commission

  9. Approval of a Park Facility and Right of Way Use Permit for the Copper Queen Hotel for the use of Howell Avenue for a Street Party to be held on Saturday, June 15, 2024 from 5:00pm to 1:00am.

  10. Approval of a Park Facility and Right of Way Use Permit for the Copper Queen Hotel for the use of Howell Avenue for a Halloween Block Party to be held on Saturday, October 26, 2024 from 5:00pm to 1:00am.

  11. Approval of a Park, Facility and Right of Way Use Permit from the Copper Queen Library for the use of City Park for a free concert on Friday, June 14, 2024, from 5:00pm to 10:00pm. With a request to waive fees.

  12. Approval of a Park, Facility and Right of Way Use Permit for the use of City Park for vendors, Grassy Park for music and kids’ activities and Main Street for a Mermaid Parade to be held on August 9th-11th, 2024 from 8:00am on the 9th until 5:00pm on the 11th.

  13. Approval of a Special Event Liquor License Application submitted by Friends of the Copper Queen Library for an event to be held at City Park on Friday, June 14, 2024, from 5:30pm to 8:30pm, Cathy Clifton, Applicant.

  14. Approval of an Extension of Premises/Patio Permit submitted by the Copper Queen Hotel for an Event to be held on Howell Avenue, Bisbee, Arizona on Saturday, June 15, 2024, from 5:00pm to 12:00am (Midnight) to Sunday, June 16, 2024, from 12:01am to 1:00am; Jenna Faith Lampinen, Applicant.

  15. Approval of an Extension of Premises/Patio Permit submitted by the Copper Queen Hotel for an Event to be held on Howell Avenue, Bisbee, Arizona on Saturday, October 26, 2024 from 5:00pm to 12:00am (Midnight) to Sunday, October 27, 2024 from 12:01am to 1:00am; Jenna Faith Lampinen, Applicant.


3.Presentation by USDA Rural Development State Director Charlene Fernandez of an overview of existing programs that are available for rural communities.

Stephen Pauken, City Manager

  1. Discussion and Possible Approval to enter into a professional services agreement with Sparklight to provide high-speed internet services to the Copper Queen Library starting July 1, 2024.

Jason Macoviak, Library Manager

  1. Public Hearing and Discussion and Possible Approval of the Notice of Intent to Adopt Ordinance O-24-16; Amending the Zoning Code Article 6 “General Provisions” Section 6.15 “Solar Energy Devices” Providing for Administrative Approval; Providing for the Repeal of Conflicting Ordinances; and Providing the Severability.

Xavier Rodriguez, Building Inspector / Code Enforcement

  1. Public Hearing and Discussion and Possible Approval of the Notice of Intent to Adopt Ordinance O-24-17; Amending the Zoning Code Article 6 “General Provisions” Section 6.8 “Outdoor Storage” by adding a new subsection prohibiting Unmodified Metal Shipping Containers in Residential Areas for permanent Outdoor Storage; Providing for the Repeal of Conflicting Ordinance; and Providing for Severability.

Xavier Rodriguez, Building Inspector / Code Enforcement

  1. Discussion and Possible Approval of Resolution R-24-07; Adopting the Tentative Budget for the City of Bisbee for FY 24-25 as well as give notice of the time for a Public Hearing to taxpayers for the adoption of the budget.

Keri Bagley, Finance Director

  1. Discussion and Possible Approval of FY 24-25 Employee Benefits Package.

Joelle Landers, Personnel Director

  1. Discussion and Possible Approval to accept John Crows’ donation in the amount of $3,000 for TaylorMade Seamless Gutters and Home Maintenance Inc. to fabricate and install downspouts for the Copper Queen Library.

Matthew Gurney, Public Works Director

  1. Discussion and Possible Approval to change the time for the Parks & Recreation Committee meetings from 5:30pm to 10:30am.

Matthew Gurney, Public Works Director

  1. City Manager’s Report: Pool Update

COUNCIL COMMENTS OR FUTURE AGENDA ITEM SUGGESTIONS: (Council members may suggest topics for future meeting agendas, but Council will not here discuss, deliberate, or take any action on these topics.):



Food + Beer, yummm. 12-8 Thursday through Monday, 97 Center  (half block from the Bisbee Rd/Congdon 4 way stop)



has been approved by the board of Supes. The ambitious plan for 500 camping & RV spots, pavillion, event space, pool, music, bar, and restaurants costing $38 million over five years, was proposed by  Bisbee Ventures One LLC. The staturary agent for BV) is Sunny Tempe Investments, a company owned by Joseph Lewis. One of Lewis's other projects, the conversion of the old Bisbee high school to housing/SRT's seems to be moribund with little work being done.



There were four houses sold in March the lowest total in the five years I've been keeping records. That mimics statewide sales that are down about 65% of normal. Many factors are in play, but likely the most significant is high interest rates. Lack of inventory also plays a part. A mitigating factor that may affect future prices, although it is too soon to tell what that effect will be, is a settlement reached last month that eliminates rules on commissions for real estate agents.


Four houses sold in March, two in OB, 1 in Warren, 1 in San Jose

315 16th Terrace $125k/$125k/$105,000

104 Copper St.  $149K/$149k/$145,000

410 Garden $247,500/$247,500/$246

51 Temby $335k/$295k/$313,000



Commercial permits were up substantially to $458,500, with significant hunks of that for two permits;  the beginning of the rehabilitation of the Letson Loft  due to fire, and the rebuilding a metal commercial building at Budweiser.

Residential permits were down a bit over the past several months at $314,820.


SALES TAXES (tax data for spending two months prior)

The new bed tax continued to bring in significant revenue to fund tourism operations; a whopping $40,000 in Feb. with two fewer days, the most in two years. (the bed tax does not go into the general fund, but pays for the visitor center budget) Hotel taxes were $28,000 the highest total in two years. 

Restaurant and Bar sales notched their highest total since last October, bringing  $48,516 tax revenue. Also the highest total since last October.

Retail sales were robust with the highest total since last September, $117,173.



Judge David Thorn rejected councilwoman Anna Cline's challenge  to mayoral candidate Gretchen Bonaduce's nomination petition and Ms. Bonaduce will be on the Bisbee Primary ballot. The judge also rejected councilwoman Leslie Johns challenge about Shaylin Sanders' voter registration status. The hearing was 4/23. The judge did not actually rule on the legality of the signatures of the petitions, but on the legal procedure used-actually not used-to bring the challenges forward. The two nomination challenges were filed with the city clerk and not, as should have been done, with the court, recorder, or supervisors he ruled. Since the challenges were filed improperly, they were dismissed so info about the signatures never got heard.

However in preparation for the court case, County Recorder, David Stevens filed two reports on 4/22 with the court, that examined the challenged nomination petitions submitted by Ms. Bonaduce. He compared the signatures with voter registration records and found that: 76 signatures were submitted, the minimum number to qualify for the ballot. There were:

45 rejected

31 accepted.

The rejected signatures were for reasons of duplication, not in the district, not registered to vote. If the challenges had been heard, Ms. Bonaduce would have been disqualified because of insufficient valid signatures.

The recorder also filed a report on the voter registration of Ms. Sanders. He found a registration under a hyphenated name, that she does not use normally. He judged it adequate for registration. The report also found that of the 29 verified needed for qualification, there were 20 signatures submitted and of those filed 12 were rejected and 8 accepted. The rejected signatures were for: not in the district, not registered to vote, differing signatures.

The 15 day period for nomination petition challenges has expired so the two women will be on the ballot. Bonaduce will challenge incumbent Ken Budge for mayor, and Sanders will vie with Karen Schumacher for the open Ward 1 position in the July 30 primary.


In other legal news the former big kahuna of the Cochise County republican party, Robert Montgomery, was indicted on nine felonies last week along with 10 other Arizona residents, including the head of the AZ republican party,  and 8 former trump campaign officials. Among the felony charges are; fraudulent practices, forgery, tampering with a public record and changing vote of elector by corrupt means. In short, these people forged the state seal and other documents and lied about themselves being electors in an attempt at preventing the lawful transfer of the presidency of the United States. Those national figures charged included former trump chief of staff Mark Meadows, attorneys Rudy Giuliani and John Eastman.

Montgomery, who is currently serving on the  governing board of the Palominas Fire District, has to appear at a May 21 hearing.

Additional info here



County attorney Brian McIntyre did not turn in enough valid nomination petition signatures and will not be on the ballot. There were no other repubs or dems filing for the position so a write-in candidate that gets enough votes in the primary election will on the November ballot.



Once McIntyre was disqualified, the current chief deputy of the county's criminal division, Lori Zucco filed to run as a write-in candidate in the republican primary. She needs 500 votes to get on the general ballot.

She has been in the attorney's office since 2009 and is married to judge

David Thorn. No democrats have announced for the position.

..............COCHISE COUNTY................


The Auditor General's office has been looking at some of the legal bills of Cochise County, specifically the mysterious $10,000 payment to attorney Brian Blehm supposedly by a private citizen for supes election related activities. The auditors actions were at the request of the AZ AG looking into the supes activites. There has been no public action yet taken by the AG. It is illegal for a private citizen to pay for county actions.

Go here to find out more detail.



This extensive article documents the problems with weak regs  in the Douglas Basin (OB is part of that basin) that grain, nut, and dairy ag operations are taking advanage of. Read the Arizona Center for Investigative Reporting here



from Cochise County Economy

In 2023, there were 486 new single-family residential (SFR) home permits issued throughout Cochise County, down 4.3% from the year prior. That followed a 20.4% increase in 2022 with 529 permits issued (the most in a single year since 2006). The year 2023 was the first decline following seven consecutive years of growth coming off a low of just 139 back in 2015 (the lowest since 1991).

The average SFR permit value countywide in 2023 was $157,239, up 2.1% from the year prior (following a 15.3% jump in 2022). The average new home permit value in Cochise County peaked at $201,980 in 2019 before falling 17.3% in 2020 and 20.0% in 2021. Despite increases in 2022 and 2023, the average new home permit value countywide in 2023 was still down 22.2% from the 2019 peak.



from Cochise County Economy

The number of bankruptcy filings in Cochise County for all chapters declined by 3.1% (from 127 to 123) in 2023. That followed an increase of 3.3% in 2022. Cochise County's number of filings in 2023 was tied with 2021 as the lowest on record (with records back to 2006). Filings in 2023 were down 65% from the record high of 355 back in 2010.



Go here for the catalog


We were in Tucson last week for my 3 month surgery post op (everything is cool, no screws loose-although am sure a few of you might disagree- am progressing to the gym next week, yea!) and we took some time to do a bit of shopping. In addition to the usual Costco, TraderJoes stops we took some time and checked out a couple places we hadn't been to for awhile.

We like to browse World Market (5975 Broadway or 4380 Oracle) every so often. It is an interesting store with decent prices. Some of the furniture is functional, decent looking, and made with wood you never heard of. There are things for the house you didn't realize you needed like rugs, pillows, placemats, napkins, candles, tchotchkes, or curtains. Lotsa old fashioned soda pop, a good wine selection, specialty glass, canned, and packaged  food goods, and a scad of different beers.

We stopped at Roma Imports (627 S Vine Ave-ya gotta look at the map cause it is well hidden off Kino Parkway near 15th.) and checked out their extensive frozen section of dishes they make themselves. A partial list of their frozen entrees; lasagna, cannelloni, tortellini, mushroom, and chicken/beef/vegetarian entrees. A large selection of frozen sweets. We came home with some arrabiotia sauce and cappelini, and wedding cookies.

They have 40+ different kinds of dry pasta and many specialty goods such as  olive oils, vinegars, various sauces, tomatoes and much more. In addition to the freezer, the fresh deli has multiple kinds of meats, olives, and cheeses. And they have a sandwiches and specials of the day for sitting at the table with traditional red plaid tablecloths or to go.

We not only shopped we ate too.

Charlieparker, who is finally rounding into a good semi-behaved dog at 4+ years old, enjoyed an evening at Locale sitting on the patio with us, salivating, as we enjoyed a few appetizers from an extensive menu. They are also open for breakie and have a bakery.

I got some scones from Five Points restaurant, now open for dinner. Unfortunately they are now closed on Tue. and Wed. so we didn't sample their breakie menu.

And we had a good early dinner at Flower Child a restaurant that features fresh ingredients in salads, wraps, bowls, and entrees. it is mostly vegetarian with lotsa vegan options, and a few with meat of your choice. The restaurant, now owned by Cheesecake Factory since 2019, was sold by Fox Restaurant concepts, a business begun in Tucson many years ago and evolved into a large firm with several concept restaurants in many states.

We also hit the bread line at the Barrio Bread storefront where the genuine nice guy owner Don Guerra holds forth. Guerra, who won the James Beard award for Outstanding Baker, has developed a bread baking business that utilizes locally sourced heritage grains.(a byproduct of his heritage grains is that Anita who is  gluten intolerant has no ill effect from his breads.) We like his mainstay Pain Levain, a mildly tangy sourdough which is among some 20 differing kinds of breads he produces.  (His bread can also be found in Bisbee on Thursday afternoons at Poco.)

We met our friends Mary and Paul, for breakie at Cup Cafe in the Hotel Congress, it is always open and always consistent, with a side benefit of lotsa interesting looking people. They own a casita on Main Street where we were staying, a two bedroom, one bath that is colorful, with lotsa tile, an old brick floor, a ceiling of ocotilla arms, a batch of Bisbee art, and a cute patio. Go here for pics and booking. It's a great location for downtown, old barrio neighborhood, freeway access. (Mary has a similar place next door for sale if interested, let me know and I will pass on your info to her.) For those who remember...Paul used to be the auctioneer for the art auction many years ago.


In a town with some excellent parks, there is a really great unheralded  park on the far northeast side of Tucson; Agua Caliente at 12325 Roger Rd. Two small lakes with ducks and scads of turtles, original huge palm trees, several walking paths, and picnic tables. It is a restful shady, respite in the desert. Get some sammies and beverages to go, and take some time to enjoy a few hours in the park. Go here for more info and directions.


A few other good restaurants:


Augustin Kitchen ..has patio

Coronet...has beautiful patio

Prep and Pastry...breakie/lunch

Le Rendez-vous

...............THE LEGE................


Finally  the AZ legislature voted to repeal the odious 1864 abortion ban. Two repubs crossed over and voted with all dems to vote against it. Some of the anti-democracy repubs made it sound as if the second coming was stopped. One of the more odious repugnicans, compared the vote with 9/11.

These other hateful comments were reported by the Arizona Agenda:

Talker in tongues Sen.Kern likened two of his fellow Republicans voting to repeal the ban to “Nazi Germany, where the Nazis said, ‘Jews, you have something wrong with you, you go to the death chamber." The senator also declared he’s glad he’s not a female and that everything the Democratic Party touches turns to garbage. He also spewed the homophobic narrative that drag shows are tied to pedophilia "Republican Sen. Wendy Rogers’ declaration that “life in 1864 is no different than in 2024,” while fake elector indicted Sen. Hoffman gave a speech explaining what the legislature was voting on for “the knuckleheads in the media.” Sen. Justine Wadsack  implied there was a big media conspiracy to send national reporters to Arizona to stop the abortion ban and declared the state Supreme Court’s decision was “suspiciously timed.” Republican Sen. David Farnsworth agreed the whole reason we had Roe v. Wade was because of “corrupt judges and lawyers”, but said after today, Republicans will only have themselves to blame for abortion being legal in Arizona. Sen. David Gowan said he felt like he did when “9/11 hit.” Hopefully Cochise county voters will remember unfavorably, Senator David Gowan.The measure was signed by the guv .The practical effects are somewhat confusing. Women can get an abortion up to 15 weeks until June 27. At that time the 1864 ban will take effect and there is  a 90 day gap when a total abortion ban is in effect until the end of September. (that is because new legislation does not take effect for 90 days after the end of the legislative session.) At that time the 1864 law will be overturned and the 15 week period will be reestablished.

However there are efforts already underway to delay the implementation of the 1864 law for six months. AG Mayes as well as Planned Parenthood are seeking the supreme courts votes to do that.

The Arizona Abortion Access Act, which would enshrine the procedure as a right in the state Constitution, is headed for the November ballot, having exceeded its signature requirement. The act preserves a woman’s right to an abortion up to the point of fetal viability, widely regarded as 24 weeks of gestation, and includes ample exceptions after that time if a doctor deems an abortion is necessary to safeguard the patient’s life, physical or mental health. 

To read an excellent article on the historical background on the 1864 law, enacted before Arizona was a state, and women were legally invisible, go here



Budget deficit projections have varied  from showing  that Arizona only faces a combined deficit of $1.3 billion, nce lawmakers add in some necessary line-item spending, or Arizona will need $1.8 billion in “shortfall solutions,” that is down only slightly from $2.2 billion in January.

The culprits are greater-than-expected declines in individual income taxes due to Gov. Ducey's ruinous tax cut for the rich, along with lower-than-anticipated sales tax collections. These two categories make up over 80% of Arizona’s revenue, unlike most other states that depend on property taxes. Volatile sales taxes constitute nearly 50% of Arizona's revenue; the average of other states is 18%. GOP lawmakers abolished Arizona’s statewide property tax in 1996.

The other culprit, of course, is Arizona’s runaway $1 billion universal ESA voucher program. (As any householder knows, spending money you don’t have on items you don’t need is a great way to run up a deficit.) The dire fiscal predicament represents all the more reason for lawmakers to put voucher expansion on the chopping block. Republican legislative leaders are dug in — they’re fiercely protective of the voucher cash grab — but public education supporters are equally adamant that constitutionally mandated funding for public schools stay beyond the red line.There is, and will be more, talk about cutting department budgets, a favorite repub tactic, to obfuscate their refusal to deal with the real issue of overspending for private education and the economically illiterate tax cut. What will get sacrificed instead? Public health and safety? Road projects? Spin the wheel and see who loses. It has been clear for some time now that repubs are economically illiterate.

Let your lawmakers know — a budget without private school voucher reform is no budget at all. The SOS virtual advocacy petition urges Gov. Hobbs and AZ lawmakers to reform vouchers in this year’s budget.

Go here to sign petition:

...............EVERYTHING ELSE................


Center for Investigative Reporting three part series on the problems with responses to COVID. Go here



"The humble black soldier fly has been a chicken feed staple for years, but it’s only recently that researchers realized their untapped potential to convert waste into natural fertilizers and pesticides."

Go here for the article.



Sixty years after the last U.S. flax processor closed, the PA Flax Project set out on a mission to revive American linen. With a new mill finally opening, their plans are kicking into high gear.Go here for the article



From AutoSlash always saves you bucks

While renting a car seems straightforward, many people end up paying more than they should. Whether it’s racking up unnecessary extra charges or missing out on significant discounts, there are plenty of ways to unnecessarily hike the price of your car rental bill. The good news is that with just a little bit of planning, these added costs are usually easy to skirt. Here are some common mistakes to avoid if you don’t want to make your rental car more expensive.

Paying too much for rental car insurance-----

One of the most common mistakes when renting a car is overpaying for the rental car company’s collision damage waiver (CDW) or additional insurance products. This often happens because the renter is not aware of how much coverage they already have.

Prepaying for gas-----

Overpaying for fuel can also make your rental car more expensive. Before you drive off the rental car lot, the agent will likely ask if you’d like to prepay for gas. Accepting this offer is usually a bad idea. The per-gallon price rental car companies will charge is more than what you would pay at a local gas station, and you’d need to return a nearly empty tank to get your money’s worth.

Forgetting to document the vehicle’s condition-----

Another unwanted scenario is finding a surprise charge on the final bill for mystery damages.  Luckily, this is avoidable. Before and after you take possession of the vehicle, make sure to take detailed photos of the inside and outside of the rental car for your records. It’s crucial to note even the smallest scratch, scuff, ding or upholstery tear. Keep the photos for at least a few months after the final bill arrives, just to make sure you do not encounter any unwanted surprises.

Not taking advantage of all your membership discounts------

Another huge mistake is passing up discounts and special rates you’re entitled to. Chances are you have a membership that provides a discount on car rentals or have the right to special rates through school or work. Costco, the American Automobile Association (AAA) and the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) are just some of the organizations that provide members with double-digit discounts.

Only checking one pickup location------

Another common mistake when renting a car is not checking multiple locations. Rentals at airport locations, for example, typically incur special taxes and fees that neighborhood rental offices often do not charge. The price difference can be striking, even when factoring in the extra cost of transportation to get to an alternative location. So, always check both on-airport and off-airport locations and weigh the difference in cost versus convenience.

Not being flexible on your pickup time------

Being willing to adjust your pickup time can reap huge dividends. When requesting a quote from AutoSlash, try the so-called “half-hour hack:” Ask for a quote with your desired pickup time at, say, 9 am; then request a second quote for a pickup time one half hour earlier, 8:30 am, or later, at 9:30 am.

Not joining the rental car loyalty program-------

Signing up for a rental car loyalty program is free, easy and often provides special perks, and yet many renters leave it all on the table.

Go here for more info from Auto Slash

............... WORD...............

THE BEST OF THE BEST/a nod to the Derby

Secretariat was an American Thoroughbred that in 1973 became the first U.S. Triple Crown winner in 25 years. His records in the Kentucky Derby, the Preakness Stakes, and the Belmont Stakes still stand. After Secretariat was stricken with a painful infection and euthanized in 1989, an autopsy revealed that he had an unusually big heart. Sportswriter Red Smith once asked his trainer how Secretariat had run one morning; Charlie Hatton replied, “The trees swayed.”



Taken from Word Play International

The following are neologisms in which a real word has been changed by one letter, often paired with another to give new meanings to existing words

2020 winners

Jesture....Jokes in sign language

Coptimism...The hope that the police car with lights on is pulling someone else over.

Juggarsnaut...flat chested


Relephant...hugley appropriate epiphany

Threatbare...naked aggression



a tip of the hat to RC

A guy was getting ready to tee off on the first hole when a second golfer approached and asked if he could join him.

> The first said that he usually played alone, but agreed to the  twosome.

> They were even after the first few holes.

> The second guy said, "We're about evenly matched, how about playing for five bucks a hole?"

> The first guy said that he wasn't much for betting, but agreed to the terms.

> The second guy won the remaining sixteen holes with ease.

> As they were walking off number eighteen, the second guy was busy counting his $80.00.

> He confessed that he was the pro at a neighboring course and liked to pick on suckers.

> The first fellow revealed that he was the Parish Priest.

> The pro was flustered and apologetic, offering to return the money.

> The Priest said, "You won fair and square and I was foolish to bet with you. You keep your winnings."

> The pro said, "Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"

> The Priest said, "Well, you could come to Mass on Sunday and make a donation. And, if you want to bring your Mother and Father along, I'll marry them.

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editor: fred miller           September 26,2024              #79/September/24 Hello, COVID home test orders are now available.Shipping...


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