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BISBEE WIRE #74/THE ELECTION-who is who/cheat sheet for you/Word

editor: fred miller           July 3 ,2023              #74/July 24


Dating from the first founding documents, the United States is 248 years old on the fourth. And although much of the original spirit of the holiday has gone the way of hot dog eating contests, picnics, bad clothes, and shopping sales, there remains enough of the core celebration to feel some pride in the accomplishments as well as loathing for some of the history of our wonderful country.

And make no mistake, by accidents of birth, we are living in one of the most hospitable and bountiful environments in the world. It has enabled US history to be permeated with scientific, medical, technological, and agricultural achievements unheard of on the planet. Intertwined with this legacy is the undisputed knowledge that we have subjugated other humans-often by race, treated the natural world with contempt, and have had little respect for other living creatures.

There are those running for office, and yelling from the sidelines, that saying these kinds of things, pointing out warts on the US, is wrong and we need to stop. Those people are living lies; about history, and about the present.

And that is why elections are important. To show those people that facts matter, that the majority of us remain good people trying to do the right thing-whatever that is. That problems we face can be solved. Big D democracy is on the ballot. I hope you exercise your hard won right to vote.



The bane of all bulk emailers is that the precious, pearls of wisdom strewn across the page, end in the dreaded spam folder and don't make it to your inbox. 

The last few issues several people using gmail, mentioned to me they didn't get the Wire in their inbox. When they looked in their spam folder, there it was. Last issue, it happened to me also. Here is what can you do. 


So here is a quick step by step method that will show you how to get wanted emails in your inbox and not in your spam folder. (do this for any email sender you want in your inbox.)

There is only one difference in the tutorial...

In step 6, instead of consumerworld.orgput in the 'From:' line and then click /filter. You can click here for the short explanation

Thank you

??????????????ASK ANITA??????????????

We have added Ask Anita, an advice column with opinions on issues of relevance to our subscribers. With many years of getting advice from her husband, she feels qualified. All letters are welcome; relationship challenges such as husband/wife snoring, selective hearing, cleaning avoidance, or excessive devise use. Or maybe sex issues including lack of/too much/none/who cares, dating in the new age of devices and apps, reckless driving in the slow lane, when to talk to your children about relationships after 60, nosiness about the neighbors lack of clothing, dog whispering, female and male hygiene, and any other issue on your mind.Due to space limitation-mainly the editor’s longwindedness, I will be forced to occasionally summarize letters to Ask Anita. Another man with control issues!

Send your question to with ASK ANITA in the subject head.


What is it about men’s inability to put the toilet seat down after peeing? And a subset of those men that pee while the toilet seat is down! Don’t these guys have sisters? I mean have they sat on a toilet seat that is wet? It is such a simple gesture that acknowledges that there are women in the world!

But nooooo, not some of those pee-ers. I sometimes wish there were researchers that installed cameras in unibathrooms to see the kind of piddlers there are. I mean some of these guys couldn’t hit a large ceramic circle if they were paid. What should I do Anita??????

Dear Piddle Sick,

This problem has come more to light with unisex restrooms. I myself cringe when I have to enter one. It is a crap shoot. You have a 50% or less chance of a seat down and a dry situation.

It is a sad commentary that we have to protect ourselves from male sperm as well as their pee, but womans work is never done

We cannot put all men in the same category (thankfully) the 50% who are clean pee-ers were beaten into submission by older sisters or mothers who taught their children well. (Fortunately for me my husband had older sisters!)

An electric toilet seat that automatically raises and lowers would be a great invention and a way forward to our having clean bottoms, until then let us borrow the Girls Scouts motto; Be prepared. I suggest keeping wipes in your purse.

Lastly ladies let us remember the times we have found the ladies room less than pristine.

................​AROUND TOWN................


Because of the partial closure of Main St. the coaster race has been relocated to the Warren cutoff. It will start at 8 am at the top of Arizona Street and Cole Avenue and going down three-quarters of the way along the Warren cutoff. Tough decision, cause few places for spectators, but... They have merch for sale, a shirt with a very cool design,  to raise funds. Go here to gettum.



Iconic Arizona road trips, from Grand Canyon to Bisbee:

Vote for your favorite now

Arizona Central (AZ Republic) has a contest for best road trip for their readers, most of whom are in Phoenix/Maricopa County. It is our humanitarian duty to rescue those folks from the heat and gettum down here.

Four Brackets with 8 destinations paired against each other.  Each week will see elimination for the next four weeks. Bisbee is paid against Flagstaff in the first round; a tough opponent. Go here to vote!





If you are participating in a post card or letter writing campaing, stock up.



The US Air Force is seeking to expand the So. AZ area in which they train pilots because there is insufficient air space currently. The military in general can't be specific about what they are doing and in this case, the Air Force in a can't-call-a-spade-a-spade-moment have name it Regional Special Use Airspace Optimization to Support Air Force Missions in Arizona. It is good to train pilots as well as put fighter jets through their paces, but...

...they are being very secretive about the specifics of the areas, how low planes will be flying.

The Center for Biological Diversity has been trying to get records about the low level flying that will take place and have filed a lawsuit to that effect claiming they are getting stonewalled.

In a long article in the Arizona Star (that may be paywalled) about the record secrecy, they mentioned the various areas of flight training. Bisbee is in the 'Tombstone Military Operations Area' that extends into New Mexico and is one of ten areas due for expansion. According to published plans being considered by the USAF, it will allow for flightS as low as 100 feet above ground!

In all ten expansion areas, flying heights are being lowered significantly allowing for supersonic flights as low as 5000 feet.

The conservation group is concerned that sonic booms as well as 'flares' that release 'chaff' (small pieces of metal or plastic designed to confuse radar) in the environment will harm wildlife as well as humans. 

Stay tuned.


Two for $20 (Begun by jazz drummer Dave Jette and his wife Deborah, they search for cheap eats, trying to get a meal for $20 or under for the two of them.)

(If you have a cheap eatz tip other than fast food chains, send it to me at (a meal for about $20 for two people)

Los Tachos 1335 Naco Hwy

$7.50 two cheese enchiladas w/rice and beans

$9.00 two chicken enchiladas w/rice and beans

Thirsty Lizard  5838 Double Adobe

$8.50 cheeseburger, half pounder/no side

$5 Monday menu

from last issue

La Fiesta in Douglas

The Kountry Kafe in Elfrida

Jimmy's Dogs in Bisbee


...............THE PRIMARY ELECTION................

There is much at stake. States and counties will continue to rise in importance, for on those ballots are for the people who will have most direct impact in our lives.  As an example, two of our county supes have cost taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars with their fallacious claims and stupid lawsuits.

In Cochise County and throughout the state, the anti-democracy forces continue to try numerous assaults on elections. They try and undermine elections processes, try to limit who can vote, cast vile aspersions on those people who do not agree with them, use bogus legal theories tying up the courts, and threaten-sometimes violently-the people whose job it is to run elections. They have no plan, few facts, are hermetically sealed to any discussions, and are confrontational and bellicose. Complete fabrications have become some people's reality.

To counter this attack on a fundamental bedrock of democracy a concerted effort in needed to work for and elect candidates that advocate progress, offer solutions to social problems, and generally would thwart the odious Trumpian views of many republican candidates.


(A concise version with only who to vote for-The Cheat Sheet-is at the end of the article to cut and use when filling out your ballot.)

A primary election decides which candidates will represent their party in the general election. Some races in districts that lean heavily toward one party essentially are determined in the primary. Other primary results narrow down candidates for a competitive general election. The general election is Nov. 5.

You may only vote in the primary for the party that you have registered; democrat, republican, green, libertarian. That is the ballot you will receive in the mail, if you have signed up for mail in voting (which I recommend), or in person at the polls. There is no cross- party primary voting.

However if you are one of 25,000 registered independents you do not get a ballot, but you may request a primary ballot for one of the parties and vote in that primary without changing your independent registration.

(The Green Party is running several write-in candidates for various offices. Look them up here if  interested.)

Primary Deadlines

Monday, July 1st, 2024…..Voter Registration Deadline PASSED

Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024….Early Voting Begins / Ballots Mail

Friday, July 19th, 2024…Last Day to Request a Ballot by Mail, last day for independents to request a specific party ballot

Tuesday, July 30th, 2024….ELECTION DAY

August 4...last day for curing ballots

August 5....first day to canvass returns

August 12...last day for supes to canvass returns

August 15.....Official statewide canvass of voting results

Bisbee city offices are non-partisan

Bisbee Mayor

VOTE FOR: Ken Budge

He has the experience, is a good communicator, and has a sound grasp of what is necessary for the City to move forward.

Also running Gretchen Bonaduce, Wanda Leikum.....These two candidates are simply unqualified. Neither have served on any city committees, neither have served in city government in any capacity, neither is familiar with the budget-the main document that determines city priorities and spending. Although some good ideas were offered during the mayor forum, most were pie in the sky, and all ideas were unattached to how they would be paid for.

Bisbee Ward 1

VOTE FOR: Karen Schumacher

Through her work on the Arts Council, Ms. Schumacher has demonstrated a commitment to helping improve our City. She seems to have a good understanding on some of the pressing problems facing the city, and should be a good voice for OB businesses if elected to the council. Some of her art installations around town bring smiles.

Also running Shay Sanders


Bisbee Ward 2

VOTE FOR: Mel Sowid

Mr. Sowid has been a solid presence on the council and deserves a full term.


Bisbee Ward 3

VOTE FOR: Juanetta Hill

Ms. Hill kind of backed into her present term, but has demonstrated she has a fairly good understanding of City issues. It would be helpful if she were more vocal about her opinions at council meetings.



Cochise County

Cochise County Treasurer, Sheriff, School Supe, Recorder are all republicans and all are unopposed.

Cochise County Board of Supervisors District 1

VOTE FOR: Theresa Walsh-Dem

Although not having direct elected government experience, Ms. Walsh  worked in Rep Kirkpatrick' office in the county in various capacities. She is a retired colonel with 32 years service, and very involved in community affairs through various non-profit boards and volunteer work.

VOTE FOR: Clint Briseno-Rep

Mr. Briseno has no direct elected government experience and according to his website is not active in community groups. Briseno has the support of many law enforcement groups.He is a small business owner of Vista Auto Care.

Do not vote for Rep.Tom Crosby....Crosby has cost county taxpayers a huge amount of money with his insistence on 100% hand counting, defiance of the legal system, and overall attitude of being above the law. Currently he is under indictment and possible will go to trial before the election. Mr. Crosby has a habit of blaming everyone but himself for everything. His favorite target is the 'left'.

Cochise County Board of Supervisors District 2 (vote for 1)

VOTE FOR: Dem Joni Giacomino, or Mitchell Lindemann

Both have community based electoral experience on Bisbee and Douglas city councils, both have educator backgrounds, both have been dems for a long time.  Ms. Giacomino is a lifelong resident, active on the board of KBRP. Mr. Lindemann has more experience in finance and budgets. It is unclear to me who would be the best supe. It is notable that the current supe, Ann English, has not endorsed either.

Cochise County Board of Supervisors District 3

VOTE FOR: Dem Joy Banks

It will be an uphill battle in the general for the lone dem, Ms. Banks, but she will have plenty of fodder no matter what repub wins.

There are four repubs running and lordy there ain't much air between them on the far right. Antenori has more legislative experience and may be the more rational candidate. If he is, ya gotta know that's a problem.

Cochise County Attorney

Candidates in both parties are all write in, all of them need a specific number of write-in votes in order to appear on the November ballot. Vote for one.

Write in only...

VOTE FOR: Eckstein, Scott (DEM) (500 needed)

VOTE FOR: Zucco, Lori (REP) (573 needed)

It will be interesting to see how many write ins each will get. That should give some indication of support. Zucco is the wife of judge David Thorn. The race is wide open because current county attorney, McIntyre, did not get enough qualifying signatures to appear on the ballot.

Also running Josh Jones (REP) (573 needed) Could he get his signs to look more like Zucco's?

Cochise County Superior Court District 4

VOTE FOR: Rep Richard Karwackza

Karwackza has been the county administrator since 2020. Looking for a 'quieter' job perhaps, rather than dealing with the recalcitrant and obstructive supervisors.

 Also running Ruth Faulkner

US Congress

US Senate (for open seat vacated by Kyrsten Sinema )

US Senators are elected for a six year term.

VOTE FOR: Dem….. Ruben Gallego

This will be a consequential election. Gallego runs unopposed. The repubs have a couple of extremists running.

If Ms. Lake didn't wear deodorant, she would stink. A fawning trumpie groupie, she was a loser in the 22 gov race and, like trumpie, has insisted the election was stolen. She has consistently lost in court a  number of times and two of her attorneys have been publicly disciplined.

Lamb is one of those tough talkin constitutional sheriffs who insist that the state or feds have no jurisdiction. Like Lake, he continues to hammer on the border issues and of late has gotten some traction. It is a sign of the rapid decline of the once proud republican party that they would put these two  up for office.

US House

Arizona has nine seats in the U.S. House of Representatives. Each of those seats is contested every two years. Go here to find your rep in Congress Find My Reps tool.

CD7, 7th Congressional District  (Bisbee, Douglas, along the border)

VOTE FOR:  Dem…. Raúl Grijalva

The 76 year old Grijalva is battling cancer. The rep has been in office since 2003. He has missed almost 30% of the votes during the current session. And most of the votes in the past three months. Since his announcement in April there has been no public news about how he is doing or what kind of cancer. He has been a long time liberal and brought lots of bacon to the district. He was responsible for the Bisbee Science Center for receiving a large federal grant.

Rep… Daniel Francis Butierez S

Ummmm who is he?

CD6 6th Congressional District (All of Cochise County except above/most of Pima County including some of Tucson)

VOTE FOR: Dem….Kristen Engel

This district is a swing district and in the last many years have been represented by both dems and repubs, most notably by the wonderful Gabby Gifford. Ms. Engel is taking another run at the seat she narrowly lost to Juan Ciscomani, last election. A staunch supporter of womens' right to health care access, it will be another tight race.

Repub Ciscomani is conservative without kissing the ring. A pragmatist he has voted with the Freedumb conspirators on a number of issues. Suave, he talks very well and votes consistently with his party.


Corporation Commissioner (vote for 3)

VOTE FOR: Dem… Ylenia Aguilar, Jonathon Hill, Joshua Polacheck

The CC is a very important cog in government. Currently they seem to rubberstamp requests for price hikes by APS and Southwest Gas that have driven up electric and gas bills for consumers. There have been rulings that have made solar more expensive. There also seems to be a push to install more trumpies in the commission.

District 19  AZ Senate (Boundries are from the NM border to the I-19 including Green Valley, a bit of Tucson, all of Cochise County except for Bisbee and directly along the border, and north above I-10

VOTE FOR: Dem…Bob Karp

DO NOT VOTE FOR! Rep… David Gowan

Gowan has shown a proclivity to using taxpayer money to feather his nest, whether it be for loosening fireworks regs, abusing the gas allowance,  or outfitting his office. A reliable far right winger, it would be a good thing for our neighbor district to vote him out.

District 19  AZ House (vote for 2)

VOTE FOR: Dem….Greg Frostrom

DO NOT VOTE FOR!  Rep…. Gail Griffin, Lupe Diaz Ms. Griffin has been a powerful voice for private interest in all matters involving water. Several attempts this past session to gut the Douglas AMA, and protect industrial water users were vetoed by the Gov.

Diaz, an evangelical pastor, has held prayer services on the house floor. One of those legislators whose light is on, but nobody is home.

District 21 (Bisbee)  AZ Senate (along the border, north including Safford, includes Bisbee, but excludes Douglas)

VOTE FOR:  Dem…..Rosanna Gabaldon

Rep  none

AZ House (vote for 2)

VOTE FOR:  Dem…. Brianna Ortega, Stephanie Stahl-Hamilton,  

Ms. Hernandez, with her district 20 rep/sister, was an organizer of a trip to Israel taken by 17 legislators during the middle of the legislative session. The ill timed trip halted the people's business. Regardless of positions on the Israel/hamas endless war, this was not good for taxpayers and is another example of hubris by politicians. 



Bisbee Non partisan

Mayor Bisbee   VOTE FOR: Ken Budge

Bisbee Ward 1   VOTE FOR: Karen Schumacher

Bisbee Ward 2   VOTE FOR: Mel Sowid

Bisbee Ward 3   VOTE FOR: Juanetta Hill

In the Democratic Primary

Cochise County Board of Supervisors District 1

VOTE FOR: Theresa Walsh-Dem

Cochise County Board of Supervisors District 2

VOTE FOR: Dem Joni Giacomino, or  Mitchell Lindemann


Cochise County Board of Supervisors District 3

VOTE FOR: Dem Joy Banks

Cochise County Attorney

Candidates in both parties are all write in, all of them need a specific number of write-in votes in order to appear on the November ballot. Check the bubble and then write in

VOTE FOR: Scott  Eckstein, (500 needed)



US Senate

VOTE FOR: Ruben Gallego

US House

CD7, 7th Congressional District  (Bisbee, Douglas, along the border to Yuma)

VOTE FOR:  Dem…. Raúl Grijalva

CD6 6th Congressional District (All of Cochise County except above/most of Pima County including some of Tucson)

VOTE FOR: Dem….Kristen Engel


Corporation Commissioner (vote for 3)

VOTE FOR: Dem… Ylenia Aguilar, Jonathon Hill, Joshua Polacheck

District 19  

AZ Senate (Boundries are from the NM border to the I-19 including Green Valley, a bit of Tucson, all of Cochise County except for Bisbee and directly along the border, and north above I-10)

VOTE FOR: Dem…Bob Karp

AZ House

VOTE FOR: Dem….Greg Frostrom

District 21 

AZ Senate (along the border, north including Safford, includes Bisbee, but excludes Douglas)

VOTE FOR:  Dem…..Rosanna Gabaldon

AZ House (vote for 2)

VOTE FOR:  Dem…. Brianna Ortega, Stephanie Stahl-Hamilton,  


In the Republican Primary there are so few people running that are not election deniers or conspiracy theorists or out to lunch, that there are few candidates that deserve office. Below are the ones that do.

Cochise County Attorney

WRITE IN (check the bubble too!) Lori Zucco, 

Cochise County Superior Court District 4

VOTE FOR: Rep Richard Karwackza

CD 6

VOTE FOR: Juan Ciscomani

You can hold your nose and vote for these also

Cochise County Supervisor

District 1  ....VOTE FOR: Clint Briseno-Rep (anybody but Tom Crosby)

District 3.....Antenori is the best of a bad lot




An explanation of the Supreme Court's recent decison to make a president a king.


..............COCHISE COUNTY................



...............THE LEGE................



...............EVERYTHING ELSE................




Culinary workers got a new contract froM the three biggest LV employers. Local 26 had threatened a strike over safety issues, mandatory daily room cleanings, job security, and pay. The three, Wynn's, Caesars, MGM, had continued  a policy begun during the pandemic, of not cleaning rooms daily. This has led to cleaners having to clean 13-14 rooms a day after guest checkout and taking longer because they hadn't been cleaned daily. However they were expected to do so in the same about of time 30-45 minutes.



Hyundai, Nissan, Honda, Toyota, and VW have all raised wages since the UAW won at the Big 3.



............... WORD...............

A paraprosdokian is a sentence or statement with an unexpected ending. It means "against expectations" in Greek.


Will glass coffins be a success?  Remains to be seen.

What's the difference between a hippo and a zippo? One is really heavy and the other is a little lighter.

Hear about the new restaurant called Karma? There's no menu - you get what you deserve.

I went to buy some camouflage trousers yesterday, but couldn't find any.

What do you call a bee that can't make up its mind? A maybe.

I tried to sue the airline for losing my luggage. I lost my case.

Is it ignorance or apathy that's destroying the world today?  I don't know and don't really care.

I wasn't originally going to get a brain transplant, but then I changed my mind.

Which country's capital has the fastest-growing population? Ireland. Every day it's Dublin.

I saw an ad for burial plots, and I thought: "That's the last thing I need!"

Need an ark? I Noah guy.

You're not completely useless, you can always serve as a bad example.  

I broke my finger last week. On the other hand, I'm okay.

Did you hear about the guy who got hit in the head with a can of soda? He was lucky it was a soft drink.

To the mathematician who thought of the idea of zero.Thanks for nothing!

Son: "Dad, can you tell me what a solar eclipse is?" Dad: "No sun.

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