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December 31, 2024       #84 /December 2024



Thanks to the folks that sent some of their hard earned dough my way. I really do appreciate the support for the Wire, and am glad it is of use.

After very little thought and less hand wringing I'm going to resist the siren song of 'looking back' nor prognosticate about 'looking forward'. Instead dear readers a gentle admonishment to be good to one another, do a bit of good when you can to build our community, and treat yourself well. 



If you choose to part with some of your money, click on this and it will take you to a page that tells you how to do it.    DONATE

...............AROUND TOWN................


New years day parade is noonish on the gulch with some food-follow the music. There is a potluck with music at the Hitching Post and Jan 2 the popular Bowling for Dildos will be at St. Elmo's.

This info comes from This Week In Bisbee (TWIB). Steve Moramarco, in addition to leading his band, puts out an informative calendar of events, mostly music, in Bisbee. There is also a listing w/contact info of all venues in Bisbee, some recurring events, and other useful resources. It's free but you can also support his efforts for the low low cost of $12 a year. The latest is here.



The Bisbee Community Market, formerly the Bisbee Saturday Market resumes on Saturday Jan.4. It is a new name and run by new owners, the Weidenthal Family. The market leases lower Vista park from the City. More info here



In addition to offering bike rentals, gear, and various motorized and non-motorized tours, B-Active has installed a small bar in the 86 Main St. space. Customers can enjoy a smoothie or mimosa before a town tour or, after completing an electric bike jaunt or hike around town, a glass of wine. They also partner with Old Bisbee Ghost Tours (run by the lovely Renee) to offer a ghostly tour.



fun town

dark sky photo

dark sky mention

dark sky article

queer travelers

Bisbee 17

stained glass

best town



Some good news on the tail end of 2024...County supe Tom Crosby will have to stand trial according to a decision by the Arizona Court of Appeals on the last day of the year. Crosby has been accused of election interference and conspiracy for his refusal to certify 2022 election results. His attorney will appeal the decision to the AZ Supreme Court. Meanwhile Crosby was due to begin the trial process sometime in January. If convicted of one or both of the felonies, he would be barred from holding the supervisor office.



Arizona Water Company is offering rebates for buying ($100) and installing ($100), low flush toilets. You would get $100 back if you purchase a high efficiency (1.28 gal flush) toilet. If installed by a licensed pro, another $100. Go here for details and forms.



AZ Water announced in a letter to users, that the water supply for Bisbee is now compliant with ADEQ lead standards. But they get a swat on the knuckles for poor grammar, to wit: "AWS has not identified any lead service lines and meets or exceeds the standards for lead in drinking water at all our systems."



Secretary of State Adrian Fontes has no legal authority to tell county supervisors they must certify election results even if they have questions, a judge has ruled. And he can’t conduct a statewide canvass and leave out the votes of the counties when supervisors have balked. Go here for AZ Star story.

It is an important ruling because Supes Crosby and Judd were charged with felonies for interfering with a sec of state (Hobbs at the time) duties to certify elections. Judd pled to a misdemeanor, but Crosby is scheduled for trial in January. ++++++++++WILCOX AMA ESTABLISHED The State Water Agency has declared the Wilcox basin to be an Active Management Area (AMA) in order to regulate groundwater pumping.  Several homeowners have had wells run dry and there have been some land subsidence as the water level of the aquifer continues to drop.More info is here This is the seventh AMA in the  state reflecting the critical need for water management. +++++++++PLANTS NEED WINTER WATERPlants need water during their dormancy to maintain health roots. Go here for the explanation.

...............BISBEE ECONOMY................

There are a number of relatively new folks in town, so though I would include a lil numerical overview of Bisbee.


Population... 5028

50.3% male, 49.7% female







6.7% with any disability


   10% less than high school

  18.1% high school

  41.1% some college or associate

  18% bachelors

  12.4% graduate or professional degree

School enrollment

Nursery school, preschool:  29

Kindergarten:  31

Elementary school (grades 1-8):  276

High school (grades 9-12):  90

College or graduate school:  97

1722 Available workforce  40.1% workforce participation rate


White 71.7%

Black 0.8%

Hispanic or Latino 33.2%

Other 1.6%

Income (Source: US Census Bureau (American Community Survey, 2019-2023) 

Median household income:  $46,689

Median family income:  $70,313

Per capita income:  $31,970


People:  21.2%

Families:  12.5%

Children (under 18):  46.2%

Seniors (65+):  15.2%



The housing market continues the single digit/double digit sales. It will be interesting to see what the new year brings.

Address                      OP    LP      SP            DOM

100 Cochise Row      $125,000                       35

17 Lowells Av.           185k/185k/180,000       75

116 Black Knob View 299k/275k/$237,500     112

405 Shattuck             255k/249,900/$242,000 67

617 Oliver Circle       280k/250k/$245000       310

305 15th Terrace        250k/250k/$245,000      32

3 Campbell                259k/259k/$250,000      129



Just five commercial permits worth  $1,515,585 highlighted the November building permit report. The new burger king accounted for $990,000. Another $220,000 went for modifications at Vista Hermosa, the former American Suites motel at 1392 Hwy 92. And Cochise County installed a fire suppression system at a new building near the site of the animal shelter as well as work done at the County complex at 1415 Melody Lane.

There were fewer residential permits, 32, about the same as the past three Novembers, but accounted for almost $700,000 worth of work.


SALES TAX (for actual sales two months prior in September)

Bed taxes at $19,676, were down significantly from the two prior Novembers, with 2023 coming in at $28,645, and 2022 at $23,952. The 3.5% hotel tax followed suit with 2024 lagging the two prior years.

However restaurant/bar taxes were almost $42,000, up about $5000 from the two prior years.

And Retail taxes wer $25,000 above Nov. 2023 and $23,000 over Nov. 2022.

Compared to last months, lodging was down, eating/drinking about the same, home food up about $8k, and retail up about $10k.



Moran Brown LLC

1220 Hwy 92

Ann Moran, Robert Brown


409 Bisbee Rd.

11:00 Feb. 26,2025

County Courthouse



Economy and Immigration. Duh! The idea is to get elected and then utilize policy, not the other way around. Article here may be paywalled.



Reframing America offers suggestions abou how to think and talk about politics. It is a worthy newsletter.



The Arizona State Board for Charter Schools has greenlit a virtual charter school where computer programs will teach students “core instruction” for just two hours per day. In those two hours, students will use artificial intelligence-powered platforms to “engage in short, focused bursts of learning across different subjects,” according to the charter application.

++++++++THE HARBINGER OF THE FIGHTS WITHIN THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATIONTo understand how trump will govern, it is necessary to understand the forces that comprise his administration. And for that it is worthwhile to pay attention to Steve Bannon.  In this interview he describes the coming battles within the administration; you may find a surprising level of agreement.  A self proclaimed populist right winger, he has been instrumental and influential  in trumpworld for years. He also runs a MAGA oriented show called the War Room.++++++++TEXAS REPUBLICANS HID MISSING CONGRESSWOMANGotta hand it to Texas republicans, they are quick to trumpet about nonexistent phony voting or spot those illicit abortion pills, but somehow they are blind as bats and have managed to keep silent about one of their congresspersons living in an memory care home for the past six months.Kay Granger, a still sitting Texas Congresswoman has been missing votes in Washington for the past six months because she's been living at a $4,000-a-month nursing home that specializes in memory loss after she'd been 'found wandering, lost and confused' in her district. The current longest-serving GOP representative had not been on record voting for or against anything since July. The Congresswoman has not only continued to take the $170,000 Congressional salary, she has also paid her staff over $1 million in the past year. ++++++++++++

AN UGLY BOIL(from a Robert Reich article)

A few days ago, I ran into an old friend who’s spending the holidays running a food kitchen for the unhoused.“How are you?” she asked, with a big smile. “Been better,” I said.“Oh, you’re still in a funk over the election,” she said. “Don’t worry! We’ll do fine. There’s so much work to do.”“Yes, but Trump is …”She stopped me, her face turning into a frown. “Nothing we can do about him now, except get ready for his regime. Protect the people who’ll be hurt.”“You’re right.”After a pause she said, “We had to come to this point, you know.”“What do you mean?”“Biden couldn’t get done nearly enough. The reactionary forces have been building for years. They’re like the pus in an ugly boil.”“That’s the worst metaphor I’ve heard!” I laughed.“The boil is on our collective ass,” she continued, laughing along with me. “And the only way we get up enough courage to lance the boil is for it to get so big and so ugly and so mean that no one can sit down!”“I don’t know whether you’re an optimist or a pessimist,” I said, still laughing.“Neither,” she explained, turning serious. “A realist. I’ve had it with wishy-washy Democratic ‘centrists.’ A few years of the miserable Trump administration and we can get back to the real work of the country.”“I hope you’re right.”“And now I have to get back to work. Lots of people to feed! Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Happy New Year!”With that, she was gone.+++++++++IS IT A MANS WORLD?This article from a poster named Valerie is worthwhile reading. A young woman's take on contemporary young men. An interesting mind at work in this loquacious lengthy disquisition."Consider the fact that the average young man’s views today are rooted in principles that are actively harming women. If only I could afford the obliviousness of centrist views or apolitical neutrality, the kind of apathy that doesn’t get entangled in the rights and wrongs of it all, then, of course, putting my politics —and my pride— aside to engage with the people around me regardless of theirs would be possible. Unfortunately, everything in my life is political. Art is political. Feelings are political. So is sex. I’m a woman and an immigrant7, part of the very demographics conservative men tend to either dismiss or, in some cases, actively despise, and I can’t picture myself with someone to whom my whole identity is a nuisance or a debate topic, one they would violently oppose in the streets if not for their fleeting attraction to me specifically. So, why should I bother? With this in mind, is it our fault that withholding sex and affection is making men miserable and contributing to the loneliness epidemic? If yes, then, maybe, some of them deserve it. Just a thought. Maybe it’s one of those instances where correlation does, in fact, imply causation. Bring on the tiny violins."



Cochise County and State government, educational institutions, and elected politicians made-or didn't make-decisions that have favored large water-using out-of-state agricultural interests like Riverview dairy and a handful of nut growers. By their lack of foresight and economic ignorance their decision meant that they failed to support the fledgling wine industry, a more sustainable, less water intensive agricultural industry.

It is the most egregious example locally of how choices are made to develop an area economically. Every other state that has a wine industry has provided intellectual and research support to develop the industry. Except Southern Arizona where the wine industry has progressed almost entirely without research help even though an estimated 75% of wine grapes are grown here.

Until recently Cochise College didn't even offer any courses in viniculture   much less enology. And the college wasn't even in the running several years ago when a $6 million southwest wine center was established at Yavapai College-an area that accounts for maybe 20% of wine grapes grown. Cochise County Supervisors not only offered zilch to this multi million dollar industry, but went out of their way not to offend Riverview Dairy and Nut growers even though there has been ample evidence of aquifer depletion and land subsidence that was not present until they came into Sulphur Springs valley. And then there is Alfalfa grown to feed the 100,000 heifers and 13,000 milking cows.



Bird flu (Type A H5N1 virus) outbreaks — plus a number of facility fires over the summer — have resulted in the loss of 36.5 million egg-laying hens across 12 states so far this year, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s latest Egg Markets Overview.About 38% of those losses happened after Nov. 1, resulting in sharp price increases

Bird flu has ravaged conventional egg-laying hens and, unlike in previous years, is now sweeping through cage-free and certified organic operations, disproportionately affecting prices in cage-free states like California.

The disease has also infected dairy cows, pigs, and humans in the United States, stoking fears of a potential bird flu pandemic if the spread is not contained. The USDA recently ordered for increased milk testing and information sharing to better monitor the situation nationwide.California has declared an emergency after many heard have tested positive for the virus following close proximity to infected animals. There is significant risk to humans if unpasturized milk (raw milk) is consumed.Infections in the US have been almost exclusively farmworkers in contact with cattle and poultry and have been mild.In Arizona two cases of bird flu were detected in November 2024, including an outbreak at a commercial poultry farm in Pinal County and bird flu found in a backyard flock.A confirmed cat death has been attributed to Northwest Naturals brand 2-pound Turkey Recipe, a raw and frozen pet food, that tested positive for H5N1, according to the Oregon-based business and the Oregon Department of Agriculture, which said Arizona was among the 12 states it was distributed. For additional information or questions, customers may contact Northwest Naturals of Portland at or 866-637-1872 from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, Monday through Friday,Big Cats have died too. The Wild Felid Advocacy Center in Shelton WA was home to 37 big cats — including tigers, cougars and leopards — before the bird flu outbreak began in late November, said Mark Mathews, who co-founded the sanctuary in 2004. Twenty died from the disease — an even mix of elderly cats with previous medical issues and younger, healthier cats.Bird flu was also found to be affecting animals at the Wildlife World Zoo in Litchfield Park in December 2024. Officials at the zoo said a cheetah, mountain lion, swamphen, an Indian goose and a kookaburra died as a result of bird flu exposure.And Bird flu was also detected in December in geese at a park in Scottsdale.And this just in...Avian flu or bird flu was detected in wastewater in Phoenix, Surprise and Tempe, the Maricopa County Department of Public Health confirmed on January 30.What to do...If you see signs of illness in your poultry, report them immediately to United States Department of Agriculture at 1-866-536-7593. If you see sick or dead wild birds, please contact the Arizona Game and Fish Department at 623-236-7201.+++++++++++THE NEW FDA DEFINITION OF HEALTHY FOODThe FDA just redefined what foods are considered "healthy" and allowed to be promoted as such. Under the new rules, if a manufacturer is going to label a product as "healthy," it must contain a meaningful amount of one or more food groups recommended by the FDA's dietary guidelines, such as vegetables and fruits, proteins, dairy, or grains. It must also adhere to specified limits for the following nutrients: saturated fat, sodium, and added sugars. The rule takes effect in about two months, and manufacturers have until February 2028 to fully comply. Here is more information about what's healthy from the FDA. (from consumer world)+++++++++++NO-ALCOHOL BEVERAGE CONSUMPTION ON THE RISEBoth low-alcohol and no-alcohol consumption has increases substantially, an estimated 10% in the past year, although no-alcohol is the fastest  growing segment. No-alcohol growth was initially driven by beer, but in the past few  years, customers have been demanding more flavor and better options for no-alcohol drinks. One study has estimated there will be a 14% increase in the no-al market in the next five years.It is not just a US market either, several other countries have reported substantial no-al growth. From www.thespiritsbusiness.comGrowth RestraintThe growth of no-al and low-al drinking is beginning to restrain the global and US alcohol market. Institute of Food Technologies (IFT) recent research stated that one in five consumers has reduced alcohol consumption to make healthier beverage choices.For a much longer and detailed report on alcoholic beverages, go here although some of the data is dated and does not account for post pandemic beverage consumption.++++++++WINE CONSUMPTION DOWNWine consumption has dropped 15% in 2023, from the high of 2021. California leads production with about 80% of the total wine in the US produced coming from that state. Gen X has grown in share of the market while Millennials have declined. Gen Z has not taken to wine like earlier generations, with only six percent consuming the beverage as of 2023. Very few people drink wine daily. Just four percent each in the age groups of 30 to 40 year-olds and those 65 years or older did so, the largest representatives of daily drinkers. In contrast, large percentages of all age groups never drink wine. Adults aged 45 to 64 were the largest group of never-drinkers at 47 percent. from Statistica+++++++++++++COCHISE COUNTY'S SAND RECKONER WINERY CLOSESIn what may be a harbinger of things to come, the 15 year old winery has come to the end of their journey. No explanation was given. During their run, they produced some of the best Arizona wines. The closing comes amid a wine market with large inventories and falling demand. The inventories are the result of over production based on increased consumption during the pandemic. However the past couple of years consumption of wine has decreased due to competition from a variety of new drinks such as hard cider, and a turning away from alcohol in general, particularly by young people. Some Cochise County vinters earlier this years were quoted as saying  they won't harvest some of their grapes because there is a decreased market for wine.In addition to less consumption, grape growers are facing climate change that has affected growing conditions. Higher temperatures and longer hot spells combined with a dwindling water table have contributed to the agriculture problems in the Wilcox bench. Although the State has imposed an AMA in the region to limit pumping of groundwater, not all wineries are happy about it. Water will continue to be a contentious issue in the near future.++++++++HIGH DESERT UTAH HOME TO A GROWING WINE REGIONUnlike Arizona vintners, southern Utah high desert grape growers are being aided by research and expertise of Utah State University. Finding hardy varietals such as Albariño, and Tempranillo flourish in the volcanic soil, extensive plantings are replacing the former water intensive alfalfa fields.Here is the article.++++++++++A SHORT LESSON IN HOW SLOPPY ACADEMIC RESEARCH IS USED BY A RIGHT WING 'THUNK TANK' TO LIE ABOUT AN ENTIRE CALIFORNIA INDUSTRYThis article details how a research economist at UCLA and a fellow of the right wing Hoover Institute got California's fast food industry stats wrong by mixing sources to lie about how a minimum wage hike is killing the fast food business. The false research findings were picked up by legitimate news outlets and trumpted far and wide. Go here for the article.

...............EVERYTHING ELSE................


Go here to see this oldest human activity tracked by the newest technology to create something not seen before



The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has a list of 500 credit cards that may meet your needs better than what you have. You can check here and utilize some of their categories to find something. We have used cash back only cards (better than points we've found) for several years and most often get $1000+ back in a year from regular and larger purchases we have made. Why not?



Go here for a two year $1 a month digital sub to the Repub.



The FTC has issued a ruling on junk fees that mandate ticket sellers, short term rentals, hotels and other to list the fees that you are paying. "The Junk Fees Rule requires that businesses clearly and conspicuously disclose the true total price inclusive of all mandatory fees whenever they offer, display, or advertise any price of live-event tickets or short-term lodging. Businesses cannot misrepresent any fee or charge in any offer, display, or ad for live-event tickets or short-term lodging."



A bit of background on United Healthcare and the murder of the CEO.



"Shedding light on the importance of routine vaccinations, Harris emphasized, "Our findings are a win for both Alzheimer's disease prevention research and for public health in general, as this is one more study demonstrating the value of vaccination." Go here for the study summation.



One of the most shameful episodes in the history of this country; the systematic removal of American Indian children from their families by churches and states. The vain attempt to whitewash both the peoples and the history of what was done is villainous. Go here 



............... WORD...............

These insults are from an era before the English language got boiled down to 4-letter words. This is worth the rerun.


1. "He had delusions of adequacy” Walter Kerr

2. "He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire.”- Winston Churchill

3. "I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure. - Clarence Darrow

4. "He has never been known to use a word that might send a reader to the dictionary.”-William Faulkner (about Ernest Hemingway)

5. "Poor Faulkner. Does he really think big emotions come from big words?"- Ernest Hemingway (about William Faulkner)

6. "Thank you for sending me a copy of your book; I'll waste no time reading it.” - Moses Hadas

7. "I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it.” - Mark Twain

8. "He has no enemies but is intensely disliked by his friends.” - Oscar Wilde

9. "I am enclosing two tickets to the first night of my new play; bring a friend, if you have one.”   -George Bernard Shaw to Winston Churchill

10. "Cannot possibly attend first night, will attend second... if there is one.” - Winston Churchill, in response

11. "I feel so miserable without you; it's almost like having you here” - Stephen Bishop

12. "He is a self-made man and worships his creator.” - John Bright

13. "I've just learned about his illness. Let's hope it's nothing trivial.” - Irvin S. Cobb

14. "He is not only dull himself; he is the cause of dullness in others.” - Samuel Johnson

15. "He is simply a shiver looking for a spine to run up. -  Paul Keating

16. "He loves nature in spite of what it did to him.” - Forrest Tucker

17.  "Why do you sit there looking like an envelope without any address on it?” - Mark Twain

18. "His mother should have thrown him away and kept the stork.” - Mae West

19. "Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go.” - Oscar Wilde 

20. "He uses statistics as a drunken man uses lamp-posts... for support rather than illumination.” - Andrew Lang (1844-1912)

21. "He has Van Gogh's ear for music.” - Billy Wilder

22. "I've had a perfectly wonderful evening. But I'm afraid this wasn't it.” - Groucho Marx

23. The exchange between Winston Churchill & Lady Astor: She said, "If you were my husband, I'd give you poison." He said, "If you were my wife, I'd drink it."

24. "He can compress the most words into the smallest idea of any man I know." - Abraham Lincoln

25. "There's nothing wrong with you that reincarnation won't cure." -- Jack E.  Leonard

26. "They never open their mouths without subtracting from the sum of human knowledge." -- Thomas Brackett Reed

27. "He inherited some good instincts from his Quaker forebears, but by diligent hard work, he overcame them." -- James Reston (about Richard Nixon) —Robert L Truesdel

(thanks and a tip of the hat to RC)

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