editor: fred miller March 1, 2025 #89/ March 2025
Hello,It's enough to make our head swim. I mean the attacks on democracy and government going on in DC. The inmates are running the asylum. But don't despair, many people are seething with indignation and anger at what is going on. This weekend in Tucson, 1300 people demonstrated at the Tesla dealership to make Musk the focus for their distaste and disgust apparent. Last week 100 people were in downtown OB talking bout the attempted takeover of the government. Across the country rebellion is seething about the authoritarian ways of trumpie and his minions. Take heart and do something.Check out the council agenda, Prowl is asking for a liquor license that will have two booths dispensing booze in Brewery Gulch. Seems like that would hurt businesses in the gulch. And the week after that cyclists want Subway closed down and, according to the route planning docs, have plans from getting from Subway back on to Hwy 80 East. Hmmmm.I really appreciate the support I've gotten for the Wire, it is heartening to know that people are finding it useful.fred
...............AROUND TOWN................
CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY MARCH 4 7:00Agenda and background here:Of interest:Permit for liquor license for Prowl event.Permit to close Subway 3/22 for a cyclist event++++++++++TURKEY VULTURE SERENADE, PARADE, AND BUZZARD GAWKINGSaturday March 8, 9 am at the Community Market in Vista Park will herald the return of the turkey vultures! A Big Parade- Bring a Kazoo! A Ukelele! @11 am! Get a buzzard tattoo! Look at Live Turkey Vultures close-up, Make-a-toy-vulture for kidz, drum circle. Geez it a celebration of all things turkey vulture.Tuesday March 4, 5:30 at the library…The Amazing Turkey Vulture TalkReturn of the Turkey Vultures is a celebration welcoming back the migrating birds to Bisbee. Always the second weekend in March because that is usually when they start showing up!+++++++++THE HILLS ARE ALIVE WITH THE SOUND OF….HARLEYSThe Prowl returns to the gulch on Saturday March 15. The motorcycle event returns with music, drinking, and oogling motorcycles. This year the event has more safeguards put in place for residents needing to go up and down Brewery. Last year there were problems of access for residents, both pedestrian and autos, loud noise late into the night, and rude behavior. Although it has been a bonanza for gulch business, a request for a special event liquor license is on the council calendar for Tuesday March 4.++++++++++THE HILLS ARE DROWSY WITH THE SOUND OF….CYCLISTSA permit asking for the closure of Subway street on Saturday March 22 from 9-1 for a El Tour de Zona event is on the council agenda. The route would be coming in from the East on hwy 80, over the Old Divide rd onto Tombstone Cyn to the OB offramp to Naco down Main to Subway St. which will be closed. However according to the drawings submitted, where they go after Subway st is unclear. The drawings show them going back onto hwy 80 E and then to Erie St. and then to the circle and Hwy 92.BUT… the portion of how they exit Subway and get back onto Hwy 80 is not detailed. It looks like they will have to go down Main St. E to access why 80. Ummmm bikes, cars, pedestrians…what could go wrong?+++++++++++++BBC AND LOWELL; STRUCTURAL ASSESSMENTS ON THE AGENDAFreeport owns 25% of the buildings in Lowell, including the one that houses the Bisbee Breakfast Club. Because of possible structural problems of several of the buildings as well as concern about ground subsidence around the Pit, there has been consternation about the future of the area. There is no anticipated failure in the immediate future. At a meeting with city officials, and a few people from the Lowell Americana Project Freeport, they said they will be conducting structural inspections of their properties and as well they have “… offered to cover the cost of structural inspections for other interested private property owners in the district,” said FMI spokesman James Telle. “That offer includes the understanding the property owners would be responsible for deciding what to do with their inspection results.”In an acknowledgment of the importance of Lowell for tourism, if their buildings are determined to be unsound they would be razed and, if possible, the facades would remain in place.BBC and FMI have come to an agreement that the restaurant will continue in the present location until September of 2026. (info taken from this article in the HR)++++++++++GOAR PARK WRAPS OF KINDNESSWraps of Kindness - Every Bite Gives Back. Goar Park Lunches will be selling delicious chicken and veggie wraps for $10 with all profits being used to fund our community meals. Stop by 89 Main Street Saturday, Feb 22nd from 10:30-1:00 to support our new program and grab a wrap.+++++++++MANNEQUINS AS ARTA group of mannequins will be in a large show at Carriage House Studios, 308 Powell Street behind the Warren Hotel, starting Saturday, March 15 (opening) 1-5 pm. The show will run each Saturday and Sunday until April 6. These works of art will be auctioned to benefit the Bisbee Art Teachers Supply Fund. Angela Jaramillo’s mannequin has been placed at Artemizia Gallery at 818 Tombstone, and begins the bidding for an early silent auction. Check out her truly amazing piece while perusing the current show, ‘A Spectrum of Voices’, featuring five Latina artists.++++++++++COMMENTS WANTED ABOUT UPPER VISTA PARKProject Wildlife Bisbee is asking the community for feedback on the changes that have taken place in Warren at the upper Vista Park since the project inception two years ago. This regards only the north park (between West Vista and East Vista and Cole Avenue and Briggs). You can comment via email at plantnativeinbisbee@gmail.com+++++++++++BISBEE MEDIA MENTIONSDark skieshttps://www.azcentral.com/picture-gallery/news/local/arizona/2025/02/18/bisbee-preserves-dark-skies-for-milky-way-stargazing/79092723007/+++++++Housing emergencyhttps://www.myheraldreview.com/news/bisbee/bisbee-declares-a-housing-emergency/article_83a89cee-ef17-11ef-9148-f7c4d5e58853.html+++++++Gretchen Baerhttps://vineyardgazette.com/news/2025/02/28/vineyard-haven-town-column-feb-28+++++++CAMP NACO SEEKS ARTISTSThe Naco Heritage Alliance (NHA) is seeking proposals from diverse disciplines to tell the stories of African American military service, Indigenous communities, Mexican communities, and borderlands experiences. Scholars and creators from various disciplines including history, written arts, visual arts, theatre, music, culinary arts, installation art and printmaking, industrial arts, textile arts, and media arts are invited to apply. All proposals should include visiting Camp Naco and the Bisbee, AZ area. Familiarity with the area is preferred. Average projects are expected to budget between $5,000 and $30,000, but uniquely compelling proposals outside this range may be considered. Projects for 2025 are currently being considered. Funding was graciously provided by the Mellon Foundation with over $350,000 available through 2026.Applications must be received by March 31, 2025. To apply, visit CampNacoAZ.org/fellowship.++++++++VINTAGE BASEBALL IN WARRENThe 14th Annual Copper Classic is coming up, #Bisbee on April 5th and 6th at the Warren ballpark. Vintage baseball teams play using rules adopted when Lincoln was President. It’s a fun thing to check out.+++++++HIGH EFFICIENCY THRONESArizona Water Co. is offering a $200 rebate to their customers if you buy a high efficiency toilet and have it installed by a licensed pro. Details and forms here+++++++PORT CONNECTOR ROAD IN LIMBOCochise County has been denied a $43 million grant from the federal government to complete the $80 million connector road project for the upcoming Commercial Port of Entry west of Douglas. The city, county, and ADOT said the road construction will go forward, and they’re looking for new funding sources.+++++++REP. GAIL GRIFFIN: WALKIN ON WATER?“Gail Griffin vs Arizona” is a deep dive into Cochise County’s state representative who has been blocking groundwater reforms for a long time. Both of these items from Ground Party Papers
Given what is going on in our country, it's imperative that we have good communications and information from trusted sources. A reliable media is so important that why help is needed to build a vibrant KBRP, our community radio station.
...There are some good things going on at KBRP. We just had a very good strategic Planning workshop that helped jell some of the ideas the board had been kicking around individually. Some of what we hope to produce in the next months is more local news/public affairs, live music from the station HQ in Warren, a push for more engagement in the community, and more.
We need help. If you have a tech background around radio or similar equipment, we could use you. If you can help sign up more members and underwriters, we could use you. If you would like to produce or have a program on air, we could use you. If you have writing grant experience, we could use you. If you would like to help build a news department, we could use you. If you want to do interviews in our community, we could use you. If you want to find a sense of community, we can use you. And you all could use us. Drop a note to BisbeeKBRP@gmail.com with what you would like to do.
..............BISBEE ECONOMY..............
The City has declared a housing emergency. In a unanimous vote the council is sending a message to the state lege that they want more control over Short Term Rentals, (SRTs). Currently the city has little say over the SRT market, although two years ago, the council did initiate some requirements. Owners now must pay TPT (sales Tax) and have a permit, and their TPT number is supposed to be on their listing. (Cities are prohibited from enacting more regulations than State law, which is why there has been a proliferation of SRTs.)
...They have teamed up with Sedona to call on the lege to allow municipalities to strike a balance between property owners rights to fair use and the rights of surrounding property owners to set and maintain community standards.
The city has 2602 single family houses. Although figures as high as 234 SRTs in Bisbee have been used, that would include hotel/inn rooms. Going on airb&b, looking at the listing I estimate about 80-100 actual houses are used for SRTs. Still, that is a lot. Some property owners whose neighborhoods have been hollowed out by rental units are mighty pissed.
(The best way to approximate how many houses are used for SRTs is to go to the airbnb site. Put Bisbee in their search engine and look for reservations three months from now for a 3- day period not on a holiday. Count the actual houses that come up, not rooms in houses, nor hotel or inn rooms nor places not in Bisbee. What is left is about 80-125 houses when I did this several months ago. There are a few other sites such as VRBO that may add a few more but often the listings are dupes of what is on Airbnb.)++++++++++++OLD BISBEE BREWING: 15 YEARS OF PUTTING FOAM ON LIPSContinuing a long tradition in Bisbee, the Old Bisbee Brewing Company opened on March 3, 2010, in the aptly named Brewery Gulch. Their aim was to sell world class beers by using the finest ingredients from around the world, employ the best brewing techniques and take the time to brew truly artisan beers.Their aim was true, OBC has won numerous awards for their beers. They have become a mainstay for locals and tourists and their tap room and patio are among the most popular spaces in town. Not resting on their laurels, during the past five years they have developed Bisbee Blue Gin, produced in their distillery, utilizing local junipers berries. In less than three years OBB has been professionally recognized as an outstanding gin. They have won 16 gold and silver medals in world competitions held in London, LA, and San Francisco. Brandy Fisher is the master distiller. Vic Winquist is the owner of OBB. (A little known fact about Vic is that he helped plant the first commercial vineyards in Willamette Valley, Oregon that kicked off the growth of the wine industry.) +++++++++++COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS FOR SALE(I use several listing services to compile this list. I strive to ensure they are current listings, but sometimes these sites are not updated.)Eleven buildings are for sale in the OB biz district. Of note...the Restoration Museum is now on the market, as well as the former Contessa’s. Although most are occupied by current businesses some are not. Some such as the convention center, Santiago's, the Grand, Palace Livery have been for sale for two+ years. This is not a healthy sign.1 Howell Santiagos/hotel San Ramon $1,670,00011 Howell Copper Queen Hotel $9,000,00031 Subway $515,0002 Main. Former convention center $1,695,00035 Main Café Roka $1,675,00041 Main Restoration Museum. $498,00061 Main The Grand Hotel/Bar. $2,750,00069 Main Palace Livery/Acacia $800,00079 Main St $625,00081 Main $599,000202 Tombstone Dos Hermanos $532,000214 Bisbee Rd Pintek Building $450,0001 Cochise Row The Storage Compound $3,800,000600 Romero Double P Roadhouse $499,000+++++++++++HOUSE SALESJanuary has been an iffy month for house sales in the past several years. With the exception of Jan/2022, house sales have been single digit. However this year 14 houses were sold totaling $3.4 million, Also the former Pintek ranch was sold for $845k.Location original/list/sell201 C St. 50k/50k/$30,000442 Cochise Ln 160k/160k/$145,000815 Tombstone cny 150k/150k/$152,0008 Navajo Trl 149k/149k/$155,0001422 S. Naco hwy $170,000108 Graham Dr 185k/175k/$175,0001458 Calle de Rosas 199k/199k/$192,000615 Mance 205k/205k/194,500125B Clawson 299k/279k/$245,000506 Buena Vista pl 259k/259k/$257,00022 Gardner $285,000187 s. Weller ln 365k/365k/$350,000501 Mayer av. 459k/399k/$375,000928 S. Coy $509,0003183 M. Pintek Rd 860k/860k/$845,000BUILDING PERMITSThe number of building permits decreased substantially. Whereas in the past months of 2024, the number of permits hovered between 40-60, this month there were only 37 residential permits totaling a bit over $300k, the lowest dollar amount in a year and a half. Maybe a holiday hang over.SALES TAXES(The January report for ADOR is always two months after the actual sales takes place. So this month report is for spending that occurred in November. The figures I use from ADOR are not adjusted for inflation.)Restaurant/Bar taxes were almost $46,000, a significant jump from the previous month. And indicates lotsa eating and drinking. And sales were almost $10,000 more than same month last year.Retail sales were the second highest since September of 23, coming in about $134,000The 5% bed tax was significantly more than the previous month at $25,000. What does it all mean? Well drawing conclusions from just one month is speculative and not prudent. When several months continue to show increases over past years months, conclusions can be drawn. But lodging does continue to be strong with a good percentage of that from SRTs. Restaurant and bars are up and down almost monthly varying as much as $5k from month to month and that sometimes is reflective of the season.(It is unfortunate that we cannot get data for individual businesses. The tax information is confidential by law because it could give competitors and advantage when they saw what other businesses were doing)+++++++++++
ARTICLES OF INCORPORATIONCupid Moonbeam LLC29 E. Laundry Hill RdLouise AndrollaRed Enterprises LLC15 Brewery Ave.Shawn EddingtonKaryn HardtYouNameIt & More LLC103 Center St.Carol RioesCandy & Co. LLC430 Crestview Pl.Candy ChavezSamuel Leopardi, PLLC473 Park Ave.Samuel Leopardi AUCTION706 Shattuck4/22/2025 at 12:00 PMCochise County Courthouse located at 100 Quality Hill, Bisbee,+++++++++SONORAN SUSTAINABLE ENERGYThis article from Border Chronicles is about Plan Sonora for Sustainable Energies, an ambitious energy blueprint for Mexico. The plan outlines four “backbones”: lithium extraction and battery production, solar energy, natural gas, and logistics. Investment in each of these, officials hope, will spur the development of energy- and technology-related jobs in the state. It seems to be both an energy and economic development scheme. Since it is likely that at least some of the energy being developed will be sold to the US, Cochise County will likely see the impact in the coming years.++++++++++++ONE CLOSES ANOTHER OPENSFedEx is closing its warehouse in Sierra Vista at the end of March. The move is part of a company restructuring that evaluates shipping needs and the decision came from the corporate level. It may or may not be the result of a new warehouse being build close by. The unnamed, but assumed to be an Amazon fulfillment center, will be open summer of this year. Amazon has finally confirmed that it is their building, Both spaces are located near Commercial Drive and Hwy 90. Amazon as well as Walmart, Target, and Costco seem to be positioning their corporations to take more package delivery business from the Post Office. With trumpie threatening to privatize the USPS, it is likely that rural areas will have decent package delivery and crappy letter delivery.
..............COCHISE COUNTY................
MORE LEGAL DITHERING BY SUPESAs I was saying…The county supes met in two special sessions with two different private attorneys last week in private executive sessions. What went on? Who knows because they don’t have to spill.Attorney Tim LaSota, who has defended K. Lake and other of her ilk-hmmm track record is kind of spotty, has been repping the county in the lawsuit over the jail district election issues, only one of which is alive, after numerous court decisions saying, nope, nada, go away. That issue, whether ballots should have been mailed to 10,000 inactive but registered voters, is due before the supremes in March.After that meeting……the supes met with attorney Mark Rusing about whether to retain his firm to seek damages against the county insurance pool for not providing legal help to the two supes (one former/judd, and one current/Crosby) that were charged with two felonies for interfering with an election. A second issue, whether to go after former county attorney, Brian McIntyre, for malpractice was likely discussed also. McIntyre had told the former supes they were breaking the law by delaying an administrative duty to sent election results to the sec of state. It seems that this is straight on vindictive.Then…They adjourned without saying a word about what was actually discussed.Which…Leads one to wonder wtf are they doing spending so much taxpayer dough on what seems to be a vengeful Crosby grudge.(info taken from this article in the Herald Review)+++++++++++NEW COUNTY RECORDERThe primary qualification for a new Recorder, according to the Board of Supervisors, is that they had to be someone who could win the next election. Riiiiiight! One would think competency would be the primary qualifications. What are you thinking! After a closed meeting last week, they appointed Billy Cloud to the position being vacated soon by incumbent recorder David Stevens. The board interviewed five candidates before selecting Cloud, who is perhaps best known around Cochise County as former chief of the Tombstone Marshal’s Office and former chief deputy clerk of Superior Court. Stevens announced Jan.17 that he plans to step down from the office at the end of February. This after he had just won re-election to his third term as recorder in November. Stevens has been involved with the various voting brouhahas in the past several years; all on the wrong side of them. Vaya Con Dios and don’t let the door hit you in the butt on the way out.+++++++++++THE SHERIFF TAKES $1.9 MIL FOR BORDER CRIMES ENFORCEMENTThe Sheriff’s office has a chunk of money from AZ dept of Public Service for deterrence of border crimes including drug trafficking, human smuggling and illegal immigration. The slippery slope is being stepped on.
...............THE LEGE................
I’ll have more on the 1000 bills remaining of the 1800 bills that have been introduced. Water, housing, voting rights suppression, attacks on gay people, and more. This is the best weekly rundown you can get. Go here for CEBV log of what is happening and when and for what to do about it, go here ……….Gov Hobbs quickly vetoed a republican bill that would have prohibited same day drop offs of early ballots.…………BRING BACK THE FIRING SQUAD!Drugs have been the method of choice for killing people in prisons. But there have been probs with the kind of drugs, the supply, the efficacy, and that they are really are like bad meth.So one lawmaker decided that the firing squad would be better..............BOUNTIES ON IMMIGRANTSPsssss, wanna make a quick $2500? Squeal on your neighbors, turn in immigrants for money. One of several bills dealing with immigrants that is trying to get out of committee.……..LAWMAKERS ARE LAW BREAKERS WITH IMPUNITYLegislators caught driving more than the speed limit are using their ‘immunnity’ to avoid tickets. Sen. Jake Hoffman freedom loving guy who really loves freedom so much he stifles a lot of legislation was caught doing 80 in a 65. Sen.Mark Finchem, conspiracy theorist uber alle caught doing 49 in a 30, and last year the former legislation and aptly name Justine Wadsack 70 in a 35, used the same gambit. There is a move afoot to remove immuninty for traffic offenses.…….TEENY TINY NUKES IN AZ In an effort to clear away state regulations and local zoning restrictions to make it easier to build small modular reactors to power the increasing number of energy hungry data centers, HB2774, would exempt reactors from local zoning in every county except Pima and Maricopa.……..ARE ALIENS FROM OTHER GALAXIES TRULY IMMIGRANTS? Sen. Mark Finchem and Rep. Leo Biasiucci, both Arizona Republicans, are getting some important work done preventing aliens from shaping national policy, the Arizona Mirror’s Jerod MacDonald-Evoy reports. The March conference Finchem and Biasiucci are attending will cover cryptocurrency, chemtrail conspiracy theories and “collaboration between Space Force and the Galactic Federation.” Both Republican lawmakers speaking at the event spoke at a QAnon convention in 2021.
........MUSK + TRUMP..........
Ed note: I will be occasionally summing up what is going on with muskie/trumpie and the resistance. As best I can keep up that is. TEN REASONS FOR MODEST OPTIMISMThis article from Robert Reich is one of the better chronicling the 10 ways there is resistance to what is going on. “Make no mistake: Trump, Vance, and Musk continue to be an indiscriminate wrecking ball that has already caused major destruction and will continue to weaken and isolate America. But their takeover has been slowed. Their plan was based on doing so much, so fast that the rest of us would give in to negativity and despair. They want a dictatorship built on hopelessness and fear.That may have been the case initially, but we can take courage from the green shoots of rebellion now appearing across America and the world. As several of you have pointed out, successful resistance movements maintain hope and a positive vision of the future, no matter how dark the present.”++++++++++from Heather Cox Richardson’s newsletterTalking about growing resistance to musket/trumpie…”This sparked outrage among Americans who noted that Musk has spent 24 hours tweeting more than 220 times and engaged in public fights with two of the mothers of his children while allegedly running companies and overhauling the government, while Trump spent at least 12 nights at Mar-a-Lago in his first 29 days in office. S.V. Date of HuffPost noted on February 18 that Trump has played golf at one of his own properties on 9 of his first 30 days in office and that Trump’s golf outings had already cost the American taxpayer $10.7 million.” Given these reports a legitimate question might be is EM sniffing some of that fentanyl stuff? And is it true that trumpie does not want to leave ml cause the wind might disrupt his combover showing that growing bald spot?++++++++++BUYING CITIZENSHIPTrumpie is offering US residency and a path to citizenship to investors who pay $5 million, offering a new avenue for legal immigration even as he cracks down on undocumented migrants. He said the program, dubbed the “gold card,” would launch in two weeks and offer green card privileges, without the vetting. Commerce Secretary Howard Lutnick said it’ll replace the current EB-5 visas, which are available to people who spend about $1 million on a company that employs at least 10 people.(Bloomberg)++++++++++++THE ‘THROW CACA AGINST THE WALL TO SEE WHAT STICKS’ LEGAL STRATEGY OF trumpie et al. “…what is playing out through a veneer of chaos is a deliberate and organized tactical program to undertake actions that provoke a raft of lawsuits, some of which could become good vehicles for establishing a constitutional vision in which the President has sole authority over the entire executive branch.”From the New Yorker…what is behind trump’s legal strategy++++++++++++FED IN AZ ON PINS AND NEEDLESThere are 38,000 federal employees in Arizona and another 95,000 ‘Annuitants’ who are people that are retired fed employees, widows, or investors. Some, it’s unknown yet, of these people will be affected by the precision chain saw cuts to to federal government agencies.++++++++++WTF?The White House said the head of the Department of Government Efficiency DODGEY I call it—the wide-ranging federal cost-cutting initiative associated with Elon Musk— is a little-known official named Amy Gleason. The White House said in a recent court filing that the the rich boy is a senior adviser to President Donald Trump, and not a DOGE employee.+++++++++++++AN EXPLANATION OF THE POLITICAL TENDENCIES WITHIN MAGAIn this interview with Quinn Slobodia, he details what he thinks is going on behind all the firings and agency gutting. “I think it’s helpful to kind of dispel some of the fog of war and the sort of chaotic, anarchistic impressions that we’re getting out of Washington these days, with a sense of what the actual lineages are of the political projects we’re seeing unfolding here, because I think, and what I wrote about in the piece, is I think there’s basically three somewhat distinct political projects underway here that haven’t really had the chance to weave together and have the space close to power the way that they have now in the past.The first one is the idea that the government should be run like a corporation, right?The second one is a “Christian conservative sort of think tank vision of deconstructing the administrative state, not to make it more efficient and to cost cut to get to more efficiency and sort of productivity, but because you think certain things that the government has been doing are fundamentally illegitimate.”And the third one is, “…the idea is that you don’t just sort of trim the state or kind of streamline it, but you shatter it altogether. And so, there’s a vision of total decentralization of sovereignty, back to smaller kind of fortified private enclaves.”A longer article is at The New York Review and is mostly paywalled.
................EVERYTHING ELSE................
AI, short for Artificial Intelligence, is moving into every conceivable space including border security. The competition is fierce for the billions of dollars available for ‘securing the border’ with some uses definitely usurping privacy rights. This newsletter is helpful to keep up with what is going on in many fields. Speaking of AI can it be used to write grants? It could help. Go here for an article that explains what, how, why, and who.
.............. WORD...............
GROANERS… puntentional, used in a sentence to describe an unintentional pun…People who can’t tell the difference between entomology and etymology bug me in ways I can’t put into words… What’s the difference between a well dressed man on a bicycle and a badly dressed man on a tricycle? Attire… I bought a book on antigravity. I couldn't put it down… Becoming a funeral director is quite a grave undertaking - a monumental task.… It was an emotional wedding. Even the cake had tiers.… Which cheese is not yours? Nacho cheese (speak it out loud)… I was trying to come up a pun about a country but I can't. The struggle Israel.… what do you call a place where everyone's a writer? A writer's block.… What do you call a girl with one leg that's shorter than the other? Ilene.A Buddhist walks up to a hot dog stand and says "Make me one with everything." Then The Buddhist hands the vendor a $20 and the vendor puts it in his pocket. When the Buddhist asks for his change the vendor replies, "Change comes from within." The Buddhist then pulls out a pistol from inside his robes. The vendor says "But brother, what about inner peace?" and the Buddhist replies "This is my inner piece!"… two birds are sitting on a perch and one says “Do you smell fish?”
Wire subscriptions are free and will remain so. However, I would be grateful for your donation to offset the cost of subscriptions to the many news sites I utilize. Use the QR code for Zelle with my email (bisbeewire@gmail.com) or send a check made out to fred miller, 39 Hazzard, 85603. Thank you.And a big thank you to 45+ who have already supported the Wire with contributions. I truly appreciate your support and comments.