On this gorgeoso superbowl Sunday where I have, ahem, the Patriots in ze big pool, life is good.
................................ COUNCIL AGENDA
Background here:
Of Interest:
CBDG block grant
The council will vote to forbid any entities from adding flouride to any water supply used in Bisbee.
Rate structure analysisClarification of the authority of the Design rezoning on Cochise Row
· Introduction of new Police Officers
1. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: Subject to availability of funds
2. Approval of the Consent Agenda
A. Approval of the Minutes of the Work Session of the Mayor and Council held on September 12, 2017 at 5:30pm.
B. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Session of the Mayor and Council held on September 19, 2017 at 7:00pm.
C. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Session of the Mayor and Council held on December 5, 2017 at 7:00pm.
D. Approval of the Minutes of the Work Session of the Mayor and Council held on December 19, 2017 at 5:01pm.
E. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Session of the Mayor and Council held on December 19, 2017 at 7:00PM
F. Approval of the Resignation of Thomas Morehouse from the Planning and Zoning Commission.
G. Approval of the Resignation of Mary Ferguson from the Police and Fire Advisory Committee and the Library Advisory Board.
H. Approval of the Appointment of Denise Loth to the iBisbee Committee.
I. Approval of the Appointment of Laura Morgan to the Bisbee Arts Commission.
3. Presentation by Rachael Hudson, Outreach Coordinator Local First Arizona regarding Bisbee Localist Campaign.
Rachel Hudson, Outreach Coordinator Local First Arizona
4. Discussion and Possible Action: Public Hearing regarding the Community Development Block Grant Funds for Fiscal Year 2018 to gather citizen input on the use of the CDBG funds.
Bonnie Williams, SEAGO
5. Discussion and Possible Approval of Resolution R-18-02; Support of the Paris Accord Agreement.
David M. Smith, Mayor
6. Discussion and Possible Approval of the Notice of Intent to Adopt Ordinance O-18-01; Amending Chapter 9, Article 9.5 of the Bisbee City Code entitled Fluoride in the City Water System, Authorizing and Directing not to provide any Fluoride to water being Distributed in the Water Supply System.
Gabe Lindstrom, Councilmember Ward II
7. Public Hearing and Discussion and Possible Approval of the Notice of Intent to Adopt Ordinance O-18-02; to conditionally Rezone Parcel 102-05-097G, owned by Kimberly Blanck, from R-1 to R-3.
Joe Ward, Zoning Inspector
8. Public Hearing and Discussion and Possible Approval of the Notice of Intent to Adopt Ordinance O-18-03; to clarify the Design Review Board’s Authority regarding the Demolition or Movement of Buildings in the Historic District.
Joe Ward Zoning Inspector
9. Discussion and Possible Approval of the Notice of Intent to Adopt Ordinance O-18-04, Dissolving the Committee on Disability Issues
David M. Smith, Mayor
10. Discussion and Possible Approval to Lease a new printer from RICHO for the Copper Queen Library at a cost of $92.41 per month.
Andy Haratyk, Public Works Director
11. Discussion and Possible Approval of a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Bisbee and Bisbee Unified School District No. 2 regarding the Copper Queen Library Outreach at the Middle School.
Andy Haratyk, Public Works Director
12. Discussion and Possible Approval of the Emergency Installation of chain link fence to secure the City Hall Building.
Andy Haratyk, Public Works Director
13. Discussion and Possible Approval to Amend the existing Contract for Services with the City of Douglas to Extend the contract for one year beginning October 1, 2018 and ending September 30, 2019.
Andy Haratyk, Public Works Director
14. Discussion and Possible Approval of an Agreement with SeeClickFix for Workflow Management software.
Robert Smith, City Manage
15. Discussion and Possible Approval of a Letter of Engagement with Willdan Financial Services/Economists.com.
Robert Smith, City Manager
16. City Manager's Report:
COUNCIL COMMENTS OR FUTURE AGENDA ITEM SUGGESTIONS: (Council members may suggest topics for future meeting agendas, but Council will not here discuss, deliberate or take any action on these topics.):
· Councilmember Dunn would like to comment on the Kiosk at the Evergreen Cemetery
· Councilmember Hansen would like to comment on the Ward II Council Members booth at the Farmer’s Market.
The State of the City Town Hall is on February 15th from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. @ the Senior Center. This is the time to put rumors to rest, to ask the Mayor questions, and generally get your self informed.
Whoops I neglected to mention the following exercise classes that are at the Bisbee Library and St. Johns. The Library is gradually expanding to become a gathering place for all sorts of activities. St. Johns has long been an active center for community events.
The Library
Hatha Yoga Tuesdays 11:00
Pre-school Yoga Thursday 1:00
Qi Gong energy Healing Wednesdays 10:00
Beginning Mid-eastern Belly Dance Tuesday noon
Dance at St. Johns
fmi: Rita 845-304-0412
Beginning dance Tuesday 6-7
Modern dance Wednesday 5-6
Beginning/intermediate 6-7 Wednesday 6-7
................... CORRECTIONS
A few corrections to the workout schedules I posted last issue. The Monday night Yoga class is kaput.
And there is aerobics every M, W and Fri (not just Monday) from 8:30 to 9:30 am at St. Pats Catholic church, 100 Quality Hill, . (thanks Jane)
So, if you're at St. Pats, as you get your body moving, you might be moved-given you're in a place where some mighty transgressors have pleaded guilty- to confess some of your many sins-you know you gottem! such as; Jesus! I hate exercise. (And although this is a exceedingly tenuous association, what's new for me, writing the words St. Pats conjured up one of my fave Tom Lehrer songs, The Vatican Rag. For your enjoyment a lil blasphemy..
First you get down on your knees
Fiddle with your rosaries
Bow your head with great respect
And genuflect, genuflect, genuflect!
Do whatever steps you want,
if you've cleared them with the Pontiff
Everybody say his own Kyrie eleison
Doing the Vatican Rag
Get in line in that processional
Step into that small confessional
There, the guy who's got religion'll
Tell you if your sin's original
If it is, try playing it safer
Drink the wine and chew the wafer
Two, four, six, eight
Time to transubstantiate!
A Herald Review article on Will Nathan's new store Objects Limited and interesting hotel concept, in the Woolworth building at 29 Main.
Trip Advisor 28 Great American Small Cities
Arizona Daily Star has an article about artist Gretchen Baer and her art
work with Naco kids. http://tucson.com/news/state-and-regional/bisbee-artist-s-program-brings-american-musicians-and-mexican-children/article_45b6cfd8-f141-5114-976d-b4bee2e2bbaa.html
Cronkite news....Tin Town Resource Center & Garden
Chocolate Tasting Saturday Feb 10.
For the 27th annual Bisbee's commercial and home bakers donate 1000's of pieces of chocolate delicacies for ticket holders at this ever popular event. Guests can bid in a Silent Auction and throw their names into a Raffle, as well. $10 bucks 6-9pm at Central School.
Sharon Stetter (602)284-9551 is collecting art for the auction. If you have a piece you would like to donate please contact her. A good opportunity to refresh your house.
(My two cents...I think their prices are too low for what you get and the effort from the bakers. Should be $15 or $18, after all its a fund raiser.)
The Community Church of Warren will be hosting a Chili and Chocolate Dessert Dinner on Wednesday, Feb. 14 (Valentine's Day) from 11:00am to 1:00pm and from 4:30pm to 6;30pm. All are welcome and a donation will be accepted. There will be vegan options and take-out is available. Come and enjoy a hearty meal with dessert. The address is: 201 Arizona Street
A short humor piece about vintage clothing ghosts in the New Yorker mag got me ruminating-chewing my cud as it were-about this...
I've been kind of a clothes horse much of my life. I picked out my own clothes at an early age (and paid for!) and continue to do so. I liked to dress. Still do.
In the past 45 years or so most of the outer clothes, other than work clothes, I have worn have been vintage, usually from the 40 and 50's. When I was working in the woods in the 70's and 80's, I went to small Oregon and Washington towns where I scoured vintage & thrift shops, estate and garage sales for threads, ties, and cuff links. Later, after moving to San Francisco I continued my searches. I've worn natural fabrics for a long time before it was au courant. Men's frivolous fashion trends-and there were scads-came and went, but I stayed with vintage. (Anyone remember the 70's Cleavers, pants in which a man's genitals were outlined in a socklike codpiece outside the pants?) And I confess; there was some vanity as well as rebellion against uniformity and blandness of men's clothes. I wasn't a popinjay, but I looked as good as I could.
My wardrobe-a funny name for a collection of clothes, and mine, according to Anita, is much too plentiful-still contains some long and short sleeved vintage, and I have a small collection of ties that I wear at work, but clothing has become more difficult to find and the prices are high for good condition men's stuff. And, ahem, there is that fact that my once lean sinewy body has changed significantly.
I never thought of the ghosts in the material as this article spoofs, I was just wearing a dead guy's clothes. However I have often speculated about the men who wore those reverse double and even triple pleated pants (reverse pleats fold outwards and forward pleats fold inwards) and, the sensually soft-on-my-skin drapey sublimely colored gabardine shirts, the beautiful patterned ties, and thick n thin socks in startlingly vivid colors.
....Was this guy a steelworker out on the town with his uptown threads, or maybe he wore this while shopping for groceries? Was this shirt from a jazz musician blowing notes in the early am in LA? Perhaps a woman appropriated this from her partner. Or maybe a dandy with watch, bracelet, rings, hat, and tie to match. Did this guys' wife buy his clothes? Did he have a closet-full of these pastels-maybe he was also in the closet? Did this man have dozens of french cuff shirts in his closet or just the one that he wore with these outrageous blingy cufflinks? Did these men feel as solid as I did when out on the town?
I've pondered over why some men surrender, or refuse to make, decisions about what they wear. After all, clothes are somewhat an expression of a person. Oddly enough, I've never asked a man about this. (Or this heretical brickbat-did some women transfer their affection for dressing dolls to their pliable boyfriend/husbands? )
I've whittled down my possessions in the past decade, selling most of the 200 pairs of cufflinks and tie tacks and many of the 150 ties that I had accumulated. At one time I had 50 gabs of varying hues, but time has taken its toll on these 70 year old textiles. While some shirts have gotten too small (or maybe me too big), stains and rips have claimed others. However I cling to the shirts and few pair of pants remaining, unwilling to succumb to the inevitable trudge of time. "So you went vintage-clothes shopping—good for you! It’s an economical and environmentally friendly choice that often yields totally unique outfits. You are saving the planet while being a true original. Way to go, you! Also, there are ghosts in your clothes.
Don’t worry. There are ghosts everywhere, all the time. But the ones who just happen to be stuck in your clothes come with backstories that you might want to know a little bit more about, since now they’re haunting you. Here are their stories, in their own words."
According to this NYT article, a small program tucked into the new tax code may help economically distressed areas by creating Opportunity Zones. The provision allows state governors to designate 1/4 of areas that are census define low income/high poverty areas in the state as Opportunity Zones.
"The law creates “Opportunity Zones,” which will use tax incentives to draw long-term investment to parts of America that continue to struggle with high poverty and sluggish job and business growth. The provision is the first new substantial federal attempt to aid those communities in more than a decade..."
A copy of the new tax law; an illustration of simplifying the tax code. Not! https://www.congress.gov/115/bills/hr1/BILLS-115hr1enr.pdf <><><><><><><><><><FM<><><<><><><><><><><><><><><><>