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Bisbee Wire/Council agenda/elections 2018 March #5

Updated: Jan 10, 2019

Hello again,

And so soon....Cado Daily, head Vulturess, pointed out a glaring mistake in my Wire this am. The Vulture parade begins at 4 pm next Saturday not 10am. Get your Vulture on this weekend. The schedule... Tues, March 6:  Comedy Birdwatching Movie, The Big Year, staring Steve Martin, at the Library. 5pm

Saturday, March 10: 10 am - 12pm Live Vultures and Kite Flying at the Farmer's Market 1-3pm Live vultures at the Copper Queen Plaza 4-5pm Street Parade 7-11pm Buzzard Bash Dance Party at the Club Kilimanjahro. The Rooks and El Trigo provide live music. Cash bar, cover. Proceeds to benefit the Bisbee Community Swimming Pool.


..................... COUNCIL AGENDA

WORK SESSION background here: Tuesday March 6 5:01 pm Building G at 1415 Melody Lane 1.      Discussion and Direction regarding changes to the City Animal Code, including the addition of provisions regarding Feral Cats. David M. Smith, Mayor

COUNCIL AGENDA background here: Tuesday March 6 7:00 pm Building G at 1415 Melody Lane







1.        ACCOUNTS PAYABLE:  Subject to availability of funds

 2.       Approval of the Consent Agenda

 A.      Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Session of Mayor and Council held on January 2, 2018 at 7:00pm

B.      Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Session of the Mayor and Council held on January 16, 2018 at 7:00pm.

C.      Approval of the Minutes of the Work Session of the Mayor and Council held on January 23, 2018 at 5:01pm. 

D.      Approval of the Appointment of William McNab to the Police and Fire Advisory Committee. 


3.        Discussion and Possible Approval of Ordinance O-18-05; Amending Zoning Code Sections 3.2, 5.2.2, 6.7, 6.14 and 9.2 to Allow Special Use Application for Alternative Lodging Parks in All Zoning Districts, Allow Rehabilitated Mobile Homes in RM Zoning District, and Clarifying Special Use Permit Language by:

1.    Amending Article 3.2 to include “Special uses that may be applied for are set forth in the Appendix, designated by blank spaces in the Uses and Zone Matrix and in the chart entitled: Special Use Permit Required.”

2.    Amending Article 6.7 to allow both manufactured homes and rehabilitated mobile homes to be placed in the RM Zone

3.    Amending Article 9.2 to include definitions for Alt Lodging Park, “Tiny Home” and for “Rehabilitated Mobile Home”.

                         Joe Ward, Zoning, Inspector


4.        Discussion and Possible Approval of Resolution R-18-04; Adopting a Residential Anti-displacement and Relocating Assistance Plan for FY18, as required under section 104(d) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974.

Bonnie Williams, SEAGO/ David M. Smith, Mayor

5.        Public Hearing and Discussion and Possible Approval of Resolution R-18-05 to Authorize the submission of an application for CDBG funds for the selected project.

Bonnie Williams, SEAGO/ David M. Smith, Mayor

6.        Discussion and Possible Approval of the Donation of Documents to the Bisbee Historical Mining & Historical Museum.

Robert E. Smith, City Manager

7.       Discussion and Possible Approval of a License Agreement between Cochise County and the City of Bisbee for the use of space in the Melody Lane Complex in the amount of $4,200 per month, until the City can move to a permanent location.

Robert E. Smith, City Manager

8.        City Manager's Report:

·         Other current events (No Discussion)

 COUNCIL COMMENTS OR FUTURE AGENDA ITEM SUGGESTIONS: (Council members may suggest topics for future meeting agendas, but Council will not here discuss, deliberate or take any action on these topics.):



Every two years they roll around. It is an opportunity to help guide the

City-we-all-love through trials, tribulations, and rewards. This modern world with an emphasis on mass markets, combined with one of the dumbest, most economic illiterate legislatures in the country, makes it ever more difficult to be a thriving rural city.

oh oh I feel a rant coming on...Among many other sins, the AZ legislature is hostile to local control as evidenced in the plastic bag ban overturn and a current effort to set elections at the state level.  They actually steal money from the Highway User Revenue Fund to plug gaps in the state budget created by giving corporations huge tax breaks. That HURF money could repair our streets. They sat on their duff while the PSPRS pension fund was mismanaged and run into the red and continue to do nothing while rural towns slowly sink into debt.

back to the council election...Opportunities abound but maintaining existing services that provide the infrastructure for realizing possibilities is difficult. And that is why council positions are critical. But it is the positive effect you can have on those possibilities that make serving on the council worthwhile. 

The following four year positions are up this year

Ward 1... Seat now occupied by Frank Davis. To my knowledge no indication of who is seeking the position.

Ward 2...Seat now occupied by Doug Dunn. Mr. Dunn has indicated via petition that he is tossing his hat in the ring again.

Ward 3...Seat now occupied by Anna Cline. To my knowledge no indication of who is seeking the position.

Mayor (a two year term)

Seat now occupied by David Smith. He has indicated he will run again. No other challengers as yet. Remains to be seen whether perennial candidate  Ronnie Oertle, will run for the umpteenth time. Unlike Harold Stassen, Mr. Oertle has won a few times.


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