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Bisbee Wire/Council Agenda/State of the City


The council meeting is tonight. We were cavorting in Tucson between doc appointments and shopping for the Inn and did not get the Wire out soon as I would have liked. 

Mayor David Smith outlined the state of the city. A summary below and a url to the whole enchilada. The monthly Bisbee Economy Wire will be out soon. And I have had a few requests for info about Tucson so will do a special issue on my take on Tucson; restaurants, lodging, driving, etc.

Also have decided to shelve the idea of a Tink Tank. Just not enough time to devote to do it right. Maybe later this year.


................................ COUNCIL AGENDA

Tuesday, February 20, 2018 at 7PM fmi: Of interest:  The 100 page audit of the city for the past fiscal year details the city's financial situation. No material difficulties were found. There were a few minor suggestions about internal controls. It's a slog, but will give you the most accurate info about the financial situation of the city as of June 30, 2017

INVOCATION:  A Moment of Silence                       






1.        ACCOUNTS PAYABLE:  Subject to availability of funds

2.       Approval of the Consent Agenda

A.      Approval of the Minutes of the Special Session of the Mayor and Council held on July 10, 2017 at 6:00pm.

B.      Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Session of the Mayor and Council held on September 5, 2017 at 7:00PM

C.      Approval of the Special Event Liquor License from Community Synergy Solutions for an event at Club Kilimanjahro, 33 E. Subway Street, Bisbee on Saturday, March 10, 2018 from 7:00pm to 11:00pm. 


3.       Discussion and Possible Approval of Ordinance O-18-01; Amending Chapter 9, Article 9.5 of the Bisbee City Code entitled Fluoride in the City Water System, Authorizing and Directing not to provide any Fluoride to water being Distributed in the Water Supply System. 

Gabe Lindstrom, Councilmember Ward II

4.       Discussion and Possible Approval of Ordinance O-18-02; to conditionally Rezone Parcel 102-05-097G, owned by Kimberly Blanck, from R-1 to R-3.

Joe Ward, Zoning Inspector

5.       Discussion and Possible Approval of Ordinance O-18-03; to clarify the Design Review Board’s Authority regarding the Demolition or Movement of Buildings in the Historic District.

Joe Ward Zoning Inspector


6.        Presentation of the City of Bisbee Annual Audit Report for the Year ended June 30, 2017 by Steven Palmer, CPA of Hinton and Burdick.

Keri Bagley, Finance Director

7.       Presentation by Carrie Gustavson on the Arts and Culture District.

David M. Smith, Mayor

8.       Presentation by Daniel S. Duchon, Sarah Bailie and Ying Zhang on the Fee/Fine Study being completed by University of Arizona Students.

Daniel Duchon, Personnel Director

9.        Public Hearing and Discussion and Possible Approval of the Notice of Intent to Adopt Ordinance O-18-05; Amending Zoning Code Sections 3.2, 5.2.2, 6.7, 6.14 and 9.2 to Allow Special Use Application for Alternative Lodging Parks in All Zoning Districts, Allow Rehabilitated Mobile Homes in RM Zoning District, and Clarifying Special Use Permit Language by:

· Amending Article 3.2 to include “Special uses that may be applied for are set forth in the Appendix, designated by blank spaces in the Uses and Zone Matrix and in the chart entitled: Special Use Permit Required.”

· Amending Article 6.7 to allow both manufactured homes and rehabilitated mobile homes to be placed in the RM Zone

· Amending Article 9.2 to include definitions for Alt Lodging Park, “Tiny Home” and for “Rehabilitated Mobile Home”.

§ Joe Ward, Zoning, Inspector

10.    Discussion and Possible Approval of the Emergency Installation of chain link fence to secure the City Hall building.

Andy Haratyk, Public Works Director

11.   Discussion and Possible Approval of Resolution R-18-03 Supporting the Bisbee Bus Transit Program and the application for funds to operate the Bisbee Bus Transit/Bus System and Authorizing the Mayor to sign all applications and grant contracts.

Andy Haratyk, Public Works Director

12.    Discussion and Possible Approval to Enter into an Agreement between Arizona Department of Homeland Security for Operation StoneGarden award #170412-02 and the Bisbee Police Department in the amount of $11,000 for overtime, employee related expenses and mileage.

Albert Echave, Chief of Police 

13.    Discussion and Possible Approval for the Bisbee Arts Commission to sponsor the Bisbee Community Chorus in the Amount of $1,000.00

Bill Higgins, Bisbee Arts Commission Liaison 

14.    Discussion and Possible Approval for the Bisbee Arts Commission to reimburse Sharon Stetter in the amount of $200.00  for the purchase of a cigarette machine which will be used for an ongoing method of fundraising.

Bill Higgins, Bisbee Arts Commission Liaison

15.    Discussion and Possible Approval of the proposed budget for the Bisbee Arts Commission fundraising event to be held May 2018

Bill Higgins, Bisbee Arts Commission Liaison

16.    City Manager's Report:


STATE OF THE CITY Mayor Smith held forth for an hour or so last week at the Senior Center talking about the state of the City. You can see the footage at In a powerpoint presentation he noted the seven campaign promises he made and gave progress. He then cited what had been done of each. From a cultural district to ambulance drivers, city employee contracts to off duty employee pay, he cited improvements, new policies, and progress.

The one area that there has been little progress has been the most vexing and the least the City can do anything about; PSPRS. There is no public progress at the legislature, nothing from the the Duce, nothing from our reps, and nothing likely to come from this lege session. Bisbee continues to have this million dollar+ drag on our budget prohibiting much of what needs to be done.

He cited substantial progress in the sewer amensty program which has brought in about $300k.And there are a substantial number of shut-offs looming for recalcitrant building owners.

He mentioned several other things improved post office lease; a committee tasked with making suggestions about what to do about city hall that will be reporting soon; Police and Fire overtime is down; Number of ambulance runs down; a new park in San Jose on school property; humane progress on dealing with opioid use;  new library program run out of that school also; a new policy and procedural manual; a new credit card use policy; an audit of the police evidence room; as well as transfers to non-profits of the animal shelter and pool operations.

All in all it was an impressive list of accomplishments with the council. Not that there isn't an uphill fiscal climb and myriad problems remain, but for the first year a very good beginning.


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