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BISBEE WIRE/Council Agendas/2018 April #15


I had about 40 bounces from the Wire sent a couple days ago (subject line: Bisbee Economy/Bisbee all the time 2018 April #14). Most of these were from cableone and q. I think it was because I had an MP3 link and a youtube link in it, but not sure. In any case, if you didn't get that Wire and you want it, let me know at and I will resend without links. It is a good look at current economic conditions in Bisbee. (If I do say so myself)

The council is busy this week with some important decision coming. Check out the PSPRS debt restructure which has some glimmerings of hope for improving cash flow on Tuesday at 5:30. Then the regular meeting at 7:00 has several items of interest; the Home Rule Option that absolutely has to be passed or we are totally screwed; the harbinger of a possible new fee schedule in the coming months; the literacy outreach person (no cost to the city) is a result of the hard work of Doug Dunn, the Bisbee Foundation and Friends of the Library to improve pre-school literacy; and an approval for road work.  The budget hearings continue with the third session happening Wednesday at 6:30. gmail has been overhauled by google and they are rolling out the changes in batches. Stay tuned, I'll have a run down soon, cause it is quite different than the current version. 

fred COUNCIL WORK SESSION Tuesday May 1 5:30 Building G 1415 Melody Lane Background here:

THE FOLLOWING ITEM WILL BE DISCUSSED AND/OR CONSIDERED AT THESE MEETINGS: 1.      Presentation by Mark Reader (Stifel) on Bisbee debt structure and possible opportunities to Re-Structure debt to free up city cashflow for use on PSPRS Liability. Robert Smith, City Manager

2. Presentation on County-wide water matters update to the City Council, potential agreement between the County and City of Bisbee for an option to purchase effluent, and potential representation by the Cochise County Attorney’s Office related to possible effluent option agreement.

Britt Hanson and Sara Ransom, Cochise County Attorney Office


COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION Tuesday May 1, 7:00 Building G 1415 Melody Lane

Background here:

INVOCATION:  A Moment of Silence                       

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MAYOR’S PROCLAMATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: ·         National Day of Prayer Proclamation CALL TO THE PUBLIC THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WILL BE DISCUSSED, CONSIDERED AND/OR DECIDED UPON AT THIS MEETING: GENERAL BUSINESS: 1.        ACCOUNTS PAYABLE:  Subject to availability of funds 2.       Approval of the Consent Agenda                                                                 A.      Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Session of Mayor and Council held on March 6, 2018 at 7:00PM. B.      Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Session of Mayor and Council held on March 20, 2018 at 7:00PM. C.     Approval of the Minutes of the Work Session of Mayor and Council held on April 3, 2018 at 5:01PM. D.     Approval of the Resignation of Peter Von Gundlach from the Airport Advisory Commission and the Streets and Infrastructure Committee. E.      Approval of the Appointment of Marie Minor to the Committee on Disability Issues. F.      Approval of the Appointment of Claire Chaffee to the Committee on Disability Issues. G.     Approval of the Appointment of Trudy Lynn to the Committee on Disability Issues. H.     Approval of the Appointment of William Crow to the Airport Advisory Commission. I.        Approval of the Appointment of Benjamin Lepley to the Streets and Infrastructure Committee. J.       Approval of an Application for an Extension of Premises/Patio Permit submitted by the Copper Queen Hotel for an Event to be held at 11 Howell Avenue, Bisbee on Friday, June 15, 2018 and Saturday June 16, 2018; Helen Lampinen, Applicant. K.     Approval of an Application for an Extension of Premises/Patio Permit submitted by the Copper Queen Hotel for an Event to be held at 11 Howell Avenue, Bisbee on Saturday, October 27, 2018 and Sunday, October 28, 2018; Helen Lampinen, Applicant. L.      Approval of an Application for an Extension of Premises/Patio Permit submitted by the Copper Queen Hotel for an Event to be held at 11 Howell Avenue, Bisbee on Monday, December 31, 2018 and on Tuesday, January 1, 2019; Helen Lampinen, Applicant.

OLD BUSINESS 3.       Discussion and Possible Approval of Ordinance O-18-08; Amending the Animal Code portion of the City Code, Article 6, and adding a Feral Cat Colony Caregiver Program. Britt Hanson, City Attorney

NEW BUSINESS 4.       Public Hearing to Consider submitting a proposal to the Voters to authorize City Expenditures in excess of the Limitations of Article IX, Section 20 of the Arizona Constitution (Home Rule Option). Keri Bagley, Finance Director

5.        Final Presentation by Sarah Bailie and Ying Zhang of the University of Arizona, reviewing the City of Bisbee Fee/Fine Study. Daniel Duchon, Personnel Director

6.        Discussion and Possible Approval of an Early Learning Outreach Specialist job Classification. Daniel Duchon, Personnel Director

7.        Discussion and Possible Approval of a conflict waiver and possible direction to the city manager to acknowledge such waiver in writing, so the Cochise County Attorney’s Office may represent the City of Bisbee in drafting and presenting for Council approval an option for Cochise County to purchase (or otherwise acquire) effluent from the City of Bisbee. Britt Hanson and Sara Ransom, Cochise County Attorney Office

8.        Discussion and Possible Approval of the purchase of a Road System to include: Mobilization, Traffic Control, Taper Milling, Pre-Treatment, Green Rubberized Polymerized Asphalt Overlay, Survey Monuments, Water Valves, Manholes Adjusted to Grade and Pavement Markings at a total cost of $456,977.29. Andy Haratyk, Public Works Director

9.        Discussion and Possible Authorization to allow Mark Reader to create a proposal to restructure WIFA, USDA, and other Municipal debt which would create available cash that would be applied to PSPRS Liability. Robert E. Smith, City Manager

10.    City Manager's Report: ·         Other current events (No Discussion)



Wednesday May 2 6:30 7:00 Building G 1415 Melody Lane

Background here:


1.      Presentation and Discussion of the Proposed Tentative Budget for Fiscal Year 2018-2019. Robert Smith, City Manager


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