editor: Fred Miller March 31, 2020 Special issue/Resources
Bisbee is sheltering in place or whatever you want to call it. So that means limiting contact with others, minimizing going out cept for essentials, reading dust covered books, looking at dopey internet sites, realizing what Newton Minnow said about a Vast Wasteland was so true, and sleeping a lot.
I put together a list of restaurants that are doing takeout and posted it on four of the Bisbee Facebook pages. Go there if hungry. Support your local businesses. (As an aside, it boggles my mind that some of these businesses do not post messages on their phones communicating the current status of their business. Silly me, I thought phones remained a serious business communication device...)
The firehose of information continues, with an emphasis on COVID-19 aka, the Trump Virus. Tons of info for this rapidly changing situation. So this issue is an incomplete list of what I hope is the most useful practices and sites that will; make you safer, get a job, file unemployment, file taxes, get a business bailout, find more resources, stay active online, look at each other on your computer screen, help you scientifically understand the Trump virus. It wouldn't be complete without references to the many Trump lies and why he has blood on his hands that no amount of hand sanitizer will get it off.
If we have to be homebound it is a charmed period we can spend the time with CharlieParker, our new goldendoodle puppy. He is coming along fine. At 10 weeks he understands NO! about 2% of the time, up from 1% a week ago. Going outside to make the poopus has increased to about 75%. The number of gashes on our hands and arms has decreased in direct proportion to his increased understanding of NO, DOWN, OFF, and GET OUT OF THERE YOU LITTLE FUCKER. We have taken him on play dates several times and while they have shown little interest in him while he dances around gnawing at their feet, it still is good socialization. He has also trained a few people to take him for walks other than us,(and give him treats) which is a good sign.
REDUCING RISK WHEN GROCERY SHOPPING OR BRINGING HOME TAKE OUT This vid will show you how to be as safe as possible. Likely the most safety conscious tips you will get. Also a big pain where there is no window. https://laughingsquid.com/reducing-risk-of-infection-when-grocery-shopping/ Tips: Plan what you are going to buy before going to store, buy about 1-2 weeks worth of food to minimize going back to the store When shopping in the market,first sterilize cart, Commit to buying the product, don't just handle it and put back don't shop when sick Maintain six foot distance wherever possible. Shop at off hours to minimize contact When bringing in groceries or take out... Wash hands before anything else....
On your counter or table before unloading, divide the surface in half, sterilize one side with any standard disinfectant so it is 'clean' the other side is dirty;
Put groceries/take out bags on dirty side. Take out any containers and wipe down with disinfectant and put on clean side. take contents out of cardboard boxes (cereal etc) that may have been touched but leave contents in bag that hasn't been touched in many hours, and then discard cardboard;
Wash each piece of fruit for 20 seconds with soap/water and then rinse.
When getting take out, hot foods better than cold or room temp;
Put take out on dirty side. Food is ok cause heat minimizes of kills virus. But wrappers a problem cause been touched in past 24 hours so shake food onto clean plate, discard wrappers and sauce containers;
micowave food for a short time;
Frozen foods, virus can live in cold for many months.take out, defrost and cook.
@@@@@@@@@ RESOURCES
In no particular order, lots of stuff here for your situation. Please note below the deadline for charitable contributions remains April 15, although filing date has been reset to July 15. SMALL BUSINESS RESOURCES/LOCAL FIRST https://www.localfirstaz.com/covidresources ................. SMALL BUSINESS RELIEF FOR 0-3 EMPLOYEES/LOCAL FIRST https://www.localfirstaz.com/small-business-relief-fund?inf_contact_key=ca870ee5e568f1a483385ded893f0566842e902fbefb79ab9abae13bfcb46658 ................. SMALL BUSINESS GUIDE FOR THE BAILOUT BILL/US CHAMBER Pay Check Protection, Economic Injury Disaster Loan info https://www.uschamber.com/co/start/strategy/cares-act-small-business-guide?inf_contact_key=b757a7e9eebde5a616ff58b701e45978b7af0999dac2af6212784c39e05d2aef ................. WEEKLY WEBINAR FOR ARIZONA SMALL BUSINESSES https://www.localfirstaz.com/events/weekly-updates-with-thomas-barr-amp-ty-largo?inf_contact_key=e0a9a5d953a633e20bf6d90b1782cd0db7af0999dac2af6212784c39e05d2aef ................. SMALL BUSINESS LOANS https://disasterloan.sba.gov/ela/. covid19relief.sba.gov/ .................
Unemployment Insurance Benefits: Access online Unemployment Insurance (UI) Benefits resources, report your weekly claim, and information about benefits. https://des.az.gov/services/employment/unemployment-individual >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Use this handy calculator to figure out just how much of your own money you will be getting https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/business/coronavirus-stimulus-check-calculator/?utm_campaign=wp_politics_pm&utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&wpisrc=nl_politics-pm >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> POSSIBLE RELIEF FOR BARTENDERS There may be some temporary grant relief for bartenders. Go here for details: https://www.usbgfoundation.org/beap. YOu do not have to be a member of the US Bartenders Guild to apply.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ RESOURCES FOR DOING SOMETHING... This is a long list of resources for organizing and activism during social distancing. Don't hesitate to reach out if you notice any resources that have become out of date and should be removed. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jnu4owP3CujkQFlnTDpnqT6cDKtJLYv2Ysqxz8OXvfE/edit ..................... ZOOM for ONLINE MEETINGS This is an online meeting site, it's not too techie to use and is useful way to keep in contact with others. What is needed: An email account A computer or phone with a camera and microphone. An internet or data connection Scheduling your own Zoom meetings: You can create a free Zoom account to host your own meetings at https://zoom.us/. Note that free accounts include unlimited time for meetings of 3 or less people including yourself, and 40 minutes for 4 or more. Paid accounts have additional features but the free account is sufficient for many types of meetings. Read the Zoom Quick Guide for Hosts for tips about managing attendees during a Zoom meeting. Additional guidance: Zoom video tutorials with these being the most useful for people new to Zoom: What is a Zoom meeting? Joining a Zoom call Managing meeting controls Getting started Mac or PC - other online resources A zoom tutorial for virgins https://docs.google.com/document/d/11SOI2RQB5KbaLNvwNvgWH9SzTGGVzTZJEhjLxw-AJyQ/edit?ts=5e6fa9a4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> THE PARTICULARS OF THE $2 TRILLION STIMULUS BILL So several billion here, a couple hundred billion there; pretty soon they be talking about real money. There was not a hint of discussion about where this money would come from although I would think that the US bureau of printing and engraving is about to get a workout. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/03/26/senate-stimulus-bill-coronavirus-2-trillion-list-what-is-in-it/?utm_campaign=wp_politics_am&utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&wpisrc=nl_politics
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< FILING DATE FOR ARIZONA INCOME TAX NOW JULY 15 A three month extension for filing AZ income tax is now in effect. However the department said that taxpayers who already have set up electronic payments can cancel them and select a new, later date. A person may cancel a payment then schedule it for a later date by going to https://www.aztaxes.gov/Home/CancelPaymentIndividual/.The department will process paper checks when received and won't hold them until a later date. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Immediate Employment Opportunities If you are an employer and have urgent hiring needs, please reach out directly to Becky Blaine, Deputy Director, Arizona Office of Tourism at bblaine@tourism.az.gov or 602-245-8524 to have your jobs added to this page at no cost. For Jobs in Arizona Hospitals: The Arizona Hospital and Healthcare Association has job listings statewide. Use this link to search jobs: https://careers.azhealthjobs.com/
For housekeeping positions, use keyword "clean" and location "Arizona" to filter
For food service positions, use keyword "food" and location "Arizona" to filter
For security positions, use keyword "security" and location "Arizona" to filter
For Food Service and Customer Service/Front Office Staff: Qwick is an on-demand staffing platform in Maricopa County that connects vetted hospitality professionals with businesses that need workers. Follow the steps at app.qwick.com to sign up as a Professional and use code PHXFB. Watch this video tutorial for how to sign up as a hospitality Professional with Qwick. Qwick will be launching virtual orientations to keep everyone safe during the on-boarding process this week. Once you sign up with Qwick, they’ll text you as soon as virtual orientations open up. Qwick is also filtering applications with these promo codes to a designated team on our workforce project and will work quickly to place them with jobs. Employers who are currently hiring are in the customer service, grocery and delivery sectors. For Housekeeping Staff: We are working with the seven major hospitals in Maricopa County as well as the Arizona grocery stores that urgently need cleaning crews. Please register here to be contacted for employment or sign up for Qwick at app.qwick.com with code PHXCLEAN. Watch this video tutorial for how to sign up as cleaning staff with Qwick. Albertsons and Safeway in are Arizona looking to hire 1000 in-store employees and delivery drivers immediately. Positions are in all areas of the store - apply online. Circle K has immediate positions available statewide - positions can be searched by area at https://workwithus.circlek.com/ or text "CIRCLEK" to 97211 For Hotel Security Staff: The Arizona grocers will be hiring security for grocery stores around the state. If you are interested in security work, please go to this link to register your interest: Go to www.proem.org Go to the “Jobs” Tab Click on Hospitality Security Guard to complete application Once you apply, a Recruiter will contact you within 24 hours for next steps Arizona Department of Corrections Rehabilitation & Reentry has full-time positions available in the following areas:
Administrative & Clerical Support
Correctional Education Program Teachers
Skilled Crafts and Trades
Information Technology
Accounting and Purchasing
Apply online at: www.azstatejobs.gov
*Once the main job board opens, use the drop-down menu "Agency" and select Department of Corrections.Call 602-542-7572 to speak to a recruiter or use this link to sign up for testing. https://corrections.az.gov/correctional-officer-careers Minimum Qualifications:
High school diploma or GED
18 years of age
Valid AZ license
No felony convictions
Proof of legal residency
Customer Service/Guest Relations/IT staff: Valor Global Call Center is hiring immediately: Valor is an Arizona-based award-winning and industry leader in providing support solutions including service desk, tech support, and customer care solutions delivered 24/7. Apply for work from home positions from their website: https://www.valorglobal.com/careers/ Additional Resources: For resume assistance or training resources please reach out to: workforce.council@oeo.az.gov Arizona Job Connection: Login to the Arizona Job Connection website to create your online resume and search thousands of job openings throughout the state. Search from home, your mobile device, or in an ARIZONA@WORK resource room near you. Our ARIZONA@WORK workforce specialists are available to assist you with registering on Arizona Job Connection and to help you search for jobs. https://www.azjobconnection.gov/ada/r/job_seeker >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DEADLINE FOR CHARITY/SCHOOL CREDIT DONATIONS REMAINS APRIL 15 Not only qualified charities but public schools can get tax credits. I urge you to send them a check and deduct the same amount from your Arizona taxes. While the filing date for state income tax has been extended three months to July 15, the deadline for the charity-related tax credits is set by state law and will remain April 15, the state Department of Revenue said. Several types of organizations may be gifted, they are: QCO (Qualifying Charity Organizations, see below) The maximum credit allowed is $800 for married filing joint filers and $400 for single, heads of household, and married filing separate filers. The tax credit is claimed on Form 321 Public School Tax Credits The maximum credit allowed is $400 for married filing joint filers and $200 for single, heads of household and married filing separate filers. The public school tax credit is claimed by the individual taxpayer on Form 322. Taxpayers must use the “QCO Code. Arizona Department of Revenue now requires taxpayers report the school’s County Code, Type Code, and District Code & Site Number (CTDS) number on Form 322 CSTO (Certified School Tuition Organizations) (charter schools) (none in Bisbee) CFCO (Qualifying Foster Charity Organizations) (none in Bisbee) Qualifying charity organizations in Bisbee: Bisbee Coalition for the Homeless PO Box 5393 code 20232 Boys and Girls Club of Bisbee 405 Arizona Street code 20346 Community Montessori School of Bisbee 1900 S Naco Highway code 21009 Premier Alliances code 1556 S. Naco Hwy 20422 St. Vincent de Paul- St. Patrick Bisbee Conference P O Box 164, code 22185 Step Up Bisbee-Naco PO Box 1554 code 20934 Verhelst House PO Box 4098 code 20496 The complete statewide list is at: https://azdor.gov/tax-credits Public School Tax Credits (all Bisbee Unified school District) Bisbee High School 020202201 Bisbee Middle School 020202107 Greenway Primary School 020202103 Lowell School 020202105 Organizations may find criteria for qualifying for tax credits here: https://azdor.gov/tax-credits/certification-qcos-and-qfcos TRUMPOSITY THE SCIENCE OF THE TRUMP VIRUS https://science.sciencemag.org/content/early/2020/03/24/science.abb3221/tabpdf?fbclid=IwAR1U4i9ZQUiTzzdiNWaqkQHABIV2_iwphTofToYdAr3mTowVrQbFJVSH5nQ DAILY MAPPING OF THE TRUMP VIRUS This could be a death watch if you are into morbid...this map from USA Facts is a daily check on the spread of the Trump Virus. https://usafacts.org/visualizations/coronavirus-covid-19-spread-map/?utm_source=MailChimp&utm_campaign=census-covid2 .................... TRUMPS LIES ABOUT COVID-10 https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/03/trumps-lies-about-coronavirus/608647/ Copyright © 2020 Bisbee Wire, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website. Our mailing address is: Bisbee Wire
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